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10 Oct 2018
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.orgOur contract gave us cc on the videos, but people often used encumbered mudic20:06:40
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgtoo much noise20:06:41
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgYeah, that does indeed happen20:06:48

But I can still get you a few 'safe' ones for your collection.

Additionally, there is a performer alumni group I can ask for video by video permission if you want to write something up

@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.orgHappy to help.20:08:02
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgYeah, VidCommons doesn't yet have a blog of any sort, but it's something I'm also considering20:08:02
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.orgMakes sense.20:08:12
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.orgAt least a few docu pages would be helpful20:08:24
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgIs everything on this YouTube channel pretty much cc-licensed?20:08:25
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgYeah, I'm also considering a wiki20:08:32
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.orgIt varies.20:08:37
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgor some other kind of collaborative document space20:08:38
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgthat's fair20:08:42
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.orgMost are yt standard.20:08:46
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.orgMy stuff should all be clear20:08:55
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.orgThere are also many independent artists I can ask after for permission, especially if you write up a simple info agreement20:11:15
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgHmm, I should probably look into that20:11:41
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgWhat does an info agreement entail?20:11:49
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.orgThe ones that will be no go are likely the burlesque, which almost exclusively used copyrighted material despite my warning20:11:59
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgGood to know20:12:13
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.org Well, I'm not a lawyer, but a simple explanation of the use you want and a statement that the artist agrees to let you do it should work 20:12:43
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.org I'd say start by looking through the catalog to see what you like. My monologues and performances are all fair game to you. 20:13:35
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgAt some point, this process of documenting and cataloging things is probably going to be bigger than just me20:48:36
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgIt's already looking that way thanks to your input :)20:48:48
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgBut I should probably start thinking about a wiki or something 🤔20:48:59

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