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Rash: The Reckless Racket Shell2 Servers

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18 Feb 2021
@rkrajhan:matrix.orgrkrajhan willghatchjgart what i expect is a barebones programming experience(without third party libraries/ tool kit) to learn logic & problem solving ( like project euler) & text processing, scripting for regular system tasks, good knowledge about database fundamentals & algorithms for programming and may be reading some real world project codes later, if possible.I am not keen in mobile app, webpage creation. my kid age is 12, but he doesnt like scratch... would dr racket fits here or scheme only? 19:05:35
In reply to @rkrajhan:matrix.org
willghatchjgart what i expect is a barebones programming experience(without third party libraries/ tool kit) to learn logic & problem solving ( like project euler) & text processing, scripting for regular system tasks, good knowledge about database fundamentals & algorithms for programming and may be reading some real world project codes later, if possible.I am not keen in mobile app, webpage creation. my kid age is 12, but he doesnt like scratch... would dr racket fits here or scheme only?
I think DrRacket would be fine for him. I think Racket starting with teaching languages (BSL, ISL, etc) will be an easier way to learn than jumping straight into scheme.
@nojyuum:matrix.orgYuumkansaji agree: DrRacket is quite cool 😅😊👍️✨23:04:36
25 Feb 2021
@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] noweb-user commented on issue #74: [Windows] libedit-3.dll issues:

I'm not the OP, but I'm having the same problem. I don't see libedit.dll in my Racket 7.9 installation. (Unlike the OP's error message, my system does not find libedit.dll and not libedit-3.dll.) My Windows 10 system is version 2004 build 19041.388.

Instead of trying to fill in libedit.dll, I will try readline. So I install the package first.

%raco pkg install readline-gpl Resolving "readline-gpl" via https://download.racket-lang.org/releases/7.9/catalog/ Resolving "readline-gpl" via https://pkgs.racket-lang.org Using cached16142534581614253458679 for git://github.com/racket/readline-gpl raco setup: version: 7.9 raco setup: platform: win32\x86_64 [3m] raco setup: target machine: racket raco setup: cross-installation: yes raco setup: installation name: 7.9 raco setup: variants: 3m raco setup: main collects: c:\sys\emacs.27\usr\Racket7\collects raco setup: collects paths: raco setup: C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Racket\7.9\collects raco setup: c:\sys\emacs.27\usr\Racket7\collects raco setup: main pkgs: c:\sys\emacs.27\usr\Racket7\share\pkgs raco setup: pkgs paths: raco setup: c:\sys\emacs.27\usr\Racket7\share\pkgs raco setup: C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Racket\7.9\pkgs raco setup: links files: raco setup: c:\sys\emacs.27\usr\Racket7\share\links.rktd raco setup: C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Racket\7.9\links.rktd raco setup: main docs: c:\sys\emacs.27\usr\Racket7\doc raco setup: --- updating info-domain tables --- [12:12:21] raco setup: updating: C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Racket\7.9\share\info-cache.rktd raco setup: --- pre-installing collections --- [12:12:21] raco setup: --- installing foreign libraries --- [12:12:21] raco setup: --- installing shared files --- [12:12:21] raco setup: installing: shared file C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Racket\7.9\share\readline-lib.rkt raco setup: --- compiling collections --- [12:12:21] raco setup: --- parallel build using 4 jobs --- [12:12:21] raco setup: 3 making: <pkgs>/readline-gpl raco setup: 3 making: <pkgs>/readline-gpl/private raco setup: --- creating launchers --- [12:12:22] raco setup: --- building documentation --- [12:12:22] raco setup: --- installing collections --- [12:12:28] raco setup: --- post-installing collections --- [12:12:28] %

Now I try to run it from cmd.exe.

C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Racket\7.9>rash-repl.exe ffi-lib: couldn't open "libreadline-5.dll" (Não foi possível encontrar o módulo especificado.; errid=126)

That's just Portuguese for "The specified module could not be found.; errid=126)".

Put libreadline-5.dll in the same directory as rash-repl.exe.

