19 Aug 2023 |
| aether22 joined the room. | 09:49:59 |
| assortmentofcatpottery joined the room. | 11:37:34 |
| _3__6__9radioactiveumbra9__6__3_ joined the room. | 13:59:54 |
| ⛧ ឵឵឵ joined the room. | 17:27:52 |
| frogman8868 joined the room. | 22:57:23 |
22 Aug 2023 |
| hearsegirl joined the room. | 12:40:36 |
23 Aug 2023 |
| .catbear. joined the room. | 18:30:21 |
24 Aug 2023 |
| _accele_#0 changed their profile picture. | 11:37:11 |
26 Aug 2023 |
| saurion changed their display name from Saurion to saurion#0. | 05:32:50 |
| saurion changed their display name from saurion#0 to saurion. | 05:32:56 |
2 Sep 2023 |
| enterlight717 joined the room. | 11:06:51 |
3 Sep 2023 |
| Maskugatiger a.k.a CybernetWalker changed their display name from Maskugatiger ak.a CybernetWalker to Maskugatiger a.k.a CybernetWalker. | 14:21:34 |
6 Sep 2023 |
| gabtel7_93963 joined the room. | 19:27:21 |
7 Sep 2023 |
| nicofors joined the room. | 10:21:00 |
| attach369 joined the room. | 19:36:09 |
attach369 | What are your theories about the asteal realm? | 19:37:12 |
attach369 | Is it the inner world actually visiting another external realm. Or is it purely within the body? I am talking about very deep meditation. Either from practice, or through other stimuli | 19:38:48 |
8 Sep 2023 |
| @sloomy:catgirl.cloud joined the room. | 23:09:11 |
| @sloomy:catgirl.cloud left the room. | 23:16:54 |
9 Sep 2023 |
| valps changed their display name from Valps to valps#0. | 19:10:10 |
| valps changed their display name from valps#0 to valps. | 19:10:20 |
10 Sep 2023 |
8nujvp1d | In reply to @_discord_767500574529945612:t2bot.io Is it the inner world actually visiting another external realm. Or is it purely within the body? I am talking about very deep meditation. Either from practice, or through other stimuli I know this may not the kind of answer you are looking for but one of the things I like about lucid dreaming is that the phenomenon itself is approachable by either a mystic or by a scientific point of view with the same techniques. Meaning, it is great that we don't even have to answer if consciousness really leaves the body, everyone agrees on the techniques and in the kind of effects they can produce. | 08:41:52 |
11 Sep 2023 |
| .cosmic_void. joined the room. | 03:00:13 |
| SteelCaptain changed their profile picture. | 04:51:52 |
| ss012 joined the room. | 17:31:04 |
12 Sep 2023 |
| bojangxx joined the room. | 12:19:10 |
13 Sep 2023 |
| jmichelen changed their display name from JMichelen to jmichelen#0. | 22:14:41 |
| jmichelen changed their display name from jmichelen#0 to jmichelen. | 22:14:57 |
16 Sep 2023 |
| ss012 changed their display name from miuiuser to indica083. | 11:44:44 |
| ss012 changed their display name from indica083 to ss012. | 11:47:31 |