
System Crafters

758 Members
The home for computer configuration enthusiasts! https://systemcrafters.net74 Servers

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13 Apr 2024
@holdyrterrorclose:matrix.orgNomin joined the room.12:51:43
@alex3829:matrix.orgreal_z2 joined the room.15:40:25
@cummingspatrick:matrix.orgPatrick Cummings joined the room.21:40:47
@cummingspatrick:matrix.orgPatrick Cummings left the room.21:43:08
14 Apr 2024
@antsy9960:matrix.somewhat.meAntsy joined the room.18:32:24
@antsy9960:matrix.somewhat.meAntsy left the room.18:33:19
@momodomo:matrix.orgmomo joined the room.22:45:15
16 Apr 2024
@wickcim:matrix.orgwickcim joined the room.01:37:29
@keshavhi:matrix.orgFBI Agent Kesh changed their profile picture.13:21:03
@keshavhi:matrix.orgFBI Agent Kesh changed their profile picture.13:21:25
17 Apr 2024
@alex3829:matrix.orgreal_z2 changed their display name from alex3829 to real_z22.04:36:19
@alex3829:matrix.orgreal_z2 changed their display name from real_z22 to real_z2.05:33:49
@zepolson:matrix.orgzepolson joined the room.08:13:57
@zepolson:matrix.orgzepolson left the room.08:19:24
@jean-lou.schmidt:matrix.komunomo.frJean-Lou left the room.09:12:34
@nehrbash:matrix.orgNehrbash joined the room.18:02:03
@nehrbash:matrix.orgNehrbash changed their display name from Stephen Nehrbass to Nehrbash.19:29:41
@nehrbash:matrix.orgNehrbash set a profile picture.19:29:46
18 Apr 2024
@gary_webber:matrix.orgtainted_jackal joined the room.23:13:04
28 Apr 2024
@sarosa:infosec.exchangeSarosa joined the room.06:48:13
@crazazy:utwente.iocrazazy changed their profile picture.16:10:16
@majoneza:matrix.orgMajoneza joined the room.19:12:03
@majoneza:matrix.orgMajoneza changed their display name from majoneza to Majoneza.19:24:58
@karlby:matrix.orgcarl eduar joined the room.21:39:35
29 Apr 2024
@boldmanj:beeper.comboldmanj joined the room.21:20:47
30 Apr 2024
@iso.ghost:matrix.orgiso.ghost joined the room.01:00:27
@iso.ghost:matrix.orgiso.ghost changed their display name from Jay Talamantes to iso.ghost.01:04:08
@icyp:matrix.orgmari changed their profile picture.13:10:55
1 May 2024
@keshavhi:matrix.orgFBI Agent Kesh changed their display name from FBI Agent to FBI Agent Kesh.04:20:26
@frost-752:matrix.orgFrost-752 joined the room.14:10:06

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