
@never_released lab

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11 Aug 2019
@abl:matrix.orgabloh wait, it's 25519 keys.23:52:40
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthews/SEP/SE/ then i guess23:52:42
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewor X9.63 just supports a suite of different curves23:52:44

s/SEP/SE/ then i guess

SEP and SE have nothing to do with each other, and SE is really just for payments

@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_and nothing else23:53:14
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewah, ok.23:53:36
@abl:matrix.orgablhttps://www.apple.com/business/docs/site/iOS_Security_Guide.pdf mentions 25519 keys being used in a bunch of scenarios where the SEP has to be involved23:53:39
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewwell, wherever the trustzone thing is23:53:42
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthew abl: right 23:53:46

well, wherever the trustzone thing is

Apple A7 to A10 used a Cortex-A7 as the SEP

@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_A11 moves it to an Apple core23:54:11
@abl:matrix.orgabl(btw, things like http://krypt.co make me happy as far as cool uses of the SEP APIs, although I admit I haven't seen an end-to-end review of it)23:54:47
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewlooks like cryptokit primitives could be pretty easily glued into Olm, the e2e lib for matrix23:55:02
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewcomplete with storing identity keys (but not conversation keys) in the SE23:55:13
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewso... that's cool :)23:55:22
* @matthew:matrix.orgMatthew files a bug23:55:24

complete with storing identity keys (but not conversation keys) in the SE

  • SEP
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_not SE23:55:33
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_SEP = Secure Enclave Processor23:55:48
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_SE = Secure Element23:55:52
@abl:matrix.orgablto be fair Apple does say "Secure Enclave" a bit23:56:14
@abl:matrix.orgablbut yeah SEP :)23:56:22
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_yeah and that just makes it harder when they have multiple things having the same abreviations23:56:42
@abl:matrix.orgabla more paranoid person might say they're deliberately obfuscating23:57:26
In reply to @abl:matrix.org
a more paranoid person might say they're deliberately obfuscating
they're definitely not confusing anyone in the field
12 Aug 2019
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_what I won't really forgive Apple for doing is encrypting the SEP firmware00:00:54
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_and LLB + iBoot00:01:05
@abl:matrix.orgablquite weak, yes00:02:19

quite weak, yes

especially as they're all decrypted nowadays


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