
@never_released lab

8 Members
iOS research and more.1 Servers

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12 Aug 2019
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_everyone and their dog has prototypes00:02:56
@isa:nyantec.com@isa:nyantec.com joined the room.07:52:59
@fadenb:utzutzutz.net@fadenb:utzutzutz.net joined the room.10:38:42
@jja2000:matrix.orgJasper joined the room.13:50:50
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_ set their display name to never_released.14:28:56
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_nvme: initializing controller 0 nvme: S3E B0 Sandisk 1z TLC 1D 2 plane 128GB NAND nvme: Model Number: APPLE SSD AP0128K<br /> nvme: Serial Number: redacted nvme: Firmware Rev: 32.36.01 nvme: chip hw/rev: 0x00/0x10 nvme: nand device: 5113 nvme: FTL ver: 23.1 nvme: MSP/DM vers: 1/101 nvme: ASP_BUILD_TRAIN: 20160414@212646 nvme: MSP_BUILD_TRAIN: 20160414@212030 nvme: SQES 102 CQES 68 nvme: max_transfer_blocks 25614:36:50
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_iPhones are fun14:37:01
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_the Corellium challenge VM has ASLR off21:43:23
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_the first part is hard to solve though21:43:43
13 Aug 2019
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_Download diag-D111.fd17:36:52
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_Apple EFI for iPhones (in this case, 7 Plus)17:36:53
16 Aug 2019
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_ changed their display name from never_released to notsomeone.15:58:47
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_ changed their display name from notsomeone to someone.15:59:00
25 Aug 2019
@sindifutea1985:matrix.org@sindifutea1985:matrix.org joined the room.18:43:19
@sindifutea1985:matrix.org@sindifutea1985:matrix.org left the room.18:43:49
30 Aug 2019
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewso... anyone know what sites were distributing the iOS implant?13:26:14
* @matthew:matrix.orgMatthew wants to know who they were targetting13:26:35
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_I'm trying to check13:26:36
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_but it was distributed through an ad network too13:26:43
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewooh, nasty13:26:52
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_had a Firefox on Linux variant of those things not too long ago13:27:23
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_wonder when burning 0days for these things became worth it13:27:54
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewthe coinbase one?13:28:35
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewif you can burn the 0day for 2 years and have nobody notice......13:28:49
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_the problem is that telemetry might be necessary to have info on those13:29:29
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_but that has other privacy implications13:29:37
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_it also shows how brittle the iOS sandbox is13:31:24
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_but that was known by everyone for a while13:31:32
1 Sep 2019
@aaplcebu:matrix.orgsomeone_so, about Catalyst, it's shown as Mac Catalyst 13.010:18:24

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