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26 Nov 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> What is the functionality of the "duration" argument in the "orderbook" RPC method?15:03:14
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> it isnt used anymore as i rmember15:05:04
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/KomodoPlatform/blob/master/iguana/exchanges/LP_prices.c#L81815:07:38
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> It seems to be used in `LP_orderbook_utxoentries` @jl777c15:09:48
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> Which is called here: https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/KomodoPlatform/blob/master/iguana/exchanges/LP_prices.c#L88015:10:35
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> maybe you can follow the code to see what it does then15:12:18
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> The only usage it has is at this line: https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/KomodoPlatform/blob/master/iguana/exchanges/LP_prices.c#L827 I believe the rest of the body of `HASH_ITER` (lines 832-851) simply adds an `LP_orderbookentry` to the asks or bids array. But I can't figure out the significance of `timestamp` of `LP_pubkey_info`15:25:19
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <SHossain> use dev branch from this repo https://github.com/jl777/SuperNET the one you are using may not been updated15:34:05
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> Thanks15:43:56
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> Is the RPC API rate limited?16:03:47
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <CHMEX> Limited by your hardware. Afaik there is not limiter its all local on your machine16:06:58
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> Thanks16:14:03
27 Nov 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <kmdkrazy-VaraPay> last statement - you could insert tails on USB and have Bdex running and all orders are on KVM - -- one seed - all of the work - no down time04:28:07
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <kmdkrazy-VaraPay> good night04:28:14
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> What is "SPV mode"?21:45:42
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> google: https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/4649/what-is-an-spv-client21:46:54
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> Is the `"cancel"` RPC call for alice buy/ sell orders? And `setprice 0` is for bob `setprice` orders?22:10:14
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> yes, cancel for alice gtc orders22:13:57
3 Dec 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Nabob> @grewalsatinder @siu I was helping on one of the support Ticket , Recently integrated to Barterdex His linux and Mac version works fine. But, It fails with Windows version. Managed to add coin on barterdex, But, His funds are not populating on dashbboard. When trying listunspent on inventory getting this exception. Can some one please help me to troubleshoot. https://www.screencast.com/t/nJxysX4Mu17:26:21
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Nabob> @grewalsatinder @siu I was helping on one of the support Ticket , Coin recently integrated to Barterdex His linux and Mac version works fine. But, It fails with Windows version. Managed to add coin on barterdex, But, His funds are not populating on dashbboard. When trying listunspent on inventory getting this exception. Can some one please help me to troubleshoot. https://www.screencast.com/t/nJxysX4Mu17:26:59
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Nabob> @grewalsatinder @siu I was helping on one of the support Ticket , Coin recently integrated to Barterdex His linux and Mac version works fine. But, It fails with Windows version. Managed to add coin on barterdex, But, His funds are not populating on dashboard. When trying listunspent on inventory getting this exception. Can some one please help me to troubleshoot. https://www.screencast.com/t/nJxysX4Mu17:27:03
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Nabob> @grewalsatinder @siu @artem.pikulin I was helping on one of the support Ticket , Coin recently integrated to Barterdex His linux and Mac version works fine. But, It fails with Windows version. Managed to add coin on barterdex, But, His funds are not populating on dashboard. When trying listunspent on inventory getting this exception. Can some one please help me to troubleshoot. https://www.screencast.com/t/nJxysX4Mu18:10:49
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> For `status` in the output of the `getcoins` method, does `active` indicate the coin is enabled and `inactive` disabled? https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/KomodoPlatform/wiki/barterDEX-API-Summary-by-Category#getcoins19:05:44
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <grewalsatinder> @Nabob please note the steps to replicate and make a github issue I will install winblows vm and try to troubleshoot it this week.19:58:33
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <grewalsatinder> Just make sure coins manager part is done properly19:59:15
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <grewalsatinder> If problems with that, reset coins and redo them and try to replicate19:59:44
4 Dec 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Nabob> Sure, I ll raise one16:56:36
6 Dec 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> @jl777c I have a question about the alice order types that you mention at https://discordapp.com/channels/412898016371015680/449948412960440352/460433537087307778. I was under the impression that an alice order can result in only one trade. What is the difference between `fill:0` and `fill:1`?15:00:59
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> @jl777c I have a question about the alice order types that you mention at https://discordapp.com/channels/412898016371015680/449948412960440352/460433104301981696. I was under the impression that an alice order can result in only one trade. What is the difference between `fill:0` and `fill:1`?15:01:34
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> fill:1 would only ordermatch if it fills the order15:02:31

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