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21 May 2019
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife Yeah, I woulda liked to get in on the multiple choice thing, I love stuff like that, but I have already given my opinion. x3 06:25:09
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK To add a couple of other bits to my thoughts on piracy (nothing to do with the survey just sharing) 08:20:14
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK If a game is reasonably priced and I know I like it, it's less hassle to pay for it and get the automatic updates, not worry about game cracks etc 08:20:33
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK Was it gaben who said piracy is a service issue, not a price one? I'd agree with that to a large degrer6 08:21:10
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK Like music I have next to no reason to pirate because I have Spotify. In fact less so because its the hassle of sorting playlists and syncing all this shit across multiple devices, vs just using Spotify wherever 08:22:25
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK Can't think of the last time I pirated a game and finished it. Either I bail on the game or buy it 08:23:27
@_discord_83207598962114560:t2bot.ioGwenBlanketKnight peopel are gettign so sucekd into the relationship drama they are forgettign the nudes from young teens 09:55:14
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife Apparently Holly has evidence that they aren't from young teens and of-age people.

But it's real rich considering the account has been deleted from tumblr.
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife But it's a mess because Jared blocked Heidi, Holly's stcking up for Jared, and Heidi apparently knew of the cheating, or open relationship for months. 10:05:47
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrifeRedacted or Malformed Event10:09:02
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife At this point, I'm literally just tuning it out because if you play the "Who is most trustworthy to tell the truth?" the answer is "literally none of them" thanks to their own fuckin' words/actions, ignoring all allegations. x3 10:09:18
@_discord_83207598962114560:t2bot.ioGwenBlanketKnight yee 10:22:02
@_discord_160194024177795072:t2bot.ioiHM01myself<3#7675 joined the room.10:55:37
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 Was it gaben who said piracy is a service issue, not a price one?
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK That's the one 11:13:20
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 StormyStrife how'dTalon go 11:20:53
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 Do you have the 6DOF bug yet 11:29:44
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife 6DOF bug? 11:35:23
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife Also it's fucking tight, and also really tough to get the hang of. 11:35:36
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife Tho, some weapons are kinda bad imo, but it mostly depends on the map itself. Things like the Railguide suck in closed-quarters maps, but it dominates in the open air and space areas to a literal overwhelming amount. 11:37:56
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife I just wish anyone was playing it in Arena mode. It'd be much more fun with people to fight, instead of AI. 11:41:03
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 Six degrees of freedom 11:45:27
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 6DOF 11:45:31
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 The shooter subgenre that has maybe a dozen games in it over the span of as many years 11:46:41
@_discord_156912125271343104:t2bot.ioLothusMarque Descent has always been a favorite of mine. I'll probably pick this game up later in part to encourage the dev. It's not really a surprise that there haven't been many of this type of game, both because of control being difficult to get right and because you have to find a good way to justify the mechanic, too. (Vs just a guy in a suit running with a gun) 11:55:21
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 I miss Shattered Horizon 12:06:52
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 Literally astronauts in Earth orbit fighting over space stations 12:07:26
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 Descent style games seem pretty good for VR if you can keep motion sickness under wraps lol 17:02:22
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 good luck 17:05:35
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 those games cause motion sickness for a lot of people even on ancient 800x600 CRT monitors =P 17:06:04

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