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15 Apr 2024
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift now this would be very handy 16:41:32
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift In Helix the TOML config is quite easy to grok for those things 16:42:19
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. ok this new emmet ls is really good 16:58:58
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. working much better than the other one for me 16:59:07
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift Emacs + funky meow setup and VSCode with funky Dance setup.
But yes outside of that it's a Vim world
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. i could never get that funky meow setup just right 17:00:17
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. how close did you get it to helix? 17:00:24
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift not that close tbh:
There is an adhoc m match-mode in there and that's about it.
I must add I've modified my helix keymaps to be more like Doom emacs except for the selection->action thing, so the change isn't that jarring
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. hmmm very interesting 17:06:12
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. not going down that road again, but very cool nonetheless 17:06:21
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. got farther than i ever did 17:06:25
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift the power of google 17:06:41
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift and copy pasting 17:06:49
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift also emacs --daemon is great, I wonder why that's never more talked about 17:09:12
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. well yeah the entire idea is to embrace these modern standards much more 17:10:06
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. and really give a configurationless exp 17:10:13
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. i didn't know about that for the longest time! 17:10:25
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift well yeah, but in practice, in my experience, treesitter and LSP aren't the greatest abstractions 17:11:09
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. they're better than nothing 17:11:18
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. i don't think emacs would've kept up without LSP to be frank 17:11:33
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. it'd still be a great editor for what it supported 17:11:50
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift very true! But basing all the things on LSP / treesitter might not be ideal 17:11:52
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. also true 17:11:57
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift yea I believe this too 17:11:59
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. i found this really interesting emacs package for ruby and rails development 17:12:16
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. https://github.com/dgutov/robe 17:12:21
@_discord_77574388035100672:t2bot.iozetashift but Emacs and Vim don't have nothing outside of those.
Helix currently only has multicursors (which work great btw), and some very rough rough shell-piping
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. the fun thing is it's really hard to get good completionos for ruby and rails cuz dynamic and metaprogramming 17:12:36
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. but robe does decently well 17:12:43
@_discord_310835408961536000:t2bot.io.korven. kakoune time 17:12:56

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