
Western Traditions

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Hermeticism and Western Occultism4 Servers

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20 Sep 2022
@bastardbuddha:matrix.org@bastardbuddha:matrix.orgSure. 10:58:14
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Go somewhere else if you think Robert Gilbert is a grifter. You truly have no clue. 16:49:42
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce And legal thing on my site is so people dont try to sue my ass due to the content of the materials. Was advised by very knowledgeable people to do so. You havent a clue to which you speak. Might as well leave this sever if you are going to attempt such baseless claims. 16:50:22
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce * And legal thing on my site is so people don't try to sue me due to the content of the materials. Was advised by very knowledgeable people to do so to. You havent a clue to which you speak. Might as well leave this sever if you are going to attempt such baseless claims.

Pleaese discuss magnetic material on the appropriate channel.
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Robert Gilbert is hardly a grifter. The man has brought radiesthesia to a modern light. And you call Aether Force a grift too for having a legal section on the website? It's what you have to do these days to protect oneself to make sure information can be freely shared. Feel free to leave your laughable and baseless claims elsewhere. No one forced you to join this chat.

Also let's please respect the purpose of each room and dedicate to the chats to the specific topics at hand.
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce * Robert Gilbert is hardly a grifter. The man has brought radiesthesia to a modern light. And you call Aether Force a grift too for having a legal section on the website? It's what you have to do these days to protect oneself to make sure information can be freely shared. Feel free to leave your laughable and baseless claims elsewhere. No one forced you to join this chat.

Also let's please respect the purpose of each room and use the chats for the specific topics at hand.
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce * @phil Robert Gilbert is hardly a grifter. The man has brought radiesthesia to a modern light. And you call Aether Force a grift too for having a legal section on the website? It's what you have to do these days to protect oneself to make sure information can be freely shared. Feel free to leave your laughable and baseless claims elsewhere. No one forced you to join this chat.

Also let's please respect the purpose of each room and use the chats for the specific topics at hand.
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce * @phil Robert Gilbert is hardly a grifter. The man has brought physical radiesthesia to a modern light and accesible to many that never would have had the chance to learn. And you call Aether Force a grift too for having a legal section on the website? It's what you have to do these days to protect oneself to make sure information can be freely shared. Feel free to leave your laughable and baseless trolling claims elsewhere. No one forced you to join this chat. Feel free to leave at any time.

Also let's please respect the purpose of each room and use the chats for the specific topics at hand.
@_discord_978817684584169512:t2bot.ioMagick As above, so below 19:01:14
21 Sep 2022
@_discord_812137705759703051:t2bot.ioB7U3C50SS joined the room.02:49:57

Go somewhere else if you think Robert Gilbert is a grifter. You truly have no clue.

I thought this was the Westen Mystical Traditions channel? Why are you bringing unrelated topics here?


@phil Robert Gilbert is hardly a grifter. The man has brought physical radiesthesia to a modern light and accesible to many that never would have had the chance to learn. And you call Aether Force a grift too for having a legal section on the website? It's what you have to do these days to protect oneself to make sure information can be freely shared. Feel free to leave your laughable and baseless trolling claims elsewhere. No one forced you to join this chat. Feel free to leave at any time.

Also let's please respect the purpose of each room and use the chats for the specific topics at hand.

Absolutely. How about we discuss Miguel de Molinos?

In reply to @_discord_978817684584169512:t2bot.io
As above, so below
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce I kept in line with this channel. I have every right to post what I did to call your comments outs. Its called moderating.

I am not familiar with Molinos.but if relevant to the channel go ahead and discuss.
@bastardbuddha:matrix.org@bastardbuddha:matrix.orgI am genuinely amazed. Molinos is a core pillar of the WMT.16:59:04
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce I will look into him soon. Maybe I had in the past. Its been years since ive been involved in deep hermetic work. I am more involved with Steiners spiritual science these days. Thanks for the name drop and will look into him when i can later today. 17:01:52
@bastardbuddha:matrix.org@bastardbuddha:matrix.orgWhat do you find true about Steiner?17:02:24
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Most of it feels like the right fit for me providing solid guidelines for developing own self initiation. Its a grounded spiritual pursuit with direct applications in the physical. I practice many aspects of it from many meditations, biodynamics, botany, eurythmy, goethean science, attempting to engage with mechanical occultism, Brings a balanced approach than ehat I have experienced wih other systems from my personal experience. I am most in tune with the Goethean approach as a foundation and how this background can supplement materialist science. I found value in hermetics too, just moved away from more ceremonial type stuff and am more interested in what Steiner and crew have provided, especially the natural science section of the work. I feel I have grown more with this system than with any other. Having said that I am not an anthroposophist though. Actually burned my card a while ago... Have little in common with the organization as a whole. If wishing to discuss steiner at an length there is a whole room for that.

Will look into if I have covered any of Molinos material in the past (would have been about a decade ago).
@bastardbuddha:matrix.org@bastardbuddha:matrix.orgSounds like you lost the thread, to be honest. Most of what you named isn't real in the same way walls are.17:31:37
@bastardbuddha:matrix.org@bastardbuddha:matrix.orgThe moment I gave up on Steiner is when he went full Akashic records.17:32:16
@bastardbuddha:matrix.org@bastardbuddha:matrix.orgThat, and the Hidden Mahatmas are a huge red flag.17:32:29
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Agree to disagree. 17:34:36
@bastardbuddha:matrix.org@bastardbuddha:matrix.orgDisagree to disagree. Steiner had little to no clue, and what he did get was trash from Blavatsky and her friends.17:35:59
@bastardbuddha:matrix.org@bastardbuddha:matrix.orgNot to say there's no value in his writing, but it is extremely muddy and more a collection of his personal ideas than a reflection of truth.17:36:35
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce Most of his work had little do with Blavatsky even though he did initially come from that stream. He made that abundantly clear of her limitations and many of the misconceptions they brought forward. He brought a christian stream while she brought an eastern stream. I am not a fan of theosophy whatsoever.

I don't take ANYONE's writings as a truth. But have found more value in his writings and that of many goethean style scientists. I take a lot of his stuff with some salt as I have not personally been able to verify through own perception as of yet. But some of his indications have been validated. The fact he anchored in his "visions" into practical aspects of life is what interests me. I have begun to engage the nonphysical in a different manner than before because of following some of his basic guidelines. I also work with many clairvoyants of this particular stream who are advanced radiesthesia style tools ... But thats a whole another story for another time.

Again, if Steiner is something you wish to discuss there is a whole room for that.

I respect everyone's way to engage spiritual pursuits as they see fit. For me hermeticism was a stepping stone and same with Steiner at this time. I have personally expanded more in thinking and perception more because of his work than of any others at this time.

I will not engage the topic of Steiner anymore unless done so in the respective room on this server.
@bastardbuddha:matrix.org@bastardbuddha:matrix.orgIs Steiner not part of the Westen Mystical Tradition?17:55:45
@bastardbuddha:matrix.org@bastardbuddha:matrix.orgIf not, why? You just justified the presence of this discussion in this channel with your write-up.17:56:10
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce He totally is. 17:56:17
@_discord_570833055313428483:t2bot.io.aetherforce You asked the question so I replied then said to bring it over the respective channel. I am respecting my own rules.

I have a channel for hermetics then for steiner then one for anything that may be more general than either of those.

I have a separate Steiner room to keep the information more streamline since I post a lot of content in that room.

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