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24 May 2019


HA he replaced "gamer" with "goober" so clever and intelligent. got em !

HA he replaced "gamer" with "goober" so clever and intelligent. got em ! /s

@_discord_102221627965579264:t2bot.ioVysetron and immediately people (who have a history of making paid content and/or working for publishers) start invoking goobergrape 15:05:40
@_discord_256193100039323659:t2bot.ioplasmarob invoking gummergape? say it ain't so!? 15:06:15
@_discord_102221627965579264:t2bot.ioVysetron I want to kick the entirety of board game media in the dick 15:06:28
@_discord_256193100039323659:t2bot.ioplasmarobRedacted or Malformed Event15:06:40
@_discord_256193100039323659:t2bot.ioplasmarob I wanna buy you scarier shoes 15:06:53
@_discord_256193100039323659:t2bot.ioplasmarob I really need to flesh out my pile of article ideas. GG is never ever going away because it's like abortion or gun rights, it has to do with classical philosophy and I have an explanation of the undercurrents that really needs to be put to paper. 15:10:21
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 meanwhile GwenBlanketKnight is still rightfully a bit bitter that she tried to point out bullshit in tabletop years ago but people were too focused on the video game aspect 15:27:06
@_discord_102221627965579264:t2bot.ioVysetron seriously, yeah 15:27:28
@_discord_102221627965579264:t2bot.ioVysetron if I was actually involved then I would have probably been in the trenches with her 15:27:54
@_discord_83207598962114560:t2bot.ioGwenBlanketKnight I just stopped tryign to do any sort of activism all together after that. if folsk want to ignore the problem then they cna jsut fucking ignore it. I"ll watch it burn from the comfort of my blankets with a giant "I tried to warn you" sign 15:29:04
@_discord_181110862835220480:t2bot.ioreasonable facsimile of a human joined the room.15:30:06
@_discord_83207598962114560:t2bot.ioGwenBlanketKnight I don't have links to any of my old pastebins about it anymore., jsut washed my hands of it 15:30:30
@_discord_102221627965579264:t2bot.ioVysetron I don't blame you tbh 15:30:45
@_discord_102221627965579264:t2bot.ioVysetron I can already tell I'm going to hate where this goes 15:31:16
@_discord_102221627965579264:t2bot.ioVysetron but I'll be damned if I'm not going to hammer it home again and again 15:31:30
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 Unrelated stuff, I only ever just found out about this guy, but apparently he's kind of popular. I can see why.... but yeah. Came across this guy and I fucking love him and everyone should watch even if they don't code nods 15:40:21
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r428O_CMcpI 15:40:22
@_discord_166749858995109888:t2bot.ioGameDiviner#7181 joined the room.17:42:31
@_discord_405558514950471680:t2bot.ioAndroid#7658 changed their profile picture.17:46:32
@_discord_256193100039323659:t2bot.ioplasmarob people who do code don't always grasp this stuff either, full disclosure. 17:52:49
@_discord_166749858995109888:t2bot.ioGameDiviner#7181 To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of programming most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. 17:58:45
@_discord_256193100039323659:t2bot.ioplasmarobRedacted or Malformed Event17:58:56
@_discord_256193100039323659:t2bot.ioplasmarob I'm 14 and what is this a reference to 17:59:11
@_discord_166749858995109888:t2bot.ioGameDiviner#7181 Which? 17:59:49
@_discord_166749858995109888:t2bot.ioGameDiviner#7181 You don't get the refernce? 18:26:51
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 Unsure whether serious about not getting the reference, given that a reference was used to communicate that 18:34:32
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 We're in referenception here 18:34:47
@_discord_166749858995109888:t2bot.ioGameDiviner#7181 Memes are just too deep. 18:35:17
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 I almost spit out a bit of coffee there haha Heya GD! 18:35:51

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