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23 May 2019
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 changed their display name from Chimp Hockey Enthusiast to DocBray.19:46:44
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK Maybe he wants in on that sweet Christian Minecraft server action? 21:14:02
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK Frick yeah 21:14:15
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK Did my gay little Eu vote today, voted for Tommy Robinson 21:14:21
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 Excellent choice mate 21:17:46
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 This calls for an obligatory... 21:18:11
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 OHHHH TOMMY TOMMY 21:18:15
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK My GF did too 21:20:15
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK not a massive fan of his, and I think he's not as good a spokesman against Islam as say Sam Harris or Douglas Murray. But the way he's been slandered is disgraceful, wanted to give him that little bit of support 21:20:48
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK main thing for me was a pro-brexit party. Choice was between Robinson, brexit Party or UKIP 21:21:14
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK hoping that good pro-brexit votes will put pressure on the government to get as close to no deal as posible 21:21:42
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 And seeing that BP is Tories 2.0 but single issue... 21:21:47
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK Yeah 21:21:54
@_discord_341982172657352704:t2bot.ioTy_McDK sceptical of Bp too and the way they've been set up. But, I want brexit done right and that's what's important 21:22:15
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 like the Bisexual Brexiteer said 21:24:07
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 I think he, Margret and Spino have actually been my favourites to speak with Sargon, really 21:24:50
Download Screenshot_20190523-143514.png
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 Kek 21:35:53
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqLH-nTZEOc

TL;DW he actually makes the chemical that we associate with "metallic" smell
@_discord_138702028468781056:t2bot.io(Cate) Fannah https://youtu.be/3vA6MQDgwYU 23:13:18
@_discord_138702028468781056:t2bot.io(Cate) Fannah Martyr cuz hockey 23:26:26
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdGbOT8NXnE 23:27:45
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 This a damn good video 23:28:16
24 May 2019
@_discord_172520303610691585:t2bot.ioMartyr EmpLemon makes gud shit. 00:07:37
@_discord_149257264270802945:t2bot.iostewthepoo joined the room.02:23:53
@_discord_405558514950471680:t2bot.ioAndroid#7658 changed their profile picture.10:20:41
@_discord_405558514950471680:t2bot.ioAndroid#7658 changed their profile picture.10:51:15
@_discord_102221627965579264:t2bot.ioVysetron If we actually get a board game gate this is going to suck.
@_discord_256193100039323659:t2bot.ioplasmarob HA he replaced "gamer" with "goober" so clever and intelligent. got em ! 15:05:11
@_discord_102221627965579264:t2bot.ioVysetron the subject for this one, by the way? A high profile rules-explainer-guy did a video saying that paid reviews aren't great but reviewers should still be able to make a job of it 15:05:12

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