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6 Mar 2024
@sluffer78:matrix.orgSluffer joined the room.17:23:23
@bhatman1441:matrix.orgbhatman1441Thank you for sharing, as this had worked for me also. The user having this issue said they have NLA turned on and they can't modify that setting at their workplace.17:25:17
@c_debian:sibnsk.net@c_debian:sibnsk.net * REF: Cannot connect to Windows RDP via TLS after update to v1.4.35 Solution for me: CHECK/ACTIVATE this option👇️17:26:43
@bhatman1441:matrix.orgbhatman1441I have not been able to reproduce their issue after that. I think it might be related to openssl issues but tough to recreate.17:27:01
@c_debian:sibnsk.net@c_debian:sibnsk.net * REF: Cannot connect to Windows RDP via TLS after update to v1.4.34 Solution for me: CHECK/ACTIVATE this option👇️17:27:07
@c_debian:sibnsk.net@c_debian:sibnsk.net * REF: Cannot connect to Windows RDP via TLS after update to v1.4.34 / v1.4.35 Solution for me: CHECK/ACTIVATE this option👇️17:27:39
Download Screenshot.png
@c_debian:sibnsk.net@c_debian:sibnsk.netAs soon as this option is UNCHECKED/DEACTIVATED again Remmina shows this screen👆️17:35:08
@sluffer78:matrix.orgSluffer can connect with sssh just fine same login and everything so I can debug on the kali side from mint 17:35:27
@sluffer78:matrix.orgSluffer hey, here for the same bug, tried everything for like 24 hours didnt sleep loll including manually editing RDP settings in the var settings since using flatpak .connecting to kali xrdp. very strange errors, never get them to change really and I've exhausted all options. idk what the apps doing, pcap showed it at one point trying to connect to an internet host that doesn't even resolve to my lan name 17:35:38
@sluffer78:matrix.orgSluffer sent those messages out of order, connection skipped sorry 17:36:43
@sluffer78:matrix.orgSluffer asssume thats a gateway its attempting during negotiate process of the RDP proocol? 17:37:46
@sluffer78:matrix.orgSluffer guess just gonna neeed to wait for an update whaever this huge bug is 17:38:29
@c_debian:sibnsk.net@c_debian:sibnsk.netInterestingly, to connect using the android RDP app (see below) did also not work anymore. This app was not updated and worked before. I also did not update windows or changed the option there. I suppose it was activated before. Who UNCHECKED/DEACTIVATED the option? M$ Windows itself!?🙈17:46:49
@c_debian:sibnsk.net@c_debian:sibnsk.netScreenshot 2.jpg
Download Screenshot 2.jpg
@bhatman1441:matrix.orgbhatman1441 Sluffer: If you are using the latest flatpak, which updated to FreeRDP3, we are noticing issues with some RDP connections failing. You can try reverting back to the previous flatpak version uses FreeRDP2. 17:50:36
@c_debian:sibnsk.net@c_debian:sibnsk.netSidenote: The Windows log SYSTEM-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager showed a new ssl certificate generated just recently... I guess it is unrelated though.17:53:45
@c_debian:sibnsk.net@c_debian:sibnsk.net * Interestingly, to connect using the android RDP app (see below) did also not work anymore. This app was not updated and worked before and also worked again after CHECKING the option. I also did not update windows or changed this option. I strongly suppose it was activated before. Who UNCHECKED/DEACTIVATED the option? M$ Windows itself!?🙈18:03:29
@bhatman1441:matrix.orgbhatman1441I'm going to revert the flatpak to the previous version. Several RDP issues have been reported on the gitlab.18:21:42
@bhatman1441:matrix.orgbhatman1441There must be some issue with FreeRDP3 because I'm unable to connect even using the FreeRDP flatpak.18:22:27
@bhatman1441:matrix.orgbhatman1441[ERROR][com.freerdp.core.gcc] - [gcc_read_conference_create_response]: gcc_read_conference_create_response: gcc_read_server_data_blocks failed [ERROR][com.freerdp.core] - [mcs_recv_connect_response]: gcc_read_conference_create_response failed [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.rdp] - [rdp_recv_callback_int][0x55c418a91dc0]: mcs_recv_connect_response failure [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.rdp] - [rdp_recv_callback_int][0x55c418a91dc0]: CONNECTION_STATE_MCS_CREATE_RESPONSE status STATE_RUN_FAILED [-1] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core.transport] - [transport_check_fds]: transport_check_fds: transport->ReceiveCallback() - STATE_RUN_FAILED [-1] [ERROR][com.freerdp.core] - [rdp_client_wait_for_activation]: ERRCONNECT_CONNECT_TRANSPORT_FAILED [0x0002000D]18:25:26
@bhatman1441:matrix.orgbhatman1441 Sluffer: I just reverted the flatpak back to use FreeRDP2, so when flathub updates the build, the current Remmina flatpak should work again for RDP connections. 19:04:05
@akallabeth:matrix.orgakallabeth bhatman1441: you had this with freerdp3? can you post the whole error log? (the interesting part is missing, the error before gcc_read_server_data_blocks failed where the exact issue is logged 20:14:54
In reply to @c_debian:sibnsk.net
Sidenote: The Windows log SYSTEM-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager showed a new ssl certificate generated just recently... I guess it is unrelated though.
oh, might be the cause.
the error bhatman1441 posted is after the function that reads also the server certificate...
In reply to @c_debian:sibnsk.net
Sidenote: The Windows log SYSTEM-TerminalServices-RemoteConnectionManager showed a new ssl certificate generated just recently... I guess it is unrelated though.
* oh, might be the cause.
the error bhatman1441 posted is after the function that reads the server certificate among other things...
7 Mar 2024
@bhatman1441:matrix.orgbhatman1441Download freerdp-flatpak-error.txt12:08:36
@bhatman1441:matrix.orgbhatman1441 akallabeth: Here is a debug log for attempt to RDP connect to Ubuntu. Same happens when connecting to XRDP server on localhost. However Windows RDP connections work fine for me. These issues are only happening with the flatpak. 12:12:22
@bhatman1441:matrix.orgbhatman1441Download freerdp-flatpak-error-kerberos.txt12:14:26
@bhatman1441:matrix.orgbhatman1441And here is a debug log from a kerberos user who posted this on a Remmina issue.12:14:59
@akallabeth:matrix.orgakallabeth bhatman1441: thx. will create a pr for the missing log entries, but looks like the server is wrongly configured 12:21:41

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