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Rash: The Reckless Racket Shell2 Servers

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7 May 2022
@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] willghatch pushed 1 commit to expeditor: 20:10:54
10 May 2022
@moltylollipop:matrix.orgmoltylollipop joined the room.16:54:28
11 May 2022
@yasuakikudo:matrix.orgyasuakikudoI have been exploring the intersection of software, democracy, community building, etc for many years. I will post more later (or we can discuss in person)02:08:07
@xgqt:matrix.org@xgqt:matrix.org left the room.20:21:31
30 May 2022
@karlmurcks:matrix.org@karlmurcks:matrix.org joined the room.12:36:07
@karlmurcks:matrix.org@karlmurcks:matrix.org left the room.12:36:58
4 Jun 2022
@whee:matrix.org@whee:matrix.org left the room.01:50:44
12 Jun 2022
@sundbry:matrix.orgsundbry joined the room.07:35:48
@sundbry:matrix.orgsundbryHi Rash users. I want to preload a rash environment with some additional (require ...) expressions. I want a user to be able to jump into the shell with all my custom extensions loaded using a single command. Any ideas how to approach this? 07:38:30
@sundbry:matrix.orgsundbryLooks like I can use rashrc.rkt for this07:55:47
In reply to @sundbry:matrix.org
Looks like I can use rashrc.rkt for this
cool! 😅👍️✨
@nojyuum:matrix.orgYuumkansaji'll take a mental note of this07:56:22
22 Jun 2022
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu joined the room.05:01:03
@better_sleeping:converser.eu@better_sleeping:converser.eu left the room.05:01:22
26 Jun 2022
@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] ixemad opened issue #92: Rash in Jupyter (with iracket)

First of all, congratulations for this beautiful piece of code.

Recently, I have been using it in my daily work with Emacs + Org-mode to create "literate scripts". I would also like to propose my colleagues to use it but they feel Emacs as a real obstacle. They are more receptive to Jupyter, though.

So, trying to connect the dots, I found a Racket kernel for Jupyter (iRacket). However, I have not been able to create Jupyter cells that make use of the Rash reader on it. Would it be possible?

8 Jul 2022
@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] willghatch commented on issue #92: Rash in Jupyter (with iracket):

On Sun, Jun 26, 2022 at 12:21:34PM -0700, ixemad wrote:

First of all, congratulations for this beautiful piece of code.

Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

Recently, I have been using it in my daily work with Emacs + Org-mode to create "literate scripts".

Do you have any example of this you can share? I'd be interested to see what you are doing.

I would also like to propose my colleagues to use it but they feel Emacs as a real obstacle. They are more receptive to Jupyter, though.

So, trying to connect the dots, I found a Racket kernel for Jupyter (iRacket). However, I have not been able to create Jupyter cells that make use of the Rash reader on it. Would it be possible?

I haven't used it, but it looks like it should be. The iRacket documentation has a section about using it with other languages and readers. Note that there is an optional #:reader argument. Rash's reader is called Linea. My documentation on Linea isn't, uh, superb. But you should be able to get it working if you use #:reader linea/reader (or maybe just #:reader linea, but without looking closer I'm pretty sure it's the former).

I hope that helps, despite being delayed and shallow help. Good luck, Rash with Jupyter sounds awesome!

9 Jul 2022
@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] ixemad commented on issue #92: Rash in Jupyter (with iracket):

Yeah, I tried to use linea both ways but it did not work. I get the following error in the Jupyter's backend if I set the reader to linea/reader:

open-input-file: cannot open module file
  module path: linea/reader
  path: /home/user/.local/share/racket/8.5/pkgs/linea/reader.rkt
  system error: no such file or directory; rkt_err=3
   /home/user/.local/share/racket/8.5/pkgs/iracket/lang.rkt:65:2: config:get-read-syntax

Oh the other hand, there is no iRacket complaint if I just set linea as the reader. However, it fails to execute any Rash cell.

Of course, I tested that iRacket was correctly installed in my machine.

