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6 Dec 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> yes15:53:58
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> Was I right about "So the effect is that an IOC order can only match with orders placed before it?"21:59:45
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> So an IOC order cannot match with another order placed 10 seconds after it?22:00:01
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> it could, but not likely22:09:21
12 Dec 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <Acura> ERC20 Lightning Atomic Swap? https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=OLlFegcEZ8Y11:18:01
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> Is there any reason intrinsic to atomic swaps for why the trader using 212% is the liquidity provider?17:34:59
@snoa:matrix.orgnoashh invited @noashh:komodo.chatnoashh2.21:41:23
13 Dec 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> @wbradt Hi, the swap protocol was designed at 2015-2016 when only few coins implemented BIP65 (CLTV opcode support). This approach allows 1 side of swap to send standard 2of2 multisig payment without timelock. Nowadays it's not really necessary as most coins seem to catch up and implement BIP65. According to this we will use simpler symmetric protocol version (both payments are CLTV) in MM2 so LP side won't need to have 212% balance anymore11:27:25
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> Thanks! @artem.pikulin very informative19:31:19
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> The docs say `recentswaps` "returns up to "limit" in reverse order the swaps on the node and the current pending swap (if any) so you can see what trade might happen." Does this mean it returns only swaps in which I have participated?19:34:21
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <ComputerGenie πŸ‘΄πŸΌπŸ“’> yes19:37:06
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridgeRedacted or Malformed Event21:57:38
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridgeRedacted or Malformed Event21:58:39
14 Dec 2018
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <tolken> Oh that’s huge, I didn’t know the 212% balance thing would go away. Very cool.01:22:16
@snoa:matrix.orgnoashh changed their display name from noashh-komodo to noashh-komodo (Old).13:07:01
@snoa:matrix.orgnoashh changed their display name from noashh-komodo (Old) to noashh-komodo.13:16:01
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> @artem.pikulin So in MM2, if both payments are CLTV, would both sides of the trade need only 100%? Or does alice still pay dexfee? Or some other arrangement?14:58:00
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> @artem.pikulin So in MM2 would both sides of the trade need only 100%? Or does alice still pay dexfee? Or some other arrangement?14:58:14
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> @wbradt Alice will have to pay small dexfee = 1/777 of trading amount as it was previously.15:00:17
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> Thanks--does bob still pay 100%?15:01:45
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <wbradt> Thanks--does bob then pay 100%?15:01:53
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> i think bob might need to also pay 1/77715:03:21
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> In current implementation Bob does not pay any fee except standard transaction commission. So the protocol is (Bitcoin script example): 1. A fee, p2pkh output: `OP_DUP OP_HASH160 FEE_RMD160 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG` 2. B payment: ``` OP_IF <now + LOCKTIME*2> OP_CLTV OP_DROP <bob_pubB0> OP_CHECKSIG OP_ELSE OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_HASH160 <hash(bob_privN)> OP_EQUALVERIFY <alice_pubA0> OP_CHECKSIG OP_ENDIF ``` 3. A payment: ``` OP_IF <now + LOCKTIME> OP_CLTV OP_DROP <alice_pubA0> OP_CHECKSIG OP_ELSE OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_HASH160 <hash(bob_privN)> OP_EQUALVERIFY <bob_pubB0> OP_CHECKSIG OP_ENDIF ``` It's actually not hard to add Bfee as work is in progress.15:12:38
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <ComputerGenie πŸ‘΄πŸΌπŸ“’> `Bob does not pay any fee except standard transaction commission.` So, no deposit anymore? at all?15:15:17
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> there would need to be something at stake for bob, so lets add the 1/777 fee to bobside also15:15:45
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> Is it really required? There is always a case when someone loses fee if other side does not follow the protocol. Bob side didn't require a fee and it's introduced as liquidity provider advantage15:16:22
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <jl777c> are you sure bob cant get an advantage without a dexfee?15:17:07
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <artem.pikulin> @ComputerGenie πŸ‘΄πŸΌπŸ“’ Yes, no need for Bob deposit anymore.15:18:14
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <ComputerGenie πŸ‘΄πŸΌπŸ“’> I'd think that the "need" would be to not be able to screw Alice out of dex fees for the cost of 0.0001 CoinX15:19:49
@komodobridge:matrix.orgkomodobridge[discord] <ComputerGenie πŸ‘΄πŸΌπŸ“’> oh, you mean that whole stage is gone?15:20:43

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