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24 Jul 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Google Chrome Releases: Chrome Beta for Android Update 23:40:10
@telegram_392016508:calyx.devAbdullahPS 🇵🇸 (Telegram) joined the room.23:52:43
25 Jul 2024
@gelbpunkt:matrix.orgAdrian joined the room.13:26:17

Hi there, I got a question related to signing. It all works well, but signing Chromium fails with this:

    signing: TrichromeChrome.apk                               (external/calyx/chromium/certs/chromium)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "/home/jens/calyx-14/out/host/linux-x86/bin/sign_target_files_apks/__main__.py", line 12, in <module>
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 198, in _run_module_as_main
  File "<frozen runpy>", line 88, in _run_code
  File "sign_target_files_apks.py", line 1751, in <module>
  File "sign_target_files_apks.py", line 1726, in main
  File "sign_target_files_apks.py", line 647, in ProcessTargetFiles
  File "sign_target_files_apks.py", line 552, in SignApk
  File "common.py", line 2537, in SignFile
  File "common.py", line 2476, in GetMinSdkVersionInt
  File "common.py", line 2448, in GetMinSdkVersion
common.ExternalError: Failed to obtain minSdkVersion for /tmp/tmpjnkz4rw7_TrichromeChrome.apk: aapt2 return code 1:

/tmp/tmpjnkz4rw7_TrichromeChrome.apk: error: failed opening zip: Invalid file.

Funny enough when I run aapt2 dump badging $OUT/PACKAGING/target_files_intermediates/calyx_$(DEVICE)-target_files/PRODUCT/app/TrichromeChrome/TrichromeChrome.apk, it spits out correct info and does not complain about invalid files. Any idea what's going wrong here?

@vilic:matrix.orgvilicIf you try to extract apk with 7z, does it complain?14:06:30
@gelbpunkt:matrix.orgAdrian Didn't try 7z, but unzip does not complain 14:07:28
@vilic:matrix.orgvilicOh ok, tought it was corrupted maybe14:08:11
@gelbpunkt:matrix.orgAdrianThis is interesting. I modified releasetools to copy the file somewhere (so I can look at it). 14:08:34
[jens@syndra tmp]$ file tmp5hu12csj_TrichromeChrome.apk
tmp5hu12csj_TrichromeChrome.apk: empty
@gelbpunkt:matrix.orgAdrianWhy is the file it's trying to sign empty, even though the file in my intermediate target files is a valid ZIP and totally not empty14:09:02
@gelbpunkt:matrix.orgAdrianAh fixed. I had to generate keys for chromium :D14:35:14
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Google Chrome Releases: Chrome Dev for Android Update 16:11:23
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Google Chrome Releases: Chrome Beta for iOS Update 17:43:40
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Google Chrome Releases: Chrome Stable for iOS Update 18:41:35
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Google Chrome Releases: Dev Channel Update for ChromeOS / ChromeOS Flex 22:12:20
26 Jul 2024
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeHey guys01:16:56
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeHow duress pin implementation is going?01:17:35
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeDuress (Duress password trigger) https://f-droid.org/packages/me.lucky.duress/01:17:39
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeMaybe you can use this as inspiration01:17:56
@erupt9776:matrix.orgJoeAnd the code of the other that I can't say the name. Tip: Starts with G-r-a01:18:52
In reply to @erupt9776:matrix.org
How duress pin implementation is going?
You make it sound like we ever said we were going to do it
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Google Chrome Releases: Chrome Dev for Android Update 01:38:59
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Google Chrome Releases: Long Term Support Channel Update for ChromeOS 05:34:08
@telegram_6825918760:calyx.devphatty (""); (Telegram) joined the room.07:04:38
@telegram_6825918760:calyx.devphatty (""); (Telegram)hi07:05:04
@telegram_401567886:calyx.devTheUnluck (Telegram) joined the room.07:09:09
@telegram_6825918760:calyx.devphatty (""); (Telegram) @The_Unluck dibs on nothing phone 2 07:10:46
@telegram_6825918760:calyx.devphatty (""); (Telegram)take ur paws away07:10:51
@telegram_260839324:calyx.devChirayu Desai (Telegram)?16:03:52
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Google Chrome Releases: Chrome Dev for Desktop Update 18:46:03

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