@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] ixemad commented on issue #92: Rash in Jupyter (with iracket):

With respect to the (amazing) Org-mode example, the next one is likely not the clearest one but it will allow me to expose how flexible (and powerful) is the combination of Org-mode + Rash (+ Qi):

#+name: vulnerable_lambda/lambda-arn
#+header: :var assumed-role=vulnerable_lambda/assumed-role
#+header: :var regions=ALL-REGIONS
#+begin_src racket :lang rash
  (require racket/function
           qi )

  (define (/ entry-name)
    (☯ (~> (hash-ref entry-name) (if list? sep _))))

  (define (@ entry-name op entry-value)
    (☯ (pass (esc (λ (key) (op (hash-ref key entry-name) entry-value))))) )

  (void (putenv "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"     #{ echo $assumed-role | jq -r ".Credentials.AccessKeyId" }))
  (void (putenv "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" #{ echo $assumed-role | jq -r ".Credentials.SecretAccessKey" }))
  (void (putenv "AWS_SESSION_TOKEN"     #{ echo $assumed-role | jq -r ".Credentials.SessionToken" }))

  (let ([lambdas
         (for*/stream ([region (string-split regions)]
                       [result (in-list
                                (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (const '())])
                                  #{ aws lambda list-functions \
                                         --region $region \
                                         |>> string->jsexpr \
                                         |> (☯ (~> (/ 'Functions)
                                                   (>< (/ 'FunctionArn))
                                                   ▽)) } ) ) ] )
           result) ])
    (if (stream-empty? lambdas)
        "no lambdas in any region"
        (~> (lambdas) stream-first display) ) )
#+RESULTS[087d42e5287904de8dadb0f07a8eae4e90888f72]: vulnerable_lambda/lambda-arn
: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:7245XXXX8614:function:vulnerable_lambda_cgidb34c8zbk3d-policy_applier_lambda1

So, the Org-mode block vulnerable_lambda/lambda-arn is using as input parameters (assumed-role, regions) the output of other two previous blocks (vulnerable_lambda/assumed-role and ALL-REGIONS). This block combines Racket, Rash, Qi and jq to get as a cached result arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:7245XXXX8614:function:vulnerable_lambda_cgidb34c8zbk3d-policy_applier_lambda1 which can be reused by another block. Beautiful, isn't it? :smile:

@lichtspringer:matrix.orgLoremYpsilon joined the room.12:26:34
10 Jul 2022
@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] ixemad commented on issue #92: Rash in Jupyter (with iracket):

I saw but didn't notice that iRacket code runs in a sandbox. A far as I can see, the sandbox refuses to run the following example code:

(require shell/pipeline)
(run-subprocess-pipeline '(echo))
subprocess: `execute' access denied for /usr/bin/echo
   body of top-level
   /home/user/.local/share/racket/8.5/pkgs/shell-pipeline/private/subprocess-pipeline.rkt:663:0: run-pipeline-members
   /home/user/.local/share/racket/8.5/pkgs/shell-pipeline/private/subprocess-pipeline.rkt:510:0: run-pipeline/spec
   /home/user/.local/share/racket/8.5/pkgs/shell-pipeline/private/subprocess-pipeline.rkt:441:0: run-subprocess-pipeline

So, my colleagues will have to love Emacs :smile:

11 Jul 2022
@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] ixemad commented on issue #92: Rash in Jupyter (with iracket):

Alright, with respect to my previous comment, iRacket can be hacked to allow the execute permission in the sandbox (specifically, by modifying the sandbox-path-permissions parameter). Of course, this is a sensitive decision that must be weighed.

29 Jul 2022
@sis3020:matrix.org@sis3020:matrix.org joined the room.07:13:36
@sis3020:matrix.org@sis3020:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event07:13:37
@sis3020:matrix.org@sis3020:matrix.org left the room.09:14:40
14 Aug 2022
@unseen-spy:matrix.orgUN533N_5PY [pwner of pwnt] joined the room.22:11:54
16 Aug 2022
@unseen-spy:matrix.orgUN533N_5PY [pwner of pwnt] set their display name to UN533N_5PY [Последнее китайское предупреждение & "纸老虎].04:23:58
17 Aug 2022
@michal-atlas:matrix.org@michal-atlas:matrix.org joined the room.02:57:32
22 Aug 2022
@unseen-spy:matrix.orgUN533N_5PY [pwner of pwnt] changed their profile picture.09:29:39
@unseen-spy:matrix.orgUN533N_5PY [pwner of pwnt] changed their display name from UN533N_5PY [Последнее китайское предупреждение & "纸老虎] to UN533N_5PY.09:30:16
25 Aug 2022
@antogiro:matrix.org@antogiro:matrix.org joined the room.04:56:25

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