
Ludum Dare

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16 Jun 2016
@slack_wan:oddvar.orgwanliamlime: tell us more16:21:48
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimebrexit referendum16:21:57
@slack_wan:oddvar.orgwanoh right16:22:02
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollaroneI could change name to poundshop.com to be even more english16:22:15
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimewell you'd be more ashens, that's for sure16:22:30
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollaroneif england stays, you move?16:22:40
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimeI dunno if it'd make you more english though16:22:38
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimeif england stays I continue to work towards it, yes16:22:59
@slack_wan:oddvar.orgwaneuroshop.com doesn't exist, vote #brexit16:23:02
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimeIf england leaves, I look elsewhere16:23:06
@slack_wan:oddvar.orgwanbecause you're not in England right now liamlime ?16:23:31
@slack_wan:oddvar.orgwanwhere do you live?16:23:57
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimemiddle of nowhere in the balkans16:24:14
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimeso if I move, I'll be the worst of the eastern european immigrants, taking all our jobs or whatever16:25:05
@slack_wan:oddvar.orgwanwell Slovenia is almost western16:25:28
@slack_wan:oddvar.orgwanbeing next to Italy16:25:35
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimetell that to my paycheck16:25:38
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimeit hasn't been informed yet16:25:46
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimeIf I move will you keep me housed and fed for a while, dollarone? :316:27:04
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimeplz? :316:27:07
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlimeThank you, you're the best ❤16:27:25
@dollarone:matrix.orgdollaroneI might have a spare house somewhere16:27:28
@slack_wan:oddvar.orgwansomewhere in Central Europe16:27:40
@slack_liamlime:oddvar.orgliamlime"Now where did I leave that spare house of mine, hmm"16:28:08

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