

368 Members
Implementing ipfs in rust44 Servers

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19 Dec 2022
@skoech:matrix.orgskoech joined the room.14:36:39
27 Dec 2022
@mineplayerspe:matrix.orgMinePlayersPE (MyNey) changed their display name from MinePlayersPE to MinePlayersPE (MyNey).03:10:37
28 Dec 2022
@omasanori:matrix.org@omasanori:matrix.org changed their display name from omasanori to Masanori Ogino.21:46:30
@c033:matrix.orgc0mm changed their display name from c033 to c0mm.21:49:58
2 Jan 2023
@alejandro-martinez:matrix.parity.ioalejandro -> @alejandro:parity.io changed their display name from alejandro - ooo to alejandro.10:38:49
7 Jan 2023
@faceless333:matrix.orgfaceless333 joined the room.06:14:06
8 Jan 2023
@celson:matrix.org@celson:matrix.org joined the room.17:46:50
@celson:matrix.org@celson:matrix.org left the room.17:48:12
10 Jan 2023
@alejandro-martinez:matrix.parity.ioalejandro -> @alejandro:parity.io changed their display name from alejandro to alejandro -> @alejandro:parity.io.15:37:57
@ahdl:matrix.organgel2k joined the room.22:29:55
23 Jan 2023
@jboi:jboi.nl-> @jo:jo.wtf joined the room.13:11:20
28 Jan 2023
@playback2396:matrix.orgplayback2396 joined the room.09:39:54
@redrield:matrix.org@redrield:matrix.org left the room.22:46:25
3 Feb 2023
@mrbig.rs:matrix.orgmrBig.rs joined the room.23:44:17
@mrbig.rs:matrix.orgmrBig.rs changed their display name from mrbig.rs to mrBig.rs.23:50:18
4 Feb 2023
@bernd-l:matrix.orgTanja changed their display name from bernd-l to Tanja.15:55:29
14 Feb 2023
@merguian:matrix.orgmerguian joined the room.21:25:45
17 Feb 2023
@onsager_he:matrix.orgonsager_he joined the room.21:41:50
23 Feb 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David to David - OOO Feb 27.19:35:09
26 Feb 2023
@splessnosi:matrix.org@splessnosi:matrix.org joined the room.02:25:58
@splessnosi:matrix.org@splessnosi:matrix.org left the room.02:29:36
27 Feb 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David - OOO Feb 27 to David - OOO (sick).07:26:06
28 Feb 2023
@david:web3.foundationDavid | W3F changed their display name from David - OOO (sick) to David.08:19:18
1 Mar 2023
@walkah:walkah.chatwalkah changed their profile picture.21:29:49
6 Mar 2023
@wuminzhe:matrix.orgΛki Wu changed their display name from Aki Wu to Λki Wu.01:55:01
@itwardhalfacree:matrix.orgItward Halfacree set a profile picture.11:40:18
9 Mar 2023
@tanja-6584:matrix.orgTanja (Old; I'm now @tanja:catgirl.cloud) joined the room.23:56:33
13 Mar 2023
@mindtree:matrix.orgmindtree joined the room.06:07:49
15 Mar 2023
@anand21:matrix.orgAnand Gedam joined the room.15:55:51
@anand21:matrix.orgAnand Gedam

Hi all,
I am new to IPFS,
I am trying to push a file to IPFS Network, using shell command,
in my rust code.
following is the code i am running

let mut output = Command::new("/usr/local/bin/ipfs")
        .expect("failed to execute process");

    if output.status.success() {
        let cid: String = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout).to_string().split_off(6).split(' ').by_ref().take(1).collect();  
        // Load AWS credentials from environment variables.
        let config = aws_config::load_from_env().await;
        let table_name = "cid_table";

And this code is configured to run as service.
Problem: I am able to get the cid, but not able to get the file with the returned cid.
and when i try to upload an empty file, I am able to get the cid and also i am able to retrieve the file from IPFS network.

Please suggest


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