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8 Jul 2024
@askhl:matrix.orgAsk Hjorth Larsen

I guess the answer for any code here is "a reasonable mapping from Python data types to the input syntax", but then we are 90% of the way towards an ASE-specific syntax

Pretty much. What we're trying to avoid is code where right in the middle of the writer, it tries to convert Atoms into code-specific keywords, which can probably be done in a multitude of ways, while also looking up pseudopotentials and deciding the number of decimal places to print

9 Jul 2024
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersOkay, did some more digging. 04:09:37
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersWhen is should be doing anything else like making slides, making analysis scripts, exercising, having actual fun....04:10:25
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersbut anyway04:10:30
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatershttps://gitlab.com/mjwaters/ase/-/blob/master/ase/calculators/vasp/create_input.py?ref_type=heads#L1228 04:10:31
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersThis is how you enter 'custom' vasp tags that don't get type checked. 04:11:03
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersbut even there the vasp calculator will fully capitalize the tag. 04:12:53
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwaters So even If I wanted have ASE write: DRotMax = 3
in my INCAR, it will still write: "DROTMAX = 2 # <Custom ASE key>"
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwaters * So even If I wanted have ASE write: DRotMax = 3
in my INCAR, it will still write:
DROTMAX = 2 # <Custom ASE key>
in my INCAR
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersNow, I would say that for VTST tags, we could wave them off as non-standard features. However, if you've ever tried doing NEB or dimer searches with the default implementation, you'll likely feel that VTST is required. 04:18:28
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersAlso, the VTST people are ASE people too. They have package TS-ASE, that uses ASE optimizers and classes to manage TS methods. 04:20:54
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersfinding a way to accommodate lower case characters seems like polite and useful idea. 04:22:18
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam JacksonASE already goes out of its way to include VTST keywords so yes it is clearly in-scope to make this work somehow06:55:36
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam Jacksonalthough it would be a lot easier if they had stuck to VASP input conventions 😅06:56:01
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam Jackson I would be inclined to solve this by delegating capitalisation of Vasp keywords to a function that explicitly checks if it is one with a non-standard capitalisation. Then the VTST "exception" is explicit in the code and it is immediately obvious why such a thing is required 06:59:43
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam JacksonPerhaps custom keywords should also bypass this step07:00:49
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam JacksonThat feels natural as they are explicit strings rather than kwargs07:01:25
In reply to @ajjackson:matrix.org
Perhaps custom keywords should also bypass this step
I think this is reasonable. the keyword list is so comprehensive that there's probably less than 10 people that regularly use the custom input feature.
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersBreaking a workflows on in a tiny edge case is a good tradeoff for more flexibility. 07:10:30
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam JacksonThen again, if any of them are VASP/VTST developers maybe it would encourage them to stay consistent 😆07:10:42
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersGraeme Henkelman loves to talk shop, 07:11:33
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersI can just email him about the issue.07:11:54
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam JacksonIf I recall correctly, the biggest "gotcha" for vasp input writing is still that some float arguments don't allow scientific notation07:12:08
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam JacksonGood luck mapping that to a Python datatype 😭07:12:36
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam JacksonMaybe we can use an arbitrary type annotation amd introspect it back out...07:13:15
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam Jackson https://docs.python.org/3/library/typing.html#typing.Annotated
sigma: Annotated[float, "no-scientific"] = ...
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam Jackson(I don't remember which parameter it was, maybe sigma is ok)07:17:18
@ajjackson:matrix.orgAdam Jackson* Maybe we can use an arbitrary type annotation and introspect it back out...07:18:07
@mjwaters:matrix.orgmjwatersHonestly, the vasp input has so many overloaded tag that any vasp interface will inherently be messy with weird catches. 07:19:14

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