
Ludum Dare

13 Members
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9 Jun 2016
@14888:matrix.orgLiamLime joined the room.01:37:24
@14888:matrix.orgLiamLimeI am 12 and what is this?01:37:31
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollaroneyou are 12?01:41:48
* @dollarone:matrix.orgdollarone is off to bed01:50:15
@JimeoWan:matrix.org@JimeoWan:matrix.org joined the room.06:56:02
@JimeoWan:matrix.org@JimeoWan:matrix.orgso is this where we decide the future of Ludum Dare? ^^06:58:15
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollarone it's just a suggestion of an open and free solution 09:46:35
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollaronerather than something proprietary and costly like slack09:46:49
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollarone let's see what PoV thinks :) 09:50:29
@JimeoWan:matrix.org@JimeoWan:matrix.org yeah, didn't know about Vector 09:50:45
@JimeoWan:matrix.org@JimeoWan:matrix.orgdoes it only have IM?09:50:50
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollaroneeven if we end up using slack, I can bridge this room to slack so we can use either09:50:52
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollarone you can do voip via webrtc by clicking the mic or video down right ---> 09:51:13
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollarone technically, we're just sending json objects which could be... anything 09:51:51
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollarone if you click the tick next to my read marker there's a view source button -----> 09:52:24
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollarone if you're interested :) 09:52:27
@JimeoWan:matrix.org@JimeoWan:matrix.orgnice, it seems powerful09:53:34
@JimeoWan:matrix.org@JimeoWan:matrix.org I guess it's the kind of tool on which you could intergrate anything 09:53:53
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollaronethe goal is basically to just have one app on my phone and still be able to call/im all my friends09:54:21
@JimeoWan:matrix.org@JimeoWan:matrix.orgdo you know if sorceress or anyone already stepped up to take charge of LD36?09:59:00
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollarone I don't think so 09:59:11
@JimeoWan:matrix.org@JimeoWan:matrix.org It's a complicated situation ^^ 10:00:09
@JimeoWan:matrix.org@JimeoWan:matrix.org a lot of people are willing to help, but it seems like very few people are already admins and willing to organize something 10:00:51
@JimeoWan:matrix.org@JimeoWan:matrix.orgnot even sure how many admins/moderators there is currently...10:01:51
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollarone yeah, I'm not sure either 10:02:05

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