
VidCommons Chat

10 Members
Building the video commons on the fediverse! Check out our Matrix space to see the available rooms: https://matrix.to/#/#vidcommons:matrix.org4 Servers

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10 Oct 2018
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".17:23:34
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org set the room topic to "Building the video commons on the fediverse!".17:24:38
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org invited @neb_giphy:matrix.orgGiphy.17:25:39
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org!giphy gnu17:25:51
Room Avatar Renderer.17:32:17
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org changed the room topic to "Building the video commons on the fediverse! https://vidcommons.org" from "Building the video commons on the fediverse!".17:32:33
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org!giphy dancing17:33:52
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org invited @_neb_rssbot_=40_dead_super_hero=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org].17:39:22
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgWell, now there's a room, I guess. Seems to be fully configured, to the best of my ability? 😛17:45:46
Room Avatar Renderer.19:32:31
Room Avatar Renderer.19:32:43
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgTesting: https://vidcommons.org/videos/watch/73ac210b-84e5-42e5-bd19-bb633790843719:56:42
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgHmm, not quite what I was hoping for, but interesting.19:56:55
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.org joined the room.20:00:06


I'm interested in this project. I ran a weekly variety show for five years, and much of the video ended up online in usable licenses. It's all currently under openstageproject on YouTube, and I'm happy to see any or all of the cc licensed stuff used here.

Additionally, my circus troupe is trying to produce videos in open licenses now. I've got one on archive.org already.

@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgWow, that's great!20:04:46
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgYeah, if you can throw a link to anything, I can add it to my working document and figure out where it should go! :D20:05:25



@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgVery cool!20:05:49
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.orgAnything under my name is likely fair game. I can start poking at more once you get a few online. Notnsure how to search yt by license20:06:16
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgYeah, YouTube's license search is not super reliable either20:06:40
@russ.sharek:matrix.org@russ.sharek:matrix.orgOur contract gave us cc on the videos, but people often used encumbered mudic20:06:40
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.org@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgtoo much noise20:06:41

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