
Western Traditions

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Hermeticism and Western Occultism4 Servers

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6 Dec 2023
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_mononDownload Theurgy__Theory_and_Practice__The_Mysteries_of_the_Ascent_to_the_Divine_-_P_D_Newman.pdf09:05:05
8 Dec 2023
@supplementalsyrup:matrix.orgsupplementalsyrup joined the room.18:41:46
9 Dec 2023
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_mononDownload Radek_Chlup_-_Proclus__An_Introduction-Cambridge_University_Press_2012.pdf11:06:22
In reply to @_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.io
sent a file.
Hey phuge_monos_pros_monon: thank you for sharing these books, it's good stuff. Are you into hellenic philosophy?
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_monon Hellenic Platonic Philosophy sure, less so for Abrahamic Platonism 13:01:31
11 Dec 2023
@_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.iomatrix-t2bot joined the room.16:25:42
13 Dec 2023
@_discord_875574843565813790:t2bot.iophuge_monos_pros_mononDownload John_Scottus_Eriugena_-_Deirdre_Carabine.pdf15:06:54
@artochado:matrix.orgartochadoHi, I'm back.15:20:59
@artochado:matrix.orgartochadoI would share some stuff, but all my stuff was taken away during a police raid.15:26:01
@artochado:matrix.orgartochadoHere is an english audiobook of the Kybalion: https://invidious.lunar.icu/watch?v=aL43l2SFVWQ As a German I love this one: https://invidious.lunar.icu/watch?v=L5wBxFXu0js15:28:28
@artochado:matrix.orgartochado * Here is an english audiobook of the Kybalion: https://invidious.lunar.icu/watch?v=aL43l2SFVWQ As a German I love this one: https://invidious.lunar.icu/watch?v=L5wBxFXu0js15:28:47
@artochado:matrix.orgartochadoI've recently drunk fly agaric tea/soup every sunday for three weeks. The last week I've drank two and a half tea cups on an empty stomach with the intention of relaxing me. It did exactly that. I think I could drink or eat a ton of those mushrooms, without really noticing a hole bunch. Funny enough, I also tried homeopathic water, which was for me similarly difficult to swallow as that fly agaric tea. The water really tasted different from the water straight out of the reverse osmosis device. And the two waters tasted significantly different. This experience shifted the paradigm for me recently. I've also recently experienced/felt a kind of veil around my body and especially around my head, while laying in bed. I noticed how the things that I invisioned started to directly manifest in my body. For example I visualized my gut discharging everything toxic and harmful as a kind of black goo and my stomach immediately started to convulse and get to work on manifesting that idea. Funky. My doubting mind is is becoming quieter and quieter. 15:55:17
Download homeopathic-water.png
@artochado:matrix.orgartochado"Glück" can be translated as "Luck" or "Fortune"15:56:05
@artochado:matrix.orgartochado * I've recently drunk fly agaric tea/soup every Sunday for three weeks. The last week I've drank two and a half tea cups on an empty stomach with the intention of relaxing me. It did exactly that. (Was pretty mild though. Maybe I've build up a resistance.) I think I could drink or eat a ton of those mushrooms, without really noticing a hole bunch. Funny enough, I also tried homeopathic water, which was for me similarly difficult to swallow as that fly agaric tea. The water really tasted different from the water straight out of the reverse osmosis device. And the two waters tasted significantly different. This experience shifted the paradigm for me recently. I've also recently experienced/felt a kind of veil around my body and especially around my head, while laying in bed. I noticed how the things that I invisioned started to directly manifest in my body. For example I visualized my gut discharging everything toxic and harmful as a kind of black goo and my stomach immediately started to convulse and get to work on manifesting that idea. Funky. My doubting mind is is becoming quieter and quieter. 16:01:38
18 Dec 2023
@_discord_100306755090644992:t2bot.iommx_in_orbit 21:13:24
25 Dec 2023
@_discord_920596579470172170:t2bot.ioprsntco joined the room.21:12:29
26 Dec 2023
@chile09:matrix.org@chile09:matrix.org left the room.04:49:28
28 Dec 2023
@_discord_514461484319899659:t2bot.iogolden_tulip changed their display name from DOccultist to golden_tulip.02:53:34
30 Dec 2023
@pointtwogo:matrix.org@pointtwogo:matrix.org changed their display name from Pointtwogo [ft.The Archivist] 🇺🇸 to Pointtwogo.21:01:52
1 Jan 2024
@pointtwogo:matrix.org@pointtwogo:matrix.org left the room.00:14:29
2 Jan 2024
@_discord_233439229466771456:t2bot.iometamorpheus_ joined the room.23:04:47
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_247744244171669504:t2bot.iosamuelbqn joined the room.19:28:23
8 Jan 2024
@_discord_978505414868086874:t2bot.iodiscobeat_1 changed their display name from Discobeat to discobeat_1.03:32:35
13 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.21:06:37
15 Jan 2024
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid changed their profile picture.08:30:51
28 Feb 2024
@dictvm:matrix.org@dictvm:matrix.org joined the room.16:35:58
13 Apr 2024
@marzio.f:matrix.orgMarzio.f changed their display name from marzio.f to Marzio.f.08:55:51
21 Jun 2024
@dictvm:matrix.org@dictvm:matrix.org joined the room.13:38:46
@dictvm:matrix.org@dictvm:matrix.org left the room.13:46:05

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