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9 Feb 2025
@barry55:matrix.org@barry55:matrix.org joined the room.17:29:03
@barry55:matrix.org@barry55:matrix.org left the room.17:29:17
@p64protocolbot3:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Bot [D] <_​gyroz> Ill probably get me a stylus if they decide to send it my way hahah 17:50:34
@p64protocolbot3:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Bot [D] <f​uneral0> MorsMortium, there is no mod online, I can just delete the messages 😛 18:45:24
@qkall:beeper.comqkalllol i dont get these people18:45:43
@p64protocolbot3:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Bot [D] <f​uneral0> @33yn2, could you ban the spammer in #pinephone ? 18:45:47
@p64protocolbot3:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Bot [D] <f​uneral0> qkall, it's Superalex. He keeps coming back here 18:46:25
@morsmortium:matrix.orgMorsMortiumSo how can you remove messages then, if youre not a mod?18:46:52
@qkall:beeper.comqkallanother butt hurt purchaser me thinks18:46:57
@p64protocolbot3:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Bot [D] <f​uneral0> It's how gamiee set it up 18:47:08
@p64protocolbot3:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Bot [D] <f​uneral0> Nah, he got mental health issues 18:47:19
@morsmortium:matrix.orgMorsMortiumThis person was already here once a year or so ago18:47:29
@qkall:beeper.comqkallbut why target us seems wild 18:47:44
@p64protocolbot3:matrix.orgPine64 Protocol Bot [D] <f​uneral0> Wasn't banned early enough and took that as chance 18:48:06
In reply to @qkall:beeper.com
but why target us seems wild
because lack of mods
@viktor.saenko6819:matrix.orgVictoriousis there a way to pass the ban through matrix? I'd like to volunteer to be a mod.18:48:48
@danct12:kde.orgDanct12speaking of this reminds me of this https://blog.mobian.org/posts/2022/02/11/pinephone-malware-analysis/18:54:28
@qkall:beeper.comqkallyou mean like that rando trying to get people to user their img like last week18:56:12
@danct12:kde.orgDanct12im unaware of that18:56:48
@qkall:beeper.comqkallthey said they made an image without owning hte phone.. it was first a ubuntu server build... then their next post it was ... something else based18:57:24
@qkall:beeper.comqkallit was very shady18:57:27
@danct12:kde.orgDanct12making an image without owning the phone is actually possible18:57:53
@qkall:beeper.comqkalloh aware it was just the rest of it18:58:04
@danct12:kde.orgDanct12so it's nothing new if they can do it18:58:17
@qkall:beeper.comqkallthey couldnt/wouldnt provide a lot of information18:58:19
@qkall:beeper.comqkalland they didnt seem competent enough to do that either18:58:39
@viktor.saenko6819:matrix.orgVictoriousthat user failed to provide the source code of their work18:58:41
@danct12:kde.orgDanct12and this is what to be aware of18:59:15
@danct12:kde.orgDanct12yeah that's just sus19:00:26
@qkall:beeper.comqkallpuppy bowl started!! lol19:01:38

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