
MassMesh Tech

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4 Oct 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcure yeah everything. The seats and tables are still there but all the electrical stuff was apparently removed. lurker did they tell you? 15:35:30
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgThis is the first I'm hearing of it15:38:26
5 Oct 2021
@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org changed their profile picture.09:10:37
13 Oct 2021
@carter_s:matrix.org@carter_s:matrix.org joined the room.17:04:58
16 Oct 2021
Download ezgif-3-aeeaebcb4048.gif
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304I'm working on a prettier template for librespeed, might host it on yggdrasil18:29:42
19 Oct 2021
25 Oct 2021
@christopher_parker:matrix.org𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝕮. 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 changed their display name from Christopher Parker to 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝕮. 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗.19:15:01
27 Oct 2021
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2koo libre speed 🙂 i should check it out18:41:39
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kim still using http://node2.e-mesh.net/speedtest/ (also hosted on ygg :))18:42:01
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2ksomeone wanting more info on meshnet19:23:40
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2k * someone wanting more info on mashmesh21:33:38
28 Oct 2021
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeWe're going to have a video chat about starting Boston-area meshnet outreach and setting up an installer team. If you want to help out, join us this Saturday at 11am at https://meet.jit.si/InterestedDawnsPileStunningly 21:01:07
29 Oct 2021
@eugene_martein:matrix.org@eugene_martein:matrix.org joined the room.04:48:40
30 Oct 2021
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeReminder: Today at 11am, we're going to have a video chat about starting Boston-area meshnet outreach and setting up an installer team. If you want to help out, join us at https://meet.jit.si/InterestedDawnsPileStunningly 14:48:27
1 Nov 2021
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeGoing forward, please join #massmeshoutreach:matrix.org is you want to help with outreach efforts/building out the network.18:38:11
2 Nov 2021
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeIs there a reason a node is limited to one autoygg node? Is it a routing limitation (complex) or config limitation (slightly less complex)?15:04:16
3 Nov 2021
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Do you mean for the gateway connection? We currently don't have any code for falling back in case a gateway fails but something like that would be doable. Using 2 gateways simultaneously probably won't be feasible13:31:53
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeFallback would be good as well.13:50:24
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeGuessing YGG doesn't use BGP or another way to establish the fastest paths through the network. If it did, then it could find the fastest exit node, hopefully. Time to read up more.13:50:27
4 Nov 2021
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Yeah unfortunately Ygg doesn't know anything about the wider internet so its algorithm only works for destinations within the mesh. I think it would be good if we could make a system for activating any number of gateways for a node to auto select from.16:43:43
5 Nov 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcure Stephen304: do you remember, did you have to add the 'autoygg' network as a covered network in the yggdrasil zone to make the nat work? 16:29:29
@cure:matrix.orgcurethis was the problem on jokeefe's node16:29:42
@cure:matrix.orgcuremy meshnode had this, wondering if you had to add it manually 16:30:12
@cure:matrix.orgcureI will test with a clean install later16:30:19
In reply to @jokeefe:matrix.org
Guessing YGG doesn't use BGP or another way to establish the fastest paths through the network. If it did, then it could find the fastest exit node, hopefully. Time to read up more.
Fastest path is a very interesting question... cause fast means different things to different people and circumstances...
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kFast as in bandwith over time Or fast as in lowest rate Or fast as in most stable16:32:31
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kOr fast as least number of hops16:33:15
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kI think most meshes do least number of hops.. 16:33:39

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