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An ActivityPub-federated video streaming platform using P2P directly in your web browser | https://joinpeertube.org/ | https://github.com/Chocobozzz/PeerTube82 Servers

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17 Dec 2024
@killercat103:xmr.seKillercat103is it a font?11:42:20
@n4ta:matrix.orgn4ta Love the new themes and layouts, keyboard navigation is a wonderful addition and the new subtitle editor seems great, though for long captioning sessions maybe a full captioning page could be beneficial.
Thanks for the great update 🚀 💛
@madiator2011:madiator.commadiator2011I'm still waiting for docker image to be updated11:50:33
In reply to @killercat103:xmr.se
is it a font?
I don't know yet.
Saw it at work.
Must dig deeper @home
@jakob:schuerz.atJakobOh... it was the "tv-streaming" plugin.17:13:24

I read about a new app...

Is it planned, or really released?

@madiator2011:madiator.commadiator2011App is out for testing20:37:04
@jakob:schuerz.atJakobWhere can i find it?20:44:09
@jacksonchen666:jacksonchen666.comjacksonchen666 (they/it)with peertube v7, links to browsing or discover doesn't exist when logged out, and is at least 2 clicks away logged in, confusingly hidden in the "subscriptions" link. could a link be added, for instances with custom landing pages to things like channels?23:09:16
18 Dec 2024
@jakob:schuerz.atJakobHow can i add my instance to my accounts in the new app?06:22:36
@jakob:schuerz.atJakobThere is this, but not button to add another account06:23:19
Download 1000017001.jpg
@jakob:schuerz.atJakobAnd i choose english and german as content languages. But i get so many french videos from platform search...06:25:21
@jakob:schuerz.atJakobAnd when i search for my platform, i csn find it, but play no videos...06:57:01
Download 1000017002.jpg
@jakob:schuerz.atJakob * 07:18:21

In the serverlog i see at this moment: - - [18/Dec/2024:08:23:08 +0100] "GET /api/v1/config/about HTTP/1.1" 200 1843 "-" "Dart/3.5 (dart:io)" - - [18/Dec/2024:08:23:08 +0100] "GET /api/v1/videos/8edab784-750f-4dd8-92ea-4496838b1049 HTTP/1.1" 200 13963 "-" "Dart/3.5 (dart:io)"
@haughtgard:matrix.orgHaughtgardThis is not yet available.07:27:06
@jakob:schuerz.atJakobah ok.07:27:16
@haughtgard:matrix.orgHaughtgardMore on it here https://framablog.org/2024/12/10/peertube-mobile-app-discover-videos-while-caring-for-your-attention/07:29:34

`Coming soon, in the PeerTube App

Fitting into Apple’s (and Google’s) very small boxes took time and energy, more than what we expected. We decided to release a first (incomplete) version of the app in December anyway, and gradually improve on it.

Here are the features we plan to develop and share for the PeerTube app :

Soon (early 2025)
    Finalize and publish design and mobile strategy reports
    Publish documentation
    Play video in background
    Log in to one’s account, gets subscriptions, comment videos
    next video recommandation
    improve on the limited platforms list situation
Then (mid 2025 (if funded))
    adapt to tablets
    adapt to TVs (well : AndroidTV… as for AppleTV, it will depend on their limitations)
    Watch offline (for downloadable content)`
@haughtgard:matrix.orgHaughtgard *

Fitting into Apple’s (and Google’s) very small boxes took time and energy, more than what we expected. We decided to release a first (incomplete) version of the app in December anyway, and gradually improve on it.

Here are the features we plan to develop and share for the PeerTube app :

Soon (early 2025)
    Finalize and publish design and mobile strategy reports
    Publish documentation
    Play video in background
    Log in to one’s account, gets subscriptions, comment videos
    next video recommandation
    improve on the limited platforms list situation
Then (mid 2025 (if funded))
    adapt to tablets
    adapt to TVs (well : AndroidTV… as for AppleTV, it will depend on their limitations)
    Watch offline (for downloadable content)`
@jakob:schuerz.atJakobjust to motivate others... i started yesterday a monthly donation to framasoft. 👍️07:49:54
@welleundwolke:matrixbox.dewelleundwolke Is it possible to login to your instance with the mobile App? 11:16:29
@jakob:schuerz.atJakobwhich mobile-app do you mean? I can login via browser and installed pwa without problems from the same mobile.11:25:39
@madiator2011:madiator.commadiator2011Nope for now app does not have login11:30:51
@jakob:schuerz.atJakobbut why i can not play videos from my peertube-instance? From other i can... 11:31:32

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