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21 May 2019
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 If people can handle Elite dangrous, I think folks can handle desecent 17:06:32
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 not everyone but some haha 17:06:34
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 (frankly I still think there's an argument to be made along the lines of "just use HOTAS") 17:06:45
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 (something about a stick is unusually grounding when experiencing a lot of motion) 17:07:04
@_discord_156912125271343104:t2bot.ioLothusMarque I need to figure out which VR system I want and just get it. e.e 17:28:54
@_discord_167070056415625217:t2bot.ioEvilBobtheALMIGHTY Do you want to fuck the anime girl 17:46:50
@_discord_167070056415625217:t2bot.ioEvilBobtheALMIGHTY Vive 17:46:55
@_discord_167070056415625217:t2bot.ioEvilBobtheALMIGHTY Do you want to be in public 17:46:56
@_discord_167070056415625217:t2bot.ioEvilBobtheALMIGHTY Android VR 17:47:01
@_discord_167070056415625217:t2bot.ioEvilBobtheALMIGHTY Do you not mind being actively harvested of your digital soul by a creepy reptilian Overlord who thrives on your information? 17:47:48
@_discord_167070056415625217:t2bot.ioEvilBobtheALMIGHTY Oculus Rift 17:48:00
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 PS VR is pretty good too, and I've seen it be used for PC stuff, so its another option 17:49:16
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 Nobody talks about samsung gear anymore xD 17:49:28
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 If I had the cash, I'd go for occulus quest. Unless there is another company that has a good wireless one rocking 17:50:18
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 because that's my big thing. Wires would bug the hell out of me 17:50:31
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 headlines ten years from now: Wireless VR Headsets Cause Brain Cancer 17:57:23
@_discord_102221627965579264:t2bot.ioVysetron if hypnospace outlaw taught me anything, it's that headsets will give you beefbrain 17:57:44
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 reminds me of this bit 18:00:17
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hsAnxyOH88 18:00:19
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 fuckin' dihydrogen monoxide 18:02:44
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 "Gay man receives therapy from Kermit, the last frog uncorrupted by the chemicals in the water" 19:04:56
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHpvI8oGsuQ 19:05:10
@_discord_256193100039323659:t2bot.ioplasmarob loved that video 21:10:43
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 milo cleans up well tbh 22:55:46
@_discord_156912125271343104:t2bot.ioLothusMarque Re: vr set, I've been looking at either the Vive or one of the WMR headsets. Mostly because of screen resolution. I'm a bit iffy on the wmr hand tracking, as they have out-of-view issues, but... 23:05:37
@_discord_156912125271343104:t2bot.ioLothusMarque I'm not all that interested in the Quest 23:05:57
22 May 2019
@_discord_254725356110610434:t2bot.ioR Kelliot Rodgerunknown.png
Download unknown.png
@_discord_254725356110610434:t2bot.ioR Kelliot Rodger v important conversation between me and Vysetron 00:05:06
@_discord_102221627965579264:t2bot.ioVysetron I stand by every goddamn word 00:05:14
@_discord_254725356110610434:t2bot.ioR Kelliot Rodger >fuck you and fuck japan 00:05:18

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