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29 May 2019
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgthe homeservers are in some sort of swarm?21:42:29
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreayou can't join?21:42:31
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgit just took very long21:42:38
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreahm, I thought I had it opened to everyone, lemme check21:42:41
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgthis client has some bugs lol21:42:48
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreayes, it's certainly not ready for the non-tech-affine public21:43:11
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreabut I like the idea behind it more than discord, even though it has yet to live up to its ideals21:43:39
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgExactly, i also like that you can use differen clients21:44:00
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgHowever i think telegram is a better deal for the general public21:44:13
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgalso this is very abstract in a weird way21:44:22
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgalso this is very abstract in a weird way that makes it confusing21:44:30
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreadoes telegram have a desktop client w/o needing a phone #?21:44:31
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgwait idk21:44:42
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreanice, I might check it out21:44:42
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgacutally i dont think they do21:44:51
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreaah too bad21:44:55
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreawell, my flip phone is certainly not supported :P21:45:17
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgthey dont seem to share your mobile number, and you only need a verify sms21:45:31
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreaah, so my flipphone might actually work? hm21:45:44
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgagain, i think21:45:46
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreawell, I guess I will try some time soon21:45:58
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreacan't know for sure unless I try it21:46:09
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgApparently it works with a homeserver and an authserver21:56:57
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgso you can have your own hoemserver ,and still keep the default auth server21:57:16
@lordkorea:matrix.orgLordKoreaI see. and you probably can't migrate auth servers?21:58:23
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgYoull have to make a new account then i think21:58:36
@xeyame:matrix.org@xeyame:matrix.orgbut hosting your own auth server might be stupid cause i dont think you can join rooms in different auth servers21:58:52

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