C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Racket\7.9>dir libreadline-5.dll O volume na unidade C é X O Número de Série do Volume é 80B6-21C4

Pasta de C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Racket\7.9

07/03/2005 17:48 229.888 libreadline-5.dll 1 arquivo(s) 229.888 bytes 0 pasta(s) 333.763.125.248 bytes disponíveis

Trying to run, I get: C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Racket\7.9>rash-repl.exe ffi-lib: couldn't open "libreadline-5.dll" (%1 não é um aplicativo Win32 válido.; errid=193)

This means "%1 is not a valid Win32 application; errid=193". I must have the wrong DLL for my system or something like that. I downloaded it from


I suppose you wouldn't know what to do here? Thank you.

@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] willghatch commented on issue #74: [Windows] libedit-3.dll issues:

I suppose you wouldn't know what to do here? Thank you.

Sorry, I don't know. I'm afraid I don't have time right now to try to figure it out either. I don't use Windows, so it's harder for me to debug than Linux. My long-term plan is to replace the readline dependency completely with a line editor written in Racket. But I won't be able to do that terribly soon either since I'm busy teaching and wrapping up my PhD.

1 Mar 2021

Though I feel that I should note that I can't really recommend Rackterm. It was my first real Racket project, and was more to learn Racket than anything else. I would like to return to it some day, give it a hardware accelerated renderer frontent (its rendering is super slow and CPU hogging), a nice screen/termux-like frontend, make it nicely configurable, etc.

But it's much less of a priority than Rash, and there are several sufficiently decent terminal emulators. I'm afraid I didn't dogfood Rackterm very long.

@willghatch:matrix.orgwillghatch ... Although Rackterm is the easiest terminal emulator to embed in a #lang slideshow, if you want an interactive terminal emulator in the middle of a slideshow... 06:21:59
@xgqt:matrix.org@xgqt:matrix.orgthat would be pretty cool14:38:39
@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] Bost commented on issue #67: Regexes in grep:

PING... Any news regarding the Rash2?

@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] willghatch commented on issue #67: Regexes in grep:

I'm sorry, I thought I had replied to this.

There isn't actually a repository for Rash 2 right now. Rash 2 is really just a list of things that I'm not satisfied with in current Rash that to fix would be a backwards incompatibility.

Before I ever start a real Rash 2, there are a lot of improvements that I have planned that are not backwards incompatible (eg. improving stuff that is currently undocumented or explicitly documented as being unstable). When I do write a Rash 2, it will probably be a fork where I just fix all of those things. In particular, when I make a Rash 2 it will have much more thought about the default set of operators, naming conventions, etc, that I chose somewhat hurriedly to get something out the door. Rash 2 will be an opportunity to revisit those decisions with more experience and less haste. Rash 2 will (when it exists) be a separate Racket package so all old scripts will still work.

Unfortunately, I'm just busy with other things and don't have the time and energy to really push Rash forward much right now. Grad school is busy and stressful. I wish I could work more on Rash right now (frankly, I care much more about Rash than my other projects), but I really need to push on other things to graduate.

On Mon, Mar 01, 2021 at 09:13:15AM -0800, Bost wrote:

PING... Any news regarding the Rash2?

-- You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/willghatch/racket-rash/issues/67#issuecomment-788117576

@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] Bost commented on issue #67: Regexes in grep:

No rush :) just a little bit of pressure from over here :) Anyway thanks for a prompt answer.

4 Mar 2021
@xgqt:matrix.org@xgqt:matrix.orgWhat do you people write code in? I wanted to return to programming some more in Racket but have few issue with my Emacs setup. My first problem is with completion (I use company-mode) normally as soon as I start typing (after 2 characters) I would get a companay pop-up with suggestions, in racket-mode instead of that I get a weird behavior in message buffer which looks kindof like a weird completion mechanism of it's own. Second issue is that I tried to get automatic documentation in message buffer after I move my cursor onto a function call. I tried to enable eldoc back but I get "function definition is void" error.16:08:59
Download image.png
@xgqt:matrix.org@xgqt:matrix.orgthis is what I get instead of completion16:09:32
@xgqt:matrix.org@xgqt:matrix.org willghatch 17:04:18
In reply to @xgqt:matrix.org
What do you people write code in? I wanted to return to programming some more in Racket but have few issue with my Emacs setup.

My first problem is with completion (I use company-mode) normally as soon as I start typing (after 2 characters) I would get a companay pop-up with suggestions, in racket-mode instead of that I get a weird behavior in message buffer which looks kindof like a weird completion mechanism of it's own.

Second issue is that I tried to get automatic documentation in message buffer after I move my cursor onto a function call. I tried to enable eldoc back but I get "function definition is void" error.
I use Emacs, but frankly I rarely use completion in Emacs. I do have company set up, and it does work with racket-mode, but I don't use it heavily. You can see my emacs config for racket-mode here: https://github.com/willghatch/dotfileswgh/blob/master/emacs/racket-mode-conf.el and my config for company here: https://github.com/willghatch/dotfileswgh/blob/master/emacs/company-conf.el
@willghatch:matrix.orgwillghatchI've been thinking about improving my completion set up in Emacs and using more, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Mostly I'm frustrated with “all-in-one” completion systems, where you hit one key and get every kind of completion imaginable together, where I often want to have different keys for different kinds of completion (eg. complete based on words in this current file, complete based on file names that exist on my system, complete based on some analysis of the programming language, etc). I have that set up in my zsh config, because I actually use completion a lot when I use zsh (and it's one of the big things I want to improve for rash -- good programmable completion in a good line editor!).19:09:41
@willghatch:matrix.orgwillghatchBack when I did eg. Java development in internships I had, I used intellisense-style completion a lot. But once I started doing most of my development (for work and personal) primarily in dynamic languages I mostly stopped using completion much. Maybe just because it was less helpful without static types and with less a.b.c.d method chaining, or maybe because I just didn't bother setting it up well. But for whatever reason it didn't seem like a big loss to me, so I haven't taken the time to really improve my Emacs setup for it.19:12:31
@xgqt:matrix.org@xgqt:matrix.orgwelp, I'm spoiled and would like my auto-completions :P20:00:16
In reply to @xgqt:matrix.org
welp, I'm spoiled and would like my auto-completions :P
By all means, get them! I think if I sit down one day and learn to configure company completion backends I'll probably set up a suite of completion bindings and start using it a lot more again.
@xgqt:matrix.org@xgqt:matrix.orgMy Emacs config is here btw: https://gitlab.com/xgqt/mydot/-/tree/master/emacs/.config/emacs20:53:41
8 Mar 2021
@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] noweb-user commented on issue #74: [Windows] libedit-3.dll issues:

I believe the problem I have is that rash-repl.exe is a 64-bit application and I can't find a 64-bit version of readline. I believe we cannot mix two architectures in the same program.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- %file rash-repl.exe libhistory8.dll libreadline8.dll rash-repl.exe: PE32+ executable (console) x86-64 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows libhistory8.dll: PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows libreadline8.dll: PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386 (stripped to external PDB), for MS Windows --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Since I cannot find a 64-bit application, would it be much trouble for you to compile rash-repl.exe as a 32-bit application? I believe this would take care of things for me and, therefore, for practically all other Windows users --- having this exact issue.

But I know you're busy. If this is not just another command for compiling this desired version, don't worry about it. I can manage to eventually compile the right library version for the right architecture.

Thank you either way. I'm insisting because I think the software is great. I read your paper carefully in the last couple of days. Thanks for writing it.

@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] noweb-user edited their comment on issue #74: [Windows] libedit-3.dll issues 18:31:03
9 Mar 2021
@bostx123:matrix.orgbostx123 joined the room.12:57:28
@github:maunium.netGitHub [willghatch/racket-rash] Bost opened pull request #81: DRY eval-rash-file

Just a tiny improvement


My rashrc contains:
#! /usr/bin/env racket
;; emacs - set major mode: SPC h M racket-mode

(displayln "=== Loading rashrc")

;; rashrc is NOT a module, and gets none of them. rashrc is mainly there to let
;; you muck up the namespace that you use interactively. Prefer rashrc.rkt
;; @secref["Interactive_Use" #:doc '(lib "rash/scribblings/rash.scrbl")]
(current-repl-display-startup-hints? #f)

(define-line-macro f
(lambda (stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_) #'{echo "foo"}])))

and rashrc.rkt:
#lang racket

(displayln "=== Loading rashrc.rkt")

 (for-syntax syntax/parse))

(define-line-macro b
  (lambda (stx)
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(_) #'{echo "bar"}])))

The line-macro f works but the b does not. Does anybody know why? (My racket-fu is too young. Sorry guys)


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