
SponsorBlock suggestions

1361 Members
Suggestions for the SponsorBlock browser extension7 Servers

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5 May 2021
@_discordpuppet__822439613813227581:blob.catEasy (Easy#2836)Sponsorblock is really just a hivemind cutting tool, if you think about it.00:51:10
@_discordpuppet__254582901780381696:blob.catsacstanxiang (sacstanxiang#7439) joined the room.14:17:38
@_discordpuppet__388738225860247552:blob.catowens_online (owens_online#9317) joined the room.19:01:38
9 May 2021
@roki_100:matrix.orgRoki_100 joined the room.00:19:37
@_discordpuppet_bot:blob.catDiscord-Matrix Bridgechanged room power levels.00:28:10
12 May 2021
@schlaukopp96:server.matrix4ulm.deDekster joined the room.19:32:52
13 May 2021
@michael.:matrix.org@michael.:matrix.org left the room.11:36:04
@rencugamob1981:matrix.orgrencugamob1981 joined the room.18:40:45
16 May 2021
@traineescott00:matrix.org@traineescott00:matrix.org joined the room.03:58:48
@traineescott00:matrix.org@traineescott00:matrix.org 04:23:52
17 May 2021
@qovrik:matrix.org@qovrik:matrix.org joined the room.08:53:47
@qovrik:matrix.org@qovrik:matrix.org left the room.10:46:38
18 May 2021
@l_inus:matrix.org@l_inus:matrix.org left the room.10:12:24
20 May 2021
@traineescott00:matrix.org@traineescott00:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:40:54
@traineescott00:matrix.org@traineescott00:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:40:56
@ajay:ajay.appAjay banned @traineescott00:matrix.org@traineescott00:matrix.org.23:56:31
25 May 2021
@littlelamp100:matrix.org@littlelamp100:matrix.org left the room.00:53:47
27 May 2021
@schlaukopp96:server.matrix4ulm.deDeksterSome videos show their sponsors' logos in their outros, and when sponsors are being skipped, these remain on-screen after the video finishes. What about the ability to blank the video if SponsorBlock jumps to the video ending due to skipping a sponsor?23:45:36
28 May 2021
@awesomesheep48:matrix.org@awesomesheep48:matrix.org Dekster: fyi the matrix bridge is down right now, though a new one should be up soon 01:18:25
@awesomesheep48:matrix.org@awesomesheep48:matrix.org Dekster: https://matrix.to/#/#sponsor:ajay.app 14:20:42
@awesomesheep48:matrix.org@awesomesheep48:matrix.org left the room.14:22:38
@schlaukopp96:server.matrix4ulm.deDeksterThanks. Is this a Space replacing the current Community?14:22:43
In reply to @schlaukopp96:server.matrix4ulm.de
Thanks. Is this a Space replacing the current Community?
Yes, but I haven't made it official yet because the bridge is still having issues. Messages from discord come in 60 seconds late due to the profile picture upload timing out
@ajay:ajay.appAjay Matrix -> discord works instantly though 14:40:36
2 Jun 2021
@russdogg73:matrix.orgrussdogg73 joined the room.10:34:11
@berry_silbert:matrix.org@berry_silbert:matrix.org joined the room.22:20:51
5 Jun 2021
@..giftson:matrix.org@..giftson:matrix.org joined the room.22:45:08
6 Jun 2021
@..giftson:matrix.org@..giftson:matrix.org left the room.01:42:57
@..fredmilli:matrix.org@..fredmilli:matrix.org joined the room.03:18:34
@tonycorey:matrix.org@tonycorey:matrix.org joined the room.11:13:28

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