
GNU IceCat (Mobile) Browser ☞ ؟⸮UNOFFICIAL⸮؟ – Unofficial Self Support Community for community self support; for Users, by Users.

77 Members
https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ ••• https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/IceCat ••• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_IceCat ••• For Android, F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/packages/org.gnu.icecat/ ° (page also links a Wiki) ••• For more on F-Droid: #F-Droid:chat.weho.st ••• Room History is "World Readable" by anyone. → https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23GNU-IceCat:matrix.org ••• Listed: https://matrixstats.org/room/!KqSezeaNRqjXWjkLxM:matrix.org ••• For sharing this room: "GNU IceCat (Mobile) Browser ☞ ؟⸮UNOFFICIAL⸮؟ – Unofficial Self Support Community for community self support; for Users, by Users." [GNU IceCat \(Mobile\) Browser ☞ ؟⸮UNOFFICIAL⸮؟ – Unofficial Self Support Community for community self support; for Users, by Users.](https://matrix.to/#/!KqSezeaNRqjXWjkLxM:matrix.org) ° https://matrix.to/#/!KqSezeaNRqjXWjkLxM:matrix.org ° !KqSezeaNRqjXWjkLxM:matrix.org ••• Keywords/Tags: #GNU #GNUiceCat #IceCat #IceWeasel #MobileBrowser ••••13 Servers

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21 Oct 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @bkil:grin.hu@bkil:grin.hu (Ban evading sockpuppet from the grin.hu trolling Homeserver.).00:08:11
26 Dec 2020
@norbert:riotchat.de@norbert:riotchat.de left the room.20:02:56
21 Oct 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @fuck_linux:matrix.org@fuck_linux:matrix.org (Very inappropriate offtopic anti-Semetic or whatnot trolling via photobombing in a Tech room. Probably the goat-blowers club e.g. glowers.club or maybe baffy/preternatural with yet another ban-evading sockpuppet. So meh or underwhelming.).00:58:09
@ojp7:matrix.org@ojp7:matrix.org joined the room.01:13:50
@ojp7:matrix.org@ojp7:matrix.org left the room.01:15:27
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @troll_troll:matrix.org@troll_troll:matrix.org (Maybe not as obvious to others as I, but joining my rooms just to troll, with troll in your MXID and Display Name is not even trying to be a Successful Troll, just an Obvious Troll. And the very obvious off-topic was also very obvious.).20:45:09
22 Oct 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @international_jew:matrix.org@international_jew:matrix.org (Just another sockpuppet for known brainlet unimpressive trolls. Meh.).00:05:06
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @huyhh:matrix.org@huyhh:matrix.org (Accessory MXID for a sockpuppet troll-fest. Meh. Buh bye. We are Moderators. Expect us.).00:34:24
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @adoringcargo:matrix.org@adoringcargo:matrix.org (Accessory MXID for a troll-fest. Buh bye. We are Moderators. Expect us.).00:48:53
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @linda234:matrix.org@linda234:matrix.org (Commercial financial spam, probably a scam too.).10:56:26
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO invited @hammertime2009:matrix.orgM.C. Hammer.12:01:47
@hammertime2009:matrix.orgM.C. Hammer joined the room.12:19:27
24 Oct 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @informatique:matrix.org@informatique:matrix.org (Take your spam someplace else.).08:16:38
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @kylerittenhause:iddqd.social@kylerittenhause:iddqd.social (You had ONE JOB, not to be a brainlet troll. Fail you are, breed you should not, Yoda says. We are Moderators. Expect us.).19:40:44
28 Oct 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @bangore:matrix.org@bangore:matrix.org (Sockpuppet troll prober or just some idiot nonsense poster.).19:02:39
29 Oct 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @scofitz:matrix.org@scofitz:matrix.org (You had your opportunity to choose to either accept the norm in self-help tech rooms or just continue to be disruptive and crap on the room for everyone else. Your choice was fail. It is not our problem that your kindergarten teacher and parents let you think you could do whatever you like, wherever you like. We are not your babysitters. Poke the bear and the bear is going to poke back. Good luck with that attitude IRL in places where police are allowed to do their job and you think you can just be a giant human turd. Buh-bye. We are Moderators. Expect us.).22:38:53
30 Oct 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @bigbadbossman:matrix.org@bigbadbossman:matrix.org (It is so typical of these trolls to double-down when given the opportunity to self-correct, that it's any wonder why an experienced Moderator would afford them any patience. You are free to be faux-condecending, faux as in fake because you would actually need to be evolved or hold the moral high ground or intellectual high ground, which you do NOT; free to do that, and tangent off topical thing for your off-topic ranting, in some other room where that is welcome, or create your own. But here and in an entire catalogue of rooms your disruptive behaviour has earned you persona non grata status. You used an RSS Feed item about ransomware to crap in the middle of the floor of a tech room with your anti-government anti-taxation ranting. Like a puppy, you and your crap are tossed outside. You are not the boss in rooms maintained by others. Buh bye. We are Moderators. Expect us.).00:43:45
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @smrtak:privacytools.io@smrtak:privacytools.io (Sockpuppet for @smrtak:matrix.org which is baffy/preternatural who is persona non grata. We do NOT forget. We do NOT forgive. We are Moderators. Expect us.).16:53:31
31 Oct 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @carpe-omnia:matrix.org@carpe-omnia:matrix.org (Go crap on the norm in rooms of other Moderators and see how it works out for you. Take your Sockpuppets and GTFO too. And we do NOT condone promotion of the MitM CloudHemmhorroidalFlareUp evil in our good CyberSecurity room. We are Moderators. We do NOT forget. We do NOT forgive room derailers. Expect us.).20:54:39
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @carpe_omnia:matrix.org@carpe_omnia:matrix.org (Go crap on the norm in rooms of other Moderators and see how it works out for you. Take your Sockpuppets and GTFO too. And we do NOT condone promotion of the MitM CloudHemmhorroidalFlareUp evil in our good CyberSecurity room. We are Moderators. We do NOT forget. We do NOT forgive room derailers. Expect us.).22:04:06
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @sting-ray:matrix.org@sting-ray:matrix.org (Obvious crap-poster in the middle of a troll-fest. Sockpuppet or immature disruptive one jumping in with the others, I do not care which. Now 1 less problem in this catalogue of rooms. We are Moderators. Expect us.).22:24:18
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @alkay:matrix.org@alkay:matrix.org (This is not a farm. So take your sockpuppet and be a lol-cow someplace else. We are Moderators. Expect us.).22:49:18
2 Nov 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @wannabeneo:matrix.org@wannabeneo:matrix.org (It's getting far easier for Moderators to Thanos bullcrap from sockpuppeting trolls, far easier than it is for such crappy netizens to create such sockpuppets. When the Soros money dries up, they'll all have to get jobs, and get out of their mommyz basement, LMFAO. We are Moderators. We do not forget. We do not forgive. Expect us.).03:46:33
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @life_or_death1:matrix.org@life_or_death1:matrix.org (Photobomb spammer with very inappropriate hentai or whatever. Mostlikely just another sockpuppet. Meh. Another wone bites the dust where they are fail and lost and Moderators won. We are Moderators. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.).18:17:54
3 Nov 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @zadak:privacytools.io@zadak:privacytools.io (I heard recently that the most successful citizen-journalists who infiltrate and expose radicalized extreme leftist political groups are actually themselves left-leaning, but haters of hypocrisy. You are guilty of being old-school offensive on two fronts, bastardizing the word ❝literal❞, and falsely-accusing others of being a ❝fascist❞ while acting like an ACTUAL fascist. You do not even know the meaning of either word. And anti-Moderation is NOT ALLOWED. THESE rooms WILL be kept decent for all members who are good netizens, which is not you. It is not our problem that your kindergarten teacher nor legal guardian e.g. parents did not teach you how to behave. Take your toxic behaviour someplace else. We are Moderators. We do not forget. We do not forgive. Expect us.).14:49:21
4 Nov 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @payzol:matrix.org@payzol:matrix.org (No you do NOT join our rooms to add bots to spam the thing and leave. This is NOT your playground nor test-room menu. Already on matrix.org is #test:matrix.org and #bots:matrix.org for testing bots. These are listed in the directory and people know of them. So you have no excuse for tring to spam up our rooms. A low activity room is QUALITY over QUANTITY but not yours to try and derail, malicious intentions or not. We do not care about your intentions, only your actions, which fail the good netizenship test. Do not bother us with Direct Chat Message appeals either as you have wasted enough time for us. Buh-bye. We are Moderators. We do not forget. We do not forgive. Expect us.).12:32:20
5 Nov 2020
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @jai123:matrix.org@jai123:matrix.org (Invite-spam into Direct Chat Message rooms, from a large public room where doing so requires ASKING publicly FIRST. We are Moderators. Expect us.).16:23:02
@MilkManzJourDaddy:matrix.orgMMJD-MxO banned @louipc:matrix.org@louipc:matrix.org (Time wasting invite-spam. We are Moderators. We do NOT forget. We do NOT forgive. Expect us.).17:48:13
6 Nov 2020
@miscel4nea:matrix.orgM3r0v1ng10 changed their display name from Iván to M3r0v1ng10.09:44:43
@miscel4nea:matrix.orgM3r0v1ng10 removed their profile picture.09:52:56

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