
Psychonautics & Helpful Drugs

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πŸ’ŠπŸ§˜πŸŒˆπŸ§ πŸ‘½ Psychonautics, introspection, and responsible/beneficial use of psychoactive drugs of all kinds. 🌐: Join our Space, #psychonautics:matrix.org πŸ’¬: Casual room for sharing knowledge, experiences, thoughts and feelings on our broad topic, including meditation, psychedelics, dreaming, nootropics, lots of weed, and wordless but profound insights from years raising toads. 🀠: This room is not for buying or selling drugs, or for sharing sources, because we are secretly DEA agents and lizard people. πŸ€₯: Don't make claims you don't know to be true. There is enough misinformation about psychonautics and drugs. 🀬: If you start an argument with someone, take it into a direct message where it's more productive to argue. πŸ€”: When sharing very obscure, individual or hard to grasp ideas, read your words and edit before you post to and make sure you're clear and concise, or you may sound more confused than wise. πŸ’Œ: General netiquette, with extra PLUR πŸ”—πŸ”—πŸ”— 🧠: psychonautwiki.org 🌈: tripsit.me πŸ„: erowid.org 🌡: eternityinabox.com 🌳: naturalether.com 🌱: wakingherbs.com https://matrix.to/#/#the-knowledge-hub:matrix.org145 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•Ive had my fair share of stim use and every ROAs 18:54:48
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•I was actually asking this question first because my friend has a dexedrine Rx and asked me about it 18:55:43
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•And i had no idea about smoking amph18:56:05
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•If it works or not18:56:13
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•Tbh im done and closing this question as ive come to think its for the best 18:56:39
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•(that he keeps using oral ROA)18:57:06
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•He said it himself that he's fine with just oral ROA because he wants the d amp to last longer18:58:12
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•So all good πŸ‘18:58:32
@shawn_wil2:matrix.org@shawn_wil2:matrix.org left the room.19:05:56
In reply to @sweetlittledemon:matrix.org
He said it himself that he's fine with just oral ROA because he wants the d amp to last longer
tell him to boof it HAHAHAHAH
@p0pe:matrix.orgp0peRedacted or Malformed Event20:30:25
Download boof-oclock.gif
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•
In reply to @p0pe:matrix.org
tell him to boof it HAHAHAHAH
I did
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•Before you suggested it20:57:54
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•XD20:57:58
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•Thought about that lmfao20:58:05
@p0pe:matrix.orgp0pejus boof it bro20:58:27
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•Always πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ20:59:26
@rocky:arcticfoxes.netrocky (she/they) πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ changed their display name from rocky (she/they) πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ, ask for my Signal to rocky (she/they) πŸ³οΈβ€βš§οΈ.21:05:17
@levi:envs.netα₯«α­‘ π‘–γƒŸκͺœα΄΅π”¦ α₯«α­‘ changed their profile picture.22:09:59
26 Jul 2024
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. Robinsonmaxresdefault-2.jpg
Download maxresdefault-2.jpg
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. Robinsonjesusshrooms.jpg
Download jesusshrooms.jpg
@yogz:matrix.org🌴πŸ₯₯KER changed their display name from πŸ₯₯ to 🌴πŸ₯₯KER.19:58:52
@yogz:matrix.org🌴πŸ₯₯KER changed their profile picture.20:43:19
@sweetlittledemon:matrix.orgSweetLittleDemon β˜„οΈπŸ’•Yo21:34:40
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. Robinsonhttps://youtube.com/shorts/60O_ISvysYs?si=o2N9B8EpB3d4U-UQ23:05:47
@toordog:matrix.orgtoordogAt the archery range23:09:19
Download 20240726_160909_2008797408569770448.jpg
@goodfellowpuch:matrix.orgDr. Robinson🎯23:18:20

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