
Fedora Infrastructure Team

303 Members
Fedora Project server administration | For general fedora questions please see #fedora | For COPR issues please see #buildsys:fedoraproject.org | "!oncall" to see who is oncall or file an issue: https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/new_issue31 Servers

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25 Jul 2024
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopez The issue is only with the healthz endpoints 14:27:33
@abompard:fedora.imAurélien BOh yes yes that's me, sorry14:30:35
@abompard:fedora.imAurélien BI was testing an update14:30:38
@abompard:fedora.imAurélien BI'll fix it in the next minute14:30:59
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopezNo problem, at least we knew what is the issue14:31:02
@abompard:fedora.imAurélien Bwell, minutes14:31:05
@abompard:fedora.imAurélien BIt's fixed now14:50:37
@gui1ty:fedora.imPenguinpeeThank you!14:55:13
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirik REMINDER: There will be a Fedora Infrastructure meeting today (2024-07-25 at 16:00 UTC in https://matrix.to/#/#meeting-3:fedoraproject.org). Please check the agenda at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra 15:21:01
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirik REMINDER: Fedora Infrastructure meeting in 2 minutes in https://matrix.to/#/#meeting-3:fedoraproject.org. Please check the agenda at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra 15:58:01
@emma:conduit.rory.gayEmma [it/its] ⚡️ left the room.17:35:07
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist changed their profile picture.19:05:36
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist removed their profile picture.19:05:56
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist set a profile picture.19:06:21
26 Jul 2024
@jsteffan:fedora.imdaMaestroi open https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/12082 to address SCM request processing seemingly not working. seems related to PDC.00:58:50
@jsteffan:fedora.imdaMaestro * i opened https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/12082 to address SCM request processing seemingly not working. seems related to PDC.00:58:57
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comnirikyeah, I turned pdc back on for now until we can sort that.01:10:51
@jnsamyak:matrix.orgjnsamyaktoo ssoon for the cake?02:39:24
@nirik:matrix.scrye.comniriknever too soon for cake! :)03:06:28
@principis:fedora.imArthur Bols joined the room.09:36:42
@principis:fedora.imArthur BolsNot sure if reported already, but there seems to be a fedorapeople outage (404 on everything)09:38:09
@seddik:fedora.imsaibugI don't see anything planned here : https://status.fedoraproject.org/ 09:44:37
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopez Arthur Bols: Looking at it 11:05:43
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopezIt seems that there was update on the machine few hours ago, I probably know what is the issue11:11:19
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopezSo it's another machine affected by https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=229884311:13:37
@Zlopez:matrix.orgZlopezI downgraded the httpd package and restarted httpd and it's working again11:13:55
@principis:fedora.imArthur Bols Zlopez++ thanks! 11:30:25

principis gave a cookie to zlopez. They now have 104 cookies, 15 of which were obtained in the Fedora 40 release cycle

@abompard:fedora.imAurélien BHey everyone! My stream is starting on https://www.twitch.tv/ohwellien, we'll be looking at Fedora Infrastructure applications. It's mostly Python but not always! Come hack with us 🙂 13:06:21
@naraiank:fedora.imThe Exorcist changed their profile picture.14:36:57

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