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30 Aug 2021
@konkor:matrix.orgkonkorVaping is more safe than smoking for sure. But it is harmful after long-term use. We can't smell things well cause of strong flavorings. It's called Vapers Tongue.17:47:16
@konkor:matrix.orgkonkorAlso the hot vape with glycerin kills microflora in your mouth and lungs exposes to many external viruses and bacteria...17:53:09
@konkor:matrix.orgkonkorNicotine addiction is still a thing so.17:54:05
@konkor:matrix.orgkonkorSorry for all this speech. But I think you should know it.17:58:42

Sorry for all this speech. But I think you should know it.

No no, you're good. I get it

@printablefreedom:halogen.city@printablefreedom:halogen.cityThats why I havent ever payed for a vape in my life18:34:20
@printablefreedom:halogen.city@printablefreedom:halogen.cityI just plan to because I enjoy the technology side18:34:31
@printablefreedom:halogen.city@printablefreedom:halogen.cityActually vaping is more of a side thing18:34:45
31 Aug 2021
@noccy:matrix.orgnoccy I agree with konkor , I used it to kick a smoking habit of 25+ years. It's safer than smoking for sure (no TSNA, no aldehydes) and the composition is practically the same as a fog machine at a concert, but more research is needed 15:37:17
7 Sep 2021
@printablefreedom:halogen.city@printablefreedom:halogen.cityFor sure, Im trying to do this as safe as possible08:55:34
@printablefreedom:halogen.city@printablefreedom:halogen.cityHence the group join08:55:39
@printablefreedom:halogen.city@printablefreedom:halogen.cityKeep in mind that I go for a weeks at a time occasionally without a single vape or anything.08:55:59
@printablefreedom:halogen.city@printablefreedom:halogen.cityI know my limits, I dont even drink alcohol because I dont like the whole destroying braincells thing and its not worth it to me.08:56:24
@printablefreedom:halogen.city@printablefreedom:halogen.cityThank you guys08:57:24
@printablefreedom:halogen.city@printablefreedom:halogen.cityActually matter a fact, its been about 10 days since my last vape. Sounds stupid but thats a decent amount of time. I did just get a new one though08:59:05
@printablefreedom:halogen.city@printablefreedom:halogen.cityIts one of the bigger tank disposables with the big battery, I have a thing for disposables😂😂08:59:21
30 Sep 2021
@kennywalther:matrix.org@kennywalther:matrix.org joined the room.18:06:36
@kennywalther:matrix.org@kennywalther:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event18:06:42
@kennywalther:matrix.org@kennywalther:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event18:06:49
@kennywalther:matrix.org@kennywalther:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event18:06:55
@kennywalther:matrix.org@kennywalther:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event18:07:02
@kennywalther:matrix.org@kennywalther:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event18:07:08
2 Oct 2021
@noccy:matrix.orgnoccyDefine heat up? How hot does it get? 20:55:23

It start to heat up

Most likely normal

@printablefreedom:halogen.city@printablefreedom:halogen.cityMost things do when they charge23:42:46
3 Oct 2021
@noccy:matrix.orgnoccyYeah that's what I'm thinking. Unless it gets crazy hot00:48:18
@kennywalther:matrix.org@kennywalther:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event05:33:18
@noccy:matrix.orgnoccyI think above 45c you can start worrying, that's around the point where shower water goes from "nice and hot" to "burning the skin off". So as long as you can hold it in your hand without issues you should be good 😀 12:10:37
@kennywalther:matrix.org@kennywalther:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event17:56:29
@kennywalther:matrix.org@kennywalther:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event17:56:32

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