
General - Technical Analysis

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General chat for Technical Analysis upon the current crypto market4 Servers

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15 Dec 2022
@_discord_991361855266238605:t2bot.ioERRORyt#7008 joined the room.15:53:00
@_discord_991361855266238605:t2bot.ioERRORyt#7008Redacted or Malformed Event15:53:01
@_discord_739735540483752006:t2bot.ioDiscorticsRedacted or Malformed Event15:53:02
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 No worries, we all have those.. 🫂 16:02:02
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 Of course there are people who only see/invest-for the get-rich-quick part.
But there are also others, like you n me,
who see the bigger picture behind crypto and what it's been brought into our lives for.
@_discord_659774729766436884:t2bot.iogorgitko Well, I am starting to have some doubts. Like what if Bitcoin was actually introduced by VCs to later dump on retail?

And also, the most usual concern, using crypto for payments when everyone always express it's value in fiat. I find quite utopian to have a real society/nation/country or even whole world where everything will have its value solely in BTC. The fiat printing machinery is just so much grown into humanity fundamentals...
@_discord_659774729766436884:t2bot.iogorgitko To assign a value to BTC, one (or rather many) has to begin with barter trades. Like in the medieval times, one apple for two carrots - now 10k BTC for one pizza (or how much was that first published trade 😀). Then the value of BTC should converge naturally as the result of the law of supply and demand. 17:48:33
@_discord_659774729766436884:t2bot.iogorgitko * To assign a value to BTC, one (or rather many) has to begin with barter trades. Like in the medieval times, one apple for two carrots - now 10k BTC for one pizza (or how much was that first published trade 😀). And never represent its value in fiat. Then the value of BTC should converge naturally as the result of the law of supply and demand. 17:49:07
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 That seems highly unlikely to me,
DLTs (Deployed Ledger Technologies) like BTC pose a true risk to the power of VCs,
mostly banks.

Sure I can see VCs creating their own crypto currencies,
through their real firm with "serious coins" that have embedded printing capabilities
or even through fake shell firms with "shit coins" that have embedded rug-pull capabilities.

Since that would diminish the risk for them,
by slowly breaking the public spirit behind it, while getting rich while doing so.
For that reason I wouldn't be surprised if said where true to a certain degree.

However BTC itself,
brought out the idea of payments through fair DLTs which aren't to the public's awareness.
I'm sure if VCs could have chosen, that they would have liked to cover that up,
since it truly imposes a risk to their power.
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 Currently all prices are still in FIAT yes,
but you still receive your paycheck in FIAT too
and still pay for most products in FIAT too.

Crypto is still in its infancy, humanity is still testing what works and what doesn't.
I think it's a little early to already hope for stores to start pricing everything in a certain crypto etc.

I do believe that it's possible that some of the serious crypto's will become the main means of payments for countries.
Doubt that it will end up being a single coin for the whole world though.

But mostly FIAT is not stable at all, you only perceive it as such,
because you usually pay about the same for your products,
and usually you receive the same pay-check.

However if checking the M3 or M2 charts of FIAT (Total money supply charts),
then you can see them only climbing up throughout the years,
thus de-valuating slowly through the "money printing" (deficit spending + fractional banking) over time.

Through that reasoning, hyperinflation is only a matter of time for our FIAT systems,
and I'm not sitting and waiting for that to happen.
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 * That seems highly unlikely to me,
DLTs (Deployed Ledger Technologies) like BTC pose a true risk to the power of VCs,
mostly banks.

Sure I can see VCs creating their own crypto currencies,
through their real firm with "serious coins" that have embedded printing capabilities
or even through fake shell firms with "shit coins" that have embedded rug-pull capabilities.

Since that would diminish the risk for them,
by either remaining in power or slowly breaking the public spirit behind it,
while getting rich while doing so.
For that reason I wouldn't be surprised if said where true to a certain degree.

However BTC itself,
brought out the idea of payments through fair DLTs which aren't to the public's awareness.
I'm sure if VCs could have chosen, that they would have liked to cover that up,
since it truly imposes a risk to their power.
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000Redacted or Malformed Event18:17:50
@_discord_659774729766436884:t2bot.iogorgitko this is interesting and worrysome... 18:19:25
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 Chart go up => Central bank stealing from us all 18:19:39
@_discord_659774729766436884:t2bot.iogorgitko I am noob in economics, so how is money actually removed from the circulation? You can't have negative printing, only slow it down. 18:21:14
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 Central banks can do "negative printing",
you sometimes see the charts going down a little yeah?
@_discord_659774729766436884:t2bot.iogorgitko yeah, but don't know how 😀 18:22:55
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 Check "Hidden Secrets of Money - Episode 4" and you will 😉
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 I recommend to watch the whole series, was a real eye opener for me 18:25:13
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 * Central banks can do "negative printing",
you sometimes see the charts going down a little yeah?

Problem is they always add more then what they take out.
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 * Central banks can do "negative printing",
you sometimes see the charts going down a little yeah?

Problem is they always add more then what they take out,
I'd call it a human flaw called greed.
@_discord_659774729766436884:t2bot.iogorgitko ohh sure, I have started to watch that, then had to pause and put it on my neverending "must watch list"... which doesn't implement the LIFO stack, unfortunately 18:28:28
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 Either way, these charts is the reason why I'm so bearish for FIAT.

+ All FIAT has failed throughout the history of humanity..
Thousands of coins, all died out, a lot of them through hyperinflation by deficit spending and fractional banking.
It literally comes from the latin of "bad vehicle".. 😂

The founding fathers of the US even put in a warning in the constitution that only gold/silver should hold value, because they just went through such bad inflation themselves. Which by now, has cleverly been removed from the constitution by some of the richest people in the US.. 😛

It's funny to see how society forgot about all that in only a few hundred years,
but in my language we have a saying, a warned man is worth 2.. 😄

I'm not saying that I'm certain that we'll all pay in BTC or gold in the future,
but I'm quite sure that it won't stay our current FIAT currencies for obvious reasons 🙂
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 * Either way, these charts is the reason why I'm so bearish for FIAT.

+ All FIAT has failed throughout the history of humanity..
Thousands of coins, all died out,
a lot of them through hyperinflation by deficit spending and fractional banking.
It literally comes from the latin of "bad vehicle".. 😂

The founding fathers of the US even put in a warning in the constitution that only gold/silver should hold value, because they just went through such bad inflation themselves. Which by now, has cleverly been removed from the constitution by some of the richest people in the US.. 😛

It's funny to see how society forgot about all that in only a few hundred years,
but in my language we have a saying, a warned man is worth 2.. 😄

I'm not saying that I'm certain that we'll all pay in BTC or gold in the future,
but I'm quite sure that it won't stay our current FIAT currencies for obvious reasons 🙂
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 * Either way, these charts is the reason why I'm so bearish for FIAT.

+ All FIAT has failed throughout the history of humanity..
Thousands of coins, all died out,
a lot of them through hyperinflation by deficit spending and fractional banking.
It literally comes from the Latin of "bad vehicle".. 😂

The founding fathers of the US even put in a warning in the constitution that only gold/silver should hold value, because they just went through such bad inflation themselves. Which by now, has cleverly been removed from the constitution by some of the richest people in the US.. 😛

It's funny to see how society forgot about all that in only a few hundred years,
but in my language we have a saying, a warned man is worth 2.. 😄

I'm not saying that I'm certain that we'll all pay in BTC or gold in the future,
but I'm quite sure that it won't stay our current FIAT currencies for obvious reasons 🙂
@_discord_119397325998129152:t2bot.iorikj000 * Either way, these charts is the reason why I'm so bearish for FIAT.

+ All FIAT has failed throughout the history of humanity..
Thousands of coins, all died out,
a lot of them through hyperinflation by deficit spending and fractional banking.
It literally comes from the Latin of "bad vehicle".. 😂

The founding fathers of the US even put in a warning in the constitution that only gold/silver should hold value, because they just went through such bad inflation themselves. Which by now, has cleverly been removed from the constitution by some of the richest people in the US.. 😛

It's funny to see how society forgot about all that in only a few hundred years,
but in my language we have a saying, a warned man is worth 2.. 😄

I'm not saying that I'm certain that we'll all pay in BTC or gold in the future,
but I'm quite sure that it won't stay our current FIAT currencies for obvious reasons.

And that it's clever to hold to a varied portfolio of things which hold value to humanity,
and mostly, cannot be "printed" by a centralized party!.. 🙂
18 Dec 2022
@_discord_898953552322498630:t2bot.ioomniavincitbit#6536 joined the room.20:43:10
@_discord_898953552322498630:t2bot.ioomniavincitbit#6536 @everyone https://discord.gg/tiktok18 20:43:10
19 Dec 2022
@_discord_1053100758444298313:t2bot.ioAinedAine08#1223 joined the room.08:12:26
@_discord_1053100758444298313:t2bot.ioAinedAine08#1223Redacted or Malformed Event08:12:27

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