
Applied Category Theory

533 Members
30 Servers

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25 Mar 2024
@tomz_plug:matrix.org@tomz_plug:matrix.org left the room.15:39:27
29 Mar 2024
@toroe2014:matrix.org@toroe2014:matrix.org joined the room.02:20:43
@toroe2014:matrix.org@toroe2014:matrix.org left the room.02:21:03
30 Mar 2024
@bbbbrrrzzt:nerdsin.space@bbbbrrrzzt:nerdsin.space changed their display name from Bzeepo 小狼狗 (PUSSY IS MY IDEOLOGY) to Bzeepo 小狼狗 (I AM THE ONE WHO FUCKS).00:46:38
10 Apr 2024
@myketyson:matrix.org@myketyson:matrix.org joined the room.23:16:35
@myketyson:matrix.org@myketyson:matrix.org left the room.23:17:29
27 Apr 2024
@boboio:matrix.org@boboio:matrix.org joined the room.19:30:35
@boboio:matrix.org@boboio:matrix.org left the room.19:33:55
28 Apr 2024
@telegram_242891619:t2bot.ioBambang Purnomosidi changed their profile picture.13:24:07
29 Apr 2024
@telegram_256844732:t2bot.ioκόσμος ;login: changed their profile picture.10:05:27
10 May 2024
@telegram_109356139:t2bot.ioRizary changed their profile picture.21:27:24
13 May 2024
@bbbbrrrzzt:nerdsin.space@bbbbrrrzzt:nerdsin.space left the room.12:19:06
24 May 2024
@telegram_305056263:t2bot.ioBrown changed their profile picture.16:32:03
25 May 2024
@telegram_507894652:t2bot.ioMaaf Merepotkan... 🙏 changed their profile picture.12:07:17
27 May 2024
@telegram_213860174:t2bot.ioأمان changed their display name from αμαν to أمان.11:44:52
@telegram_213860174:t2bot.ioأمان changed their profile picture.11:44:53
30 May 2024
@gericoteco:matrix.org@gericoteco:matrix.org joined the room.05:49:49
@gericoteco:matrix.org@gericoteco:matrix.org left the room.05:58:52
5 Jun 2024
@telegram_870365283:t2bot.io(<$) changed their profile picture.02:53:09
@telegram_870365283:t2bot.io(<$) changed their profile picture.21:02:59
7 Jun 2024
@telegram_870365283:t2bot.io(<$) changed their profile picture.02:51:08
14 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org joined the room.21:57:16
20 Jun 2024
@hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org left the room.09:32:12
28 Jun 2024
@telegram_169127011:t2bot.ioIsmaele changed their profile picture.01:25:35
29 Jun 2024
@telegram_870365283:t2bot.io(<$) changed their profile picture.02:22:00
3 Jul 2024
@telegram_428486478:t2bot.ioTopab set a profile picture.15:16:23
4 Jul 2024
@telegram_870365283:t2bot.io(<$) changed their profile picture.05:17:42
6 Jul 2024
@telegram_870365283:t2bot.io(<$) changed their profile picture.04:18:31
7 Jul 2024
@poly-hydro=aux:matrix.org@poly-hydro=aux:matrix.org joined the room.11:09:28
@poly-hydro=aux:matrix.org@poly-hydro=aux:matrix.org left the room.11:09:43

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