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26 Jun 2024
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersMLIPs cost human time, keep that in mind. 18:48:30
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersbut linear scaling. 18:48:46
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersthey need training data, it's usually good to have at least one structure per parameter. 18:51:13
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersso more chemical complexity will mean more training data. 18:51:57
In reply to @mjwaters:matrix.org
they need training data, it's usually good to have at least one structure per parameter.
this is an order of magnitude estimate
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersSo you'll need a DFT data set to train on. 18:53:34
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwaterstypically smaller structures that capture enough interactions that they are still useful when representing bulk. 18:54:43
@hasithv:matrix.orgHasith VattikutiDo you have any good references on hand for training MLIPs, I've worked with ML models before so I have a few ideas of how it might work, but seeing established practices would probably be much better than anything I think of in a few minutes18:57:09
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwaters mschaefer: Has a great list. 18:59:52
27 Jun 2024
In reply to @mjwaters:matrix.org
mschaefer: Has a great list.
oh that list is super outdated at this point
In reply to @hasithv:matrix.org
Do you have any good references on hand for training MLIPs, I've worked with ML models before so I have a few ideas of how it might work, but seeing established practices would probably be much better than anything I think of in a few minutes
I mean are you looking at practical aspects or the fundamentals of how models work? The reading list was mostly about the latter.
For the former you can look at the reviews from the Klaus Robert Müller or Jörg Behler groups but there are probably dozens out there at this point
@canned_tomato:matrix.orgmschaeferthe practical recommendations are somewhat model dependent and what you want to use it for. So it's hard to give general recommendations other than make sure you follow datascience 101 practices, understand the model (and it's limitations) and the application you have in mind. Also always make sure your dataset sufficiently samples the configurational space you are interested in20:53:46
@hasithv:matrix.orgHasith VattikutiI guess something helpful would be to see an example of an mlip implementation from generating the dataset to training the model, do you know of any work that documents this?20:56:16
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersI have a Zr/O data set shared online if you want something realistic to play with. Alternatively, you can run MD with the ASE EMT potential and some metal elements to make some cheap practice data. 21:28:09
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwaters mschaefer: Which code is the easiest to start with? 21:28:56
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersHow is your code going?21:29:16
@hasithv:matrix.orgHasith Vattikuti
In reply to @mjwaters:matrix.org
I have a Zr/O data set shared online if you want something realistic to play with. Alternatively, you can run MD with the ASE EMT potential and some metal elements to make some cheap practice data.
Yes, this would be be a perfect reference! Can you please send a link to the dataset? And, if it is available, the calculator you built as well?
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersI didn't build a calculator for that work. 21:46:16
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwaters Hasith Vattikuti: https://zenodo.org/records/8264492 22:04:52
In reply to @mjwaters:matrix.org
mschaefer: Which code is the easiest to start with?
gotta say, I have not used many packages other than our own but every time I do I am quite happy with what we have
In reply to @mjwaters:matrix.org
How is your code going?
going pretty well i would say. We got plenty of stuff done in the past 6 or so months. finally writing a paper about it we'll hand it in some time after I return to Germany
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersgood to hear! 22:11:39
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersIf I start another MLIP project, I'll be trying out apax. 22:12:46
@canned_tomato:matrix.orgmschaeferlet me know what you think :D22:14:09
28 Jun 2024
@tgmaxson:matrix.orgTristan Maxson
In reply to @mjwaters:matrix.org
I have a Zr/O data set shared online if you want something realistic to play with. Alternatively, you can run MD with the ASE EMT potential and some metal elements to make some cheap practice data.
I made some cheap EMT-D3 data once that I should zenodo for this purpose.
@tgmaxson:matrix.orgTristan MaxsonSlapping D3 on it makes MLIPs sweat a little more04:48:18
@drfaustroll:matrix.orgalin m elena🍀I will use ase mace_mp as starting point will make your life easier09:12:44
@drfaustroll:matrix.orgalin m elena🍀https://github.com/ACEsuit/mace-mp/releases/tag/mace_mp_0b09:13:30
@drfaustroll:matrix.orgalin m elena🍀or chgnet or m3gnet or any other foundation models 09:14:11
@nw18rica:matrix.tu-darmstadt.deNils Phillip Winkelmann (TUDa)Is there a way to get auto completion working? (Using pycharm) 09:14:20

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