
SponsorBlock questions

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30 Apr 2021
@_discordpuppet__214925066813571072:blob.catDeedit (Florian#1128) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jh5C1CKw3a8 Would pretty much the whole beginning be self promo, or onyl the short part where they actually mention their merch store 17:21:03
@_discordpuppet__323277403608580097:blob.catE.Coli (E.Coli#2876) If it were me I'd leave it 17:27:29
@_discordpuppet__766824526624718859:blob.catAliceMain (AliceMain#4040) joined the room.19:14:29
@_discordpuppet__766824526624718859:blob.catAliceMain (AliceMain#4040) Hello, I submitted a sponsor for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbBAj-ls1SM because there was no submissions yet, then I submitted it and then there was a submission that was very similar to mine but not the same. What happened? 19:14:39
@_discordpuppet__766824526624718859:blob.catAliceMain (AliceMain#4040) changed their display name from AliceMain#4040 (Discord) to AliceMain (AliceMain#4040).19:14:39
@_discordpuppet__168378158586920960:blob.catTheJzoli (TheJzoli#4743) The submissions didn't load the first time 19:20:22
@_discordpuppet__140096900824039424:blob.catNanobyte (Nanobyte#2881)
In reply to @_discordpuppet__766824526624718859:blob.cat
Hello, I submitted a sponsor for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbBAj-ls1SM because there was no submissions yet, then I submitted it and then there was a submission that was very similar to mine but not the same. What happened?
If a video is new (up to 3 days) the Extension will check in the background while the video is playing if there is new segments and apply them on the fly, its possible someone was creating that segments while you started watching the video and it got loaded while playing
@_discordpuppet__766824526624718859:blob.catAliceMain (AliceMain#4040)Oooh. I see. Thanks.19:25:23
@_discordpuppet__416179839108644874:blob.catStrangelove (Strangelove#0001) joined the room.20:36:48
@_discordpuppet__321296306675122176:blob.catRoseNoire (Brocoli#5924) joined the room.21:34:08
@_discordpuppet__321296306675122176:blob.catRoseNoire (Brocoli#5924)Hi ! I submitted a segment, but I ended up wanting to edit it. Is there a way to do that, please ? Thank you.21:34:16
@_discordpuppet__321296306675122176:blob.catRoseNoire (Brocoli#5924) changed their display name from Brocoli#5924 (Discord) to RoseNoire (Brocoli#5924).21:34:16
@_discordpuppet__321296306675122176:blob.catRoseNoire (Brocoli#5924)* Hi ! I submitted a segment, but I ended up wanting to edit it. Is there a way to do that after submitting it, please ? Thank you.21:34:19
@_discordpuppet__693584787956301954:blob.catYousef (Yousef#7861) There should be an edit icon for Vanced but I don't remember seeing any edit option for computer. If I was on computer, I'd downvote the segment with others until it gets removed or report it here. Then I'd redo the segment

I may not realize you could edit on computer so dont rely on this for whatever mistake
@_discordpuppet__359764395678629890:blob.catLTcars (LTcars#4551) You can't edit segments 21:41:01
@_discordpuppet__256143257472335872:blob.catKevinX8 (KevinX8#0008)
In reply to @_discordpuppet__693584787956301954:blob.cat
There should be an edit icon for Vanced but I don't remember seeing any edit option for computer. If I was on computer, I'd downvote the segment with others until it gets removed or report it here. Then I'd redo the segment

I may not realize you could edit on computer so dont rely on this for whatever mistake
That's editing before submission
@_discordpuppet__321296306675122176:blob.catRoseNoire (Brocoli#5924)Oh, okay.21:41:47
@_discordpuppet__256143257472335872:blob.catKevinX8 (KevinX8#0008)After you submit you cannot21:41:51
@_discordpuppet__693584787956301954:blob.catYousef (Yousef#7861)ah okay21:41:57
@_discordpuppet__732376486904070204:blob.catbruno🌞 (bruno🌞#8528) joined the room.21:42:33
@_discordpuppet__321296306675122176:blob.catRoseNoire (Brocoli#5924) Well, I'll be talking about it shortly on #incorrect-submissions then. Thanks for your help guys ! 21:42:37
@_discordpuppet__321296306675122176:blob.catRoseNoire (Brocoli#5924)Done. ^^21:48:00
@_discordpuppet__197867122825756672:blob.catAjay (Ajay#1922)
In reply to @_discordpuppet__321296306675122176:blob.cat
Hi ! I submitted a segment, but I ended up wanting to edit it. Is there a way to do that after submitting it, please ? Thank you.
if you downvote your own segment (after reloading), it will disappear immediately
@_discordpuppet__197867122825756672:blob.catAjay (Ajay#1922)you can then resumit21:48:28
@_discordpuppet__197867122825756672:blob.catAjay (Ajay#1922)* you can then rebsumit21:48:45
@_discordpuppet__197867122825756672:blob.catAjay (Ajay#1922)* you can then resubmit21:48:49
@_discordpuppet__321296306675122176:blob.catRoseNoire (Brocoli#5924)Ah, really ? Aw man21:50:59
@_discordpuppet__321296306675122176:blob.catRoseNoire (Brocoli#5924)How immediate does it have to be ?21:51:07
@_discordpuppet__321296306675122176:blob.catRoseNoire (Brocoli#5924) I hope there's still time. 21:51:16
@_discordpuppet__197867122825756672:blob.catAjay (Ajay#1922)there is no time limit21:51:54

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