
Intellectual Dark Web Open

370 Members
Open forum for discussing free speech, philosophy, religion, and lots of other topics that seem impossible to discuss elsewhere, specifically how they relate to one another. Open but moderated. Civil discourse required. The goal is to explore what sorts of structure and rules are necessary for innovation and difficult conversations to occur. I will share links to support and promote discussion around that goal. if you're looking for a fanboy room, there are plenty of those. This is not one of them. 15 Servers

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5 Feb 2022
@okz7xtx845f8qam99z:matrix.orgbachsgrandson left the room.13:43:40
6 Feb 2022
@blcole:matrix.org@blcole:matrix.org joined the room.05:16:03
7 Feb 2022
@bipervydl:matrix.orgbipervydl joined the room.08:58:14
@bipervydl:matrix.orgbipervydl left the room.09:35:06
@vanreynrubens:matrix.org@vanreynrubens:matrix.org joined the room.19:38:20
9 Feb 2022
@blcole:matrix.org@blcole:matrix.org left the room.04:27:41
@blpup:matrix.orgBLPUP 🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦 joined the room.18:07:08
10 Feb 2022
@smaeltest:matrix.orgsmaeltest joined the room.03:20:52
@smaeltest:matrix.orgsmaeltest left the room.03:21:12
@soetrawston:matrix.orgsoetrawston joined the room.19:53:19
11 Feb 2022
@blpup:matrix.orgBLPUP 🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦 changed their display name from BLPUP to BLPUP 🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦.21:56:44
12 Feb 2022
@blpup:matrix.orgBLPUP 🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦 changed their profile picture.00:07:29
@unknownspectator:matrix.org@unknownspectator:matrix.org joined the room.00:57:46
@albertsteve005:matrix.orgAlbert Steve joined the room.14:36:41
@kaxldcre:matrix.orgkaxldcre joined the room.18:33:04
@kaxldcre:matrix.orgkaxldcre set a profile picture.18:56:18
@kaxldcre:matrix.orgkaxldcre changed their profile picture.18:59:39
13 Feb 2022
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 joined the room.20:17:19
@bronson101:matrix.orgbronson101 joined the room.20:47:11
@bronson101:matrix.orgbronson101 left the room.20:49:22
@azer1989:matrix.orgazer1989 joined the room.21:44:49
16 Feb 2022
@grayhood7:matrix.orggrayhood7 joined the room.11:46:35
@unknownspectator:matrix.org@unknownspectator:matrix.org joined the room.14:05:21
@albertsteve005:matrix.orgAlbert Steve left the room.17:43:24
17 Feb 2022
@iamjusttryingthingsout93:matrix.orgiamjusttryingthingsout93 joined the room.06:45:50
18 Feb 2022
@blpup:matrix.orgBLPUP 🏳️‍🌈🇨🇦 left the room.13:33:11
@mslockerroom:matrix.orgbrody joined the room.19:32:52
@mslockerroom:matrix.orgbrody left the room.19:33:52
19 Feb 2022
@eddiebruno4:matrix.orgeddiebruno4 joined the room.22:56:24
20 Feb 2022
@godzillest:matrix.orggodzillest joined the room.17:03:22

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