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19 Dec 2018
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I can tell I need a bit more 14:22:22
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I am just sitting up for a few minutes 14:22:30
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I have to get the kinks outo of my hips 14:22:37
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <abnormal> over slept 14:22:55
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRise and SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSShine 14:23:08
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> :) 14:23:22
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <abnormal> lol 14:23:23
@_discord_166288516727308290:t2bot.iogamiee (I hope this is Half Life reference :D ) 14:23:25
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <abnormal> probably 14:23:37
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> You think I have another 9 hours in me 14:24:44
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> Good 14:25:23
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> gamiee: I am becoming more alert 14:47:23
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I may be time to tackle the hot water tank 14:47:39
@_discord_166288516727308290:t2bot.iogamiee great! Just be really carefull 14:53:13
@_discord_166288516727308290:t2bot.iogamiee careful* 14:53:16
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I can tell I need a bit more rest 14:54:09
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I think I wait to do the tank until I've had it 14:54:15
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <abnormal> can't you hire a electrician to do it for you? 14:56:22
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> Bill I could 14:58:02
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I do know how to wire 14:58:08
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I did the entire house 14:58:14
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I had a wiring permit 14:58:18
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I had the inspectors here 14:58:25
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> They never actually checked my work 14:58:34
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <abnormal> I see.... ol 14:58:54
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <abnormal> ok 14:58:56
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> - during the final inspection the inspector said to me he could tell by the attention to detail I gave in putting the wires in place all I needed to show him what was that light switches or power outlets were installed in each of the junction boxes 14:59:18
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> In reality I had purchased a a circuit checker 15:00:06
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I had been checking my work as I'd been going along 15:00:10
@_discord_464344567496572929:t2bot.ioPine64Bot <RonWhoCares> I would have done far more checks than an inspector would do 15:00:30

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