
Hydrogen Web

393 Members
Lightweight web client - https://hydrogen.element.io/ - current release: 0.5.1 - FAQ: https://github.com/vector-im/hydrogen-web/blob/master/FAQ.md107 Servers

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1 Feb 2024
@bram:matrix.directoryBram That's not really an answer, is it? Saying "you should use [client]" doesn't answer the question whether it's possible to change notification settings in Hydrogen. 08:48:00
@ptman:kapsi.fiPaulit's a solution09:12:32
In reply to Paul
Change notification settings using element
OK so only in other clients? I didn't know notification settings is cross client.
@life00:tchncs.de@life00:tchncs.deI am running hydrogen on android, chromium. How do push notifications work? Through FCM (GCM)?14:50:03
@life00:tchncs.de@life00:tchncs.deOr there is something weird related to chromium. 14:50:18
@heet:attendees.fosdem.orgheet joined the room.23:47:09
2 Feb 2024
@lutzl:element.io@lutzl:element.io changed their display name from Lutz 🌍️ to Lutz 🌴 ( back 19-Feb ).16:51:31
@mijutu:ellipsis.fimijutu joined the room.21:36:54
3 Feb 2024
@life00:tchncs.de@life00:tchncs.deDoes anyone know how notifications in hydrogen work?07:11:28
@life00:tchncs.de@life00:tchncs.deDoes the browser keep a constant connection to the server or it checks for updates after a period of time?07:12:29
@aminda:dendrite.matrix.orgAminda ⚧️ Void set their display name to Aminda ⚧️ Void.07:44:37
@creme:envs.net~creme changed their profile picture.09:24:40
In reply to @life00:tchncs.de
Does the browser keep a constant connection to the server or it checks for updates after a period of time?
It uses push notifications, using webpush
@mijutu:ellipsis.fimijutuIs it possible to disable support for multiple matrix accounts? I'm setting up hydrogen for a group of people on a homeserver which uses sso only. It is a bit too easy for novice users to log in multiple times to same homeserver on the same hydrogen installation.10:18:57
@mijutu:ellipsis.fimijutuAnother question: Assuming users typically have one session open, can I create a one link which leads each user to their session? I'd like to skip the "Continue as ..." phase by default.10:31:20
@mijutu:ellipsis.fimijutu * Another question: Assuming users typically have one session open, can I create one link which leads each user to their session? I'd like to skip the "Continue as ..." phase by default.10:33:00
In reply to Bruno
In reply to @life00:tchncs.de
Does the browser keep a constant connection to the server or it checks for updates after a period of time?
It uses push notifications, using webpush
OK thanks. So there should be another intermediary? I guess for android chromium it should be FCM?
In reply to @life00:tchncs.de
In reply to Bruno
In reply to @life00:tchncs.de
Does the browser keep a constant connection to the server or it checks for updates after a period of time?
It uses push notifications, using webpush
OK thanks. So there should be another intermediary? I guess for android chromium it should be FCM?
If installed through the play store, yes. Also nsee sygnal for more info: https://github.com/matrix-org/sygnal/blob/main/docs/applications.md#webpush
4 Feb 2024
@heet:attendees.fosdem.orgheet set a profile picture.03:16:24
@jamesreilly:matrix.orgJames Reilly left the room.17:49:34
@xhawk87:hawks-haven.co.ukXHawk87 joined the room.18:46:41
@xhawk87:hawks-haven.co.ukXHawk87Hi all. I'm looking into using Hydrogen as an embedded chatroom widget for the https://neko.m1k1o.net/#/ shared environment. It comes with a basic chatroom already, but it has some performance issues and is lacking in important features like a persistent chat history. Hydrogen looked like a promising alternative. The neko client is a Vue2 project using typescript, with npm and vue-cli as the build tools. I'm curious if anyone has attempted something like this before? Or what approach you would take if you were going to attempt something like this yourself?19:01:15
@pablo:taktpraha.czॐPablo set a profile picture.22:14:34
5 Feb 2024
@rmidhunsuresh:matrix.orgMidhunYou need to use vite as the build tool to get the hydrogen-sdk working. vue-cli is based on webpack so that's going to be an issue.06:08:16
@rmidhunsuresh:matrix.orgMidhun changed their display name from Midhun [maintainer] to Midhun.06:09:08
@xhawk87:hawks-haven.co.ukXHawk87That makes sense. I guess building the chat widget as a separate project and then using an iframe to access it would be a cleaner approach then?13:26:27
@rmidhunsuresh:matrix.orgMidhunor you could try switching over to https://github.com/vuejs/create-vue which is based on vite13:33:57

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