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Tow-Boot: Let's make booting boring — https://tow-boot.org/ — (Not bridged anymore) — roomnicks with project name in brackets reserved for developers, not end-users please :)58 Servers

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19 Apr 2024
@thefossguy:matrix.orgPratham Patel (you can mention me)there would be no need for dd/cp :)04:48:17
@ar333:matrix.orgArenDo you need physical storage? I've had success loading u-boot with sunxi-fel, have u-boot create an ethernet gadget, and load the kernel / initramfs over tftp. The only problem is that sunxi-fel is allwinner only, but I imagine other manufactures have similar tools14:11:43
@superherointj:matrix.orgsuperherointj joined the room.14:15:41
In reply to @thefossguy:matrix.org
What if, instead of muxing the SD card, there was no SD card on the "carrier board" but it "emulated" one and the SD card is "backed" by an image on disk or a loopback device?
That's the mode of operation for g_mass_storage that I was looking for 😉
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]
In reply to @ar333:matrix.org
Do you need physical storage? I've had success loading u-boot with sunxi-fel, have u-boot create an ethernet gadget, and load the kernel / initramfs over tftp. The only problem is that sunxi-fel is allwinner only, but I imagine other manufactures have similar tools
your latter observation is why it is neede :)
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]* your latter observation is why it is needed :)18:11:28
@ar333:matrix.orgArenFair enough, I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to implement a generic interface over each soc specific tool, but I suppose I ought to try instead of just theorizing about it21:52:38
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]some don't exactly have such a mode21:54:14
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS](but technically kinda have, kinda)21:54:24
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS] but it would also be useful to have such a tool 21:54:47
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]the SD muxing and similar trickery is useful as a more failsafe approach21:55:18
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]using bootrom "usb download" mode, when available, is more convenient21:55:45
20 Apr 2024
@danct12:kde.orgDanct12 [DanctNIX]i know the driver sees it i know he's peeking in the rearview mirror he says nothing08:28:16

Not directly tow-boot, but at least related to my attempt to support the rock4c+:

I'm getting the feeling that the rock4c+ defconfig is plain wrong. I was getting the RD image overlap, so I thought "hey, I know that the rk3399 uboot in nixpkgs works on the sd card, so let's use that one together with the patch from https://github.com/Tow-Boot/U-Boot/pull/3".
So I tried using

nixpkgs.legacyPackages.aarch64-linux.buildUBoot {
  defconfig = "rock-4c-plus-rk3399_defconfig";
  extraMeta.platforms = ["aarch64-linux"];
  BL31 = "${nixpkgs.legacyPackages.aarch64-linux.armTrustedFirmwareRK3399}/bl31.elf";
  filesToInstall = [ "u-boot.itb" "idbloader.img"];
  extraPatches = [

Which did not boot due to some problem with __symbols__ within uboot (Saw that a few times while experimenting with tow-boot as well).

Doing the same with defconfig = "rock-pi-4-rk3399_defconfig, the board not only starts u-boot but actually works again with my system...
So while this is not related to tow-boot, I do have the impression that something is off with the device tree or defconfig for the 4c+, which is way over my head to fix

@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]


nix-build -A [...] --arg configuration '{ Tow-Boot = { buildUBoot = true; uBootVersion = "2023.07"; }; }'
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]this will build stock U-Boot, might want to do it against the current development, where more work happened to hopefully make everything bootable17:41:53
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS](which is where the patch I provided came from)17:42:01
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS](stock U-Boot, but with maybe some defconfig diffs)17:43:08
@crtified:crtified.meCRTifiedMhh, is there a big difference between building stock uboot with tow-boot and the nixpkgs expression? 🤔17:43:45
@crtified:crtified.meCRTifiedNote that my attempt above does not touch SPI at all right now17:44:01
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]not much, but you're exercising the whole tooling17:44:05
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]* there shouldn't be much, but you're exercising the whole tooling17:44:11
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]it was more of a hint17:44:26
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]* it was more of a hint, if you wanted to try things17:44:31
@crtified:crtified.meCRTifiedI can try it, but probably not right now 😕 17:45:34
@luiz.sdf:matrix.orgluiz joined the room.18:13:49
@luiz.sdf:matrix.orgluiz why no irc bridge? ;-; 18:15:20
@luiz.sdf:matrix.orgluizthe website lists the raspberry pi support as experimental18:17:40
@luiz.sdf:matrix.orgluizare there issues?18:18:02
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr [Tow-Boot][NixOS]
In reply to @luiz.sdf:matrix.org
why no irc bridge? ;-;
the way it works is severely broken, it basically ended-up kicking a lot of people from the room

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