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25 Nov 2023
@_discord_499898985268379659:t2bot.iotinkersaint i have speech delay 22:03:47
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup similiar story with high fucntiongin 22:03:49
@_discord_896417743685951568:t2bot.iomettlord3ooo Exaaaaactly. A lot of people use it as a synonym for "level 1", though 22:03:51
@_discord_896417743685951568:t2bot.iomettlord3ooo I didn't have speech delays, I'm fairly certain. Heck, I could even count in two languages. 22:04:08
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup techincally all it means is that you have na iq above 70 22:04:20
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup though it seems to be flip flopping with usage 22:04:28
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup and peopel sue a different term for it everytime 22:04:33
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup it's also never been an official thing with an officiald efintion so 22:04:50
@_discord_896417743685951568:t2bot.iomettlord3ooo I know an autistic kid who's level 2 or level 3 (not sure which but I know that he's pretty high support needs), and he speaks the same two languages that I do. And we both knew how to speak them since we were little. 22:05:26
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup i can speak 3 languages 22:05:45
@_discord_896417743685951568:t2bot.iomettlord3ooo Huh?? No speech delay = IQ above 70? 22:05:45
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup penguin schiziohpreinc and english 22:05:48
@_discord_896417743685951568:t2bot.iomettlord3ooo LOL, I remember you saying 22:05:53
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup high functionig autsim and asperger's are differnet higns 22:05:55
@_discord_896417743685951568:t2bot.iomettlord3ooo Any other human languages, though? 22:06:04
@_discord_896417743685951568:t2bot.iomettlord3ooo It's funny... I only learned that fact recently, and I've known about autism for many years now. 22:06:57
@_discord_499898985268379659:t2bot.iotinkersaint i speak english and tinkersaintish 22:06:58
@_discord_1147671883706269837:t2bot.iostraightouttacosmos 23:48:37
26 Nov 2023
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioTurtwig 00:01:16
@_discord_508391840525975553:t2bot.ioBill's PC 00:25:37
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup 01:57:21
@_discord_859342120383938561:t2bot.ionaztrya joined the room.02:05:25
@_discord_235148962103951360:t2bot.ioTurtwig Welcome naztrya, to Arctic Autism. We are a discord server for moderately-severely autistic people. Be sure to read the #rules and assign yourself some #roles. Make an #introduction if you wish. Don't be afraid to get in contact with pieplup, if you have any questions. (Keep in mind the user won't see any messages till they are verified) 02:05:26
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup yay naztray is here 02:06:51
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1120626184678539346/1159119753114292244/PenguHype.gif 02:06:53
@_discord_1147671883706269837:t2bot.iostraightouttacosmos Waddup Naz 02:09:50
@_discord_911412760116609105:t2bot.iolego_captain_chair 02:13:02
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup naztrya is my friend from irc 02:18:35
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup we just need elsa to get here 02:30:58
@_discord_194195135288836096:t2bot.iopieplup https://tenor.com/bQA3J.gif 02:31:14

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