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25 Nov 2023
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup same 19:08:19
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup mostly cause my mom stole my medicine to take for herself 19:08:28
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.ioMystery I was a goody two-shoes and always followed the rules lol 19:08:33
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan That’s crazy…. 19:08:49
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup that's one of teh more tame things hse's done 19:09:02
@_discord_1173328772624302080:t2bot.iomisha i was very scared of misbehaving util one day i just stop caring some reason 19:09:24
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.ioMystery For me I think it continued until I got curious and started breaking pool rules (aka no diving under the docks) 19:09:50
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.ioMystery * For me I think it continued until I got curious and started breaking lake rules (aka no diving under the docks) 19:10:05
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.ioMystery * For me I think it continued until I got curious and started breaking lake swimming rules (aka no diving under the docks) 19:10:10
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup wow apparenlty chris chan's dad bribed people to be his freind 19:12:20
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan Yup! He literally paid a neighborhood girl to hang out with him. 19:22:24
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup and the 'gal pals' in highschool 19:22:39
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup or something liek that 19:22:45
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup apparently he set it up with the principal 19:22:50
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan Not the “gal pals” 💀 19:23:03
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup idk some peopel try to pretend chris chain si not mildly autistic 19:30:23
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup despite litearrlly everything availbe saying such 19:30:37
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup all evidence points to him being a midlly autstiica spie 19:31:20
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBaKst_WLcg&t=3163s
i'mwatchingt his
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup its' cniec ause ti's a youtbe vdieo that's not super short 19:35:05
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup like most youtube videos 19:35:07
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup liek fr onyl an hour smh 19:35:09
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan I’ll have to give that a watch tonight 19:49:21
@_discord_399458837452685312:t2bot.iocloudysan I have to get ready for work 19:49:38
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1120626184678539346/1158346780744888380/freehugs.png 19:50:30
@_discord_896417743685951568:t2bot.iomettlord3ooo 19:51:22
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup it's so weird to seet his person actually be friendly with chris chan 20:33:13
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioTurtwig doozu was being a bad pengu and got banned! We now have 125. 21:54:21
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioTurtwig Welcome doozu, to Arctic Autism. We are a discord server for moderately-severely autistic people. Be sure to read the #rules and assign yourself some #roles. Make an #introduction if you wish. Don't be afraid to get in contact with pieplup, if you have any questions. (Keep in mind the user won't see any messages till they are verified) 21:57:04
@_discord_529121242716831748:t2bot.ioMystery Account got compromised, they're back 21:57:26

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