
EmCom (Emergency Communication)

21 Members
International Emergency Communication. A channel for emergency communication, alarms and important messages only. Civil Defense. Please create national versions (pattern: #EmCom-Poland:matrix.org)4 Servers

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7 May 2020
@psychopathx:matrix.org@psychopathx:matrix.orgbut it's not clear that HCQ doesn't increase risk by itself04:05:33
@ernie:midov.pl@ernie:midov.plModern doctors, especially US and western european doctors, are nothing more than glorified technicians. I wouldnt trust most doctors to work on my car even if they had a mechanics degree because most of them arent capable of thinking in terms of systems. 04:07:43
@ernie:midov.pl@ernie:midov.plthe archetype of the country doctor no longer exists within our medical culture; the doctor who understands the science but also has the creative ability to visualize what it means as a whole. 04:10:16
@ernie:midov.pl@ernie:midov.plif you had an elderly family member admitted to the hospital in february and you explained to the doctor why your family member needs hcq + zinc and showed him data on the synergistic MOA of the two drugs, the doc would most likely be pissed off because their ego cant handle it. They wasted over a decade of their life jumping through hoops to become a member of the modern era priestly class. our culture of medicine attracts Type A sociopaths like flies on shit. You occasionally get the high iq empath that gets through hell, only to realize they have no more interest in practicing medicine. its fucking clown world. honk honk. Technicians don't go home to read medical journals at night, artists with passion do. Doctors don't give a fuck about you or their family; they care about their paycheck just like everyone else. At least my mechanic is someone I could have a beer with. 04:17:11
@ernie:midov.pl@ernie:midov.pltrust medical medical professionals as much as you would a priest taking your child on an overnight camping trip unsupervised04:17:51
@ernie:midov.pl@ernie:midov.pl * trust medical professionals as much as you would a priest taking your child on an overnight camping trip unsupervised04:18:08
@psychopathx:matrix.org@psychopathx:matrix.orgDoctors shouldnt be empaths04:19:11
@psychopathx:matrix.org@psychopathx:matrix.orgEmpathy is the enemy of doctors etc04:19:21
@ernie:midov.pl@ernie:midov.plhonestly, the only ones worth a damn are the surgeons, and even then its hit or miss. 04:19:43
@psychopathx:matrix.org@psychopathx:matrix.orgWell, doctors shouldnt listen to patients most of the time04:20:33
@psychopathx:matrix.org@psychopathx:matrix.orgThere is enough dumb people that say good. Things about vitamin C IV in large doses04:21:19
@psychopathx:matrix.org@psychopathx:matrix.orgAnd doctors dont have time to analyze reaearch04:21:38
@ernie:midov.pl@ernie:midov.plnor should it be about collecting a paycheck and admiring yourself over your ascension into a priestly class that only exists because commoners are idiots. 04:21:38
@psychopathx:matrix.org@psychopathx:matrix.orgThey do what they re told to do by procedures04:21:51
In reply to @psychopathx:matrix.org
They do what they re told to do by procedures
kek, any room temperature iq nurse can do as well a job as most docs can with the mercks manual loaded on their smartphone.
In reply to @psychopathx:matrix.org
And doctors dont have time to analyze reaearch
docs have plenty of time to learn new shit. most of them are watching talmudvision at night just like everyone else
@ernie:midov.pl@ernie:midov.plive seen docs send people home with softball sized lymph nodes, telling them its a fat pad when anyone with a basket weaving degree might think it be wise to have that examined with i don't know, maybe an effing x-ray. the fucking list goes on and on. 04:27:57
@fujita_:matrix.org@fujita_:matrix.org joined the room.06:06:21
@fujita_:matrix.org@fujita_:matrix.org left the room.06:16:07
@jurek:kolosowscy.plJurek joined the room.14:17:32
10 May 2020
@benis:nerdsin.spaceREAD BYBLAM changed their profile picture.17:19:33
@benis:nerdsin.spaceREAD BYBLAM changed their profile picture.17:24:24
11 May 2020
@austinhuang:chat.endl.site@austinhuang:chat.endl.site joined the room.16:00:03
12 May 2020
@pawel.photo:matrix.orgPMM changed their display name from PMM to Ostry Cień Mgły.15:14:49
13 May 2020
@psychopathx:matrix.org@psychopathx:matrix.org changed their display name from PsychopatH to PsychopatH the Deathbringer to Ahpuch.19:42:27
@psychopathx:matrix.org@psychopathx:matrix.org changed their display name from PsychopatH the Deathbringer to Ahpuch to PsychopatH.19:45:53
14 May 2020
@pawel.photo:matrix.orgPMM changed their display name from Ostry Cień Mgły to PMM.15:01:24
15 May 2020
@austinhuang:chat.endl.site@austinhuang:chat.endl.site changed their profile picture.21:08:20
16 May 2020
@dreamerchris:matrix.orgdreamerchrisMO 🇬🇷 🇵🇱 set a profile picture.11:27:48
17 May 2020
@dreamerchris:matrix.orgdreamerchrisMO 🇬🇷 🇵🇱 changed their display name from dreamerchrisMO to dreamerchrisMO 🚭️ 🇬🇷.05:13:53

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