
GNU IceCat (Mobile) Browser ☞ ؟⸮UNOFFICIAL⸮؟ – Unofficial Self Support Community for community self support; for Users, by Users.

83 Members
https://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/ ••• https://directory.fsf.org/wiki/IceCat ••• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_IceCat ••• For Android, F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/packages/org.gnu.icecat/ ° (page also links a Wiki) ••• For more on F-Droid: #F-Droid:chat.weho.st ••• Room History is "World Readable" by anyone. → https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23GNU-IceCat:matrix.org ••• Listed: https://matrixstats.org/room/!KqSezeaNRqjXWjkLxM:matrix.org ••• For sharing this room: #GNU-IceCat:matrix.org ° https://riot.im/app/#/room/#GNU-IceCat:matrix.org ° https://matrix.to/#/#GNU-IceCat:matrix.org ••• Keywords/Tags: #GNU #GNUiceCat #IceCat #IceWeasel #MobileBrowser ••••14 Servers

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5 Nov 2021
@ohian:matrix.orgohian set a profile picture.07:26:21
@ohian:matrix.orgohian* Halo! We need iceCat! Any idea of respectful browser based on Firefox for Android?07:28:20
@ildar:matrix.orgildar I switched to Fennec F-Droid. 08:36:51
19 Nov 2021
@ohian:matrix.orgohianFennec has some trackers as seen with Exodus and i think it has telemetry, some thick links with google in "secure browsing" and other rubish stuff... so it is not usable "as it", from my point of view...05:06:54
21 Nov 2021
@barzarian:matrix.org@barzarian:matrix.org joined the room.07:32:14
@barzarian:matrix.org@barzarian:matrix.org left the room.08:40:21
23 Nov 2021
24 Nov 2021
@ohian:matrix.orgohianWhat do you think about Kiwi? Chromium based, i think. We can install some addons like: uBlock Origin, NoScript, Privacy Badger, Https everywhere, User-Agent Switcher, Exodify, Privacy Redirect ...10:10:52
@ildar:matrix.orgildarI use FF Sync extensively and it's ok in terms of privacy etc.12:44:25
@ildar:matrix.orgildarIt works on Fennec, FF on desktop(s)12:45:14
25 Nov 2021
@ohian:matrix.orgohianFennec and Firefox desktop should be more privacy friendly... Trackers, telemetry, google linked with "secure browsing"... What do you think about LibreWolf? Is it really better than the original?09:06:47
@ohian:matrix.orgohian ildar: so it's okay for you to store your data at Mozilla, in USA, with PRISM laws and co? Reminder: all datas of american services are open bar for government and private surveillance of the NSA & it is forbidden to tell it from these service providers. If not: jail. So: • Duckduckgo • Mozilla • RiseUp • Signal • ... Are not private! 09:14:12
@ohian:matrix.orgohianI even don't speak about GAFAM. All their "services" are a trap09:14:13
5 Dec 2021
@war666:matrix.org@war666:matrix.org joined the room.04:05:03
@war666:matrix.org@war666:matrix.org left the room.04:32:00
6 Dec 2021
@passenger0000:matrix.org@passenger0000:matrix.org joined the room.22:39:40
@passenger0000:matrix.org@passenger0000:matrix.org left the room.22:40:57
20 Dec 2021
@tgxnitro:matrix.org@tgxnitro:matrix.org joined the room.02:12:26
@tgxnitro:matrix.org@tgxnitro:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event02:13:58
24 Dec 2021
@dig_nerds:matrix.org@dig_nerds:matrix.org joined the room.23:31:46
@dig_nerds:matrix.org@dig_nerds:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:32:20
@dig_nerds:matrix.org@dig_nerds:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:33:41
@dig_nerds:matrix.org@dig_nerds:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:34:02
28 Dec 2021
@antonio.coelho:matrix.org@antonio.coelho:matrix.org joined the room.17:25:21
@antonio.coelho:matrix.org@antonio.coelho:matrix.org left the room.17:30:28
29 Dec 2021
@tgxnitro:matrix.org@tgxnitro:matrix.org left the room.21:50:10
2 Jan 2022
@telmobss:matrix.org@telmobss:matrix.org joined the room.16:48:51
6 Jan 2022
@telmobss:matrix.org@telmobss:matrix.org changed their display name from telmobss to tbss.13:48:11
13 Jan 2022
@slugman666:matrix.orgSlugman joined the room.09:38:38
7 Feb 2022
@anon45733:matrix.organon45733 joined the room.16:17:29

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