
[Tamriel Rebuilt/Development] exteriors-foyada

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27 Apr 2022
@_discord_270394919418331138:t2bot.ioMinerMan60101#2132 That'd be part of a quest I'd say, akin to the Holamayan travel in vanilla 19:23:07
@_discord_478978158465646615:t2bot.ioRay Sipe Swagg Daddy#3665 yes 19:23:13
@_discord_270394919418331138:t2bot.ioMinerMan60101#2132 (also how we should handle Olanar) 19:23:16
@_discord_478978158465646615:t2bot.ioRay Sipe Swagg Daddy#3665 specialized travel from Tel Aruhn 19:23:24
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil#7708 It's perfectly fine where it is 19:28:49
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil#7708 If somebody is using 5 cells viewing distance that's their fault for making the world feel funny 19:29:06
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil#7708 * If somebody is using 5 cells viewing distance that's their fault for making the world feel tiny 19:29:12
@_discord_654120370235768832:t2bot.ioHemaris#9366 I feel like from an it's-a-videogame standpoint we could really use a flying hostile creature for open sea areas 19:58:34
@_discord_654120370235768832:t2bot.ioHemaris#9366 P:C ext devs put a ton of effort into making the underwater cells between Stirk and that tiny island with an Ayleid ruin into "dangerous waters," with lots of dreugh and lamia spawns. But you can just use water walking and waltz over to it in perfect safety 20:01:04
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil#7708 Padomaic Roc bby 20:02:13
@_discord_270394919418331138:t2bot.ioMinerMan60101#2132 Yes please, this is a great idea 20:05:35
@_discord_270394919418331138:t2bot.ioMinerMan60101#2132 What I really want is procedurally generated sea floor 20:06:06
@_discord_122847705159565312:t2bot.ioGnomey#8642 Just pick a lower fight level than 90. 20:06:12
@_discord_270394919418331138:t2bot.ioMinerMan60101#2132 * What I really want is procedurally generated sea floor for oceans 20:06:12
Download padomaic_roc_final_variants.jpg
Download padomaic_roc_final.jpg
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil#7708 there will be a roc nest on Temaris 20:08:11
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil#7708 Could put another on one of our eventual northernmost Telvanni isles 20:08:30
@_discord_651926555706261524:t2bot.ioFran#7789 searacers 20:08:55
@_discord_270394919418331138:t2bot.ioMinerMan60101#2132 Could just stick one on Vahn in its meantime emptiness 20:08:56
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil#7708 Check the scale 20:08:59
@_discord_270394919418331138:t2bot.ioMinerMan60101#2132 * Could just stick one on the north of Vahn in its meantime emptiness 20:09:02
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil#7708 These are the size of a house 20:09:08
@_discord_651926555706261524:t2bot.ioFran#7789 oh wow i just saw that 20:09:24
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil#7708 Though I suppose they could be distantly related 20:09:31
@_discord_651926555706261524:t2bot.ioFran#7789 that would be amazing 20:09:32
@_discord_259520016624517121:t2bot.ioTaniquetil#7708 Drathar did these great concepts 20:09:40
@_discord_270394919418331138:t2bot.ioMinerMan60101#2132 Can you draw what you want their extent to be? It would be great to have these terrorize the seas of TR 20:09:49
@_discord_422082016608124931:t2bot.ioc0dacan0n#1235 joined the room.20:10:06
@_discord_422082016608124931:t2bot.ioc0dacan0n#1235 i feel like it's too big, like infringing on dragons a bit 20:10:06

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