

2032 Members
Bridged room for #show-and-tell on the Monado discord5 Servers

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26 Oct 2022
@cloudwalk:matrix.orgCloudwalk changed their profile picture.03:06:19
@_discord_147754731912036353:t2bot.ioBosley joined the room.09:19:39
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.ioコレヂャン (Korejan)#6829Download VRC_Passthrough_-_Made_with_Clipchamp-2.mp409:26:29
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.ioコレヂャン (Korejan)#6829 I had a quest pro user test the alxr passthrough modes 09:26:30
@_discord_126649947297677312:t2bot.ioコレヂャン (Korejan)#6829 * I had a quest pro user test the alxr passthrough mask mode 09:26:38
@_discord_279984585314533376:t2bot.ioletsdividebyzero joined the room.12:56:11
@_discord_955564067349753877:t2bot.iosaitiku joined the room.23:48:20
27 Oct 2022
@_discord_1003892297269792820:t2bot.ioinfobeer joined the room.02:49:51
@topopolis:matrix.orgmoshi changed their display name from Moses Turner to moshi.18:35:08
28 Oct 2022
@_discord_1035379445223145514:t2bot.ionicolll joined the room.02:28:59
@_discord_221379097467682817:t2bot.ioSabre joined the room.16:06:39
30 Oct 2022
@_discord_219945342454595596:t2bot.ioandalu30 joined the room.10:04:45
31 Oct 2022
@_discord_150643643819098112:t2bot.io6ax3dc changed their profile picture.10:52:17
@_discord_150643643819098112:t2bot.io6ax3dc changed their display name from 6ax3dc#6530 to 6ax3dc.10:52:20
1 Nov 2022
@_discord_387280936821325834:t2bot.iolvella joined the room.20:19:23
@_discord_290512245140488192:t2bot.ioGaryx joined the room.22:56:51
2 Nov 2022
@_discord_756123987142115409:t2bot.ioUM joined the room.14:31:59
@_discord_797861611637440553:t2bot.ioSkull joined the room.15:39:58
@_discord_122833171564855298:t2bot.iohammerandtongs joined the room.19:44:04
@_discord_267061664241680384:t2bot.iosL1pKn07 joined the room.20:44:41
5 Nov 2022
@_discord_1038349492338053171:t2bot.ioHEMBOY8 joined the room.07:11:16
@_discord_694539732545437718:t2bot.ioGábor Sörös joined the room.07:59:21
@_discord_79181999868215296:t2bot.ios-ol joined the room.21:00:53
@_discord_370320811577573378:t2bot.ioXytovl joined the room.21:48:54
@_discord_370320811577573378:t2bot.ioXytovl Hi, not sure if this is the right channel, I just submitted https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/monado/monado/-/merge_requests/1557
This is a new driver to connect to a standalone headset, the headset app is developped on https://github.com/Meumeu/WiVRn/releases (Quest only at the moment)
6 Nov 2022
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 joined the room.01:18:28
@_discord_559452925974413387:t2bot.iopblack#8962 Wow, this looks like a very substantial piece of work!🍻 01:18:28
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.ioJakob Bornecrantz#6482 joined the room.03:03:37
@_discord_869640430185242715:t2bot.ioJakob Bornecrantz#6482 That is very nice indeed, great work!

The GPLv2 dependency is going to be tricky, and I'm not sure the way you added the comp_target to the xrt_device driver is the way to go. Both are solvable. I will have to have a think about how to do it.
@_discord_408450936277565441:t2bot.iothaytan#5292 Using GStreamer to do the encoding might be an option, then there are multiple H.264 encoding plugin options - including perhaps zero-copy GPU-based ones 12:41:44

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