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26 Jul 2024
In reply to @bkil:matrix.org
It is not possible to construct a generator algorithm & its constants which could generate data with more entropy than what it would itself occupy:
In reply to @kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lv
i think they better look into training AI for more efficient storage solution of archiving data
Hasn’t byte dance developed an algorhytm to store megabytes of images in kilobytes of ai prompts to regenerate the original ?
In reply to @sky:codestorm.net
Hasn’t byte dance developed an algorhytm to store megabytes of images in kilobytes of ai prompts to regenerate the original ?
idk, guy above says it snot possibble
@bkil:matrix.orgbkilBut also, if even just every second household chimed into the effort of distributed storage & crawling for an archiveteam2, we could easily archive the whole public internet multiple times.20:30:36
@bkil:matrix.orgbkilSomething like on IPFS plus some validators20:30:48
In reply to @bkil:matrix.org
But also, if even just every second household chimed into the effort of distributed storage & crawling for an archiveteam2, we could easily archive the whole public internet multiple times.
and it would be slower than usenet
In reply to @kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lv
sent an image.
I live by this.
In reply to@funar:mgamers.com
I live by this.
@funar:mgamers.comFunarThat's really interesting, actually.20:37:54
In reply to @bkil:matrix.org
but ok so people are archiving this, but where can i access th earchived stuff?
@bkil:matrix.orgbkilThis agility is marvelous, though https://wiki.archiveteam.org/index.php/Google_Video20:44:52
In reply to@kuligs2:matrix.apefront.lv
but ok so people are archiving this, but where can i access th earchived stuff?
They are linked on the pages I shared
@bkil:matrix.orgbkilThey either seed it via Torrent or negotiate with The Internet Archive to upload it there20:46:29
@bkil:matrix.orgbkilIf you have the know-how, feel free to write a crawler for your favorite asset to save and start running it after discussing it on IRC. You can also reseed any Torrent from their that may interest you to make sure it never gets lost.20:52:02
@funar:mgamers.comFunarThere's a few YouTube channels I archive, like Periscope Films.21:00:15
@cynic:matrix