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25 Nov 2023
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan How long did the stagnation last? 18:58:54
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup permanent 18:59:03
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup stagnation implies permanence otherwise it'd be a delaty 18:59:12
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan Hmm interesting. So you’re “stuck” at age 4-5 in some areas of development? 18:59:47
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup all but intellectually 19:00:13
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup idk it's uncelar it'sprobably under 5 19:00:23
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup might be lower in some areas or smth 19:00:30
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan Oh I see 19:00:34
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan I stagnated at social development. I’m stuck at, like, age 10 maybe? 19:01:01
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup wtf 19:01:18
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup people are recovering school papers frmo chris chans school 19:01:34
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan Omg no way 19:01:40
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan Link? 19:01:48
@_discord_1173328772624302080:t2bot.iomisha hello 19:02:39
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.ioMystery Out of curiosity how do you estimate social development age? I've wanted to estimate mine for a while 19:03:07
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.ioMystery Hola 19:03:11
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup it's prettty obviosu fro me asit all stopped at hte same time 19:03:13
@_discord_1173328772624302080:t2bot.iomisha changed their display name from interstellar.tabby to misha.19:03:21
@_discord_1173328772624302080:t2bot.iomisha 19:03:48
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan Well for me, I picked the approximate age that I last felt able to communicate comfortably with my peers. After age 10, toward puberty, I lost that ability to socially communicate and connect with others (my NT peers) 19:04:44
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.ioMystery Ah 19:04:56
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.ioMystery I feel like in my case, I get along well enough with NT peers my age, except in the past I made friends with people 1 year younger and now it's mostly 2/3 years younger? Probably not the same tbh 19:06:43
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup i haven't benea ble to communciate on an even playring field sicne abge 5 19:07:15
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup i was a popular kid in preschool and kindvergarten though 19:07:29
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup 19:07:32
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.ioMystery I'm popular among those younger than me lollll 19:07:37
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.ioMystery I still have a nice legacy at my high school for that reason 19:07:46
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup i'm pretty popular among everyone 19:08:11
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan I was a troublemaker in kindergarten and preschool 19:08:14
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup cause i'ma amzing and aorable and super smart 19:08:16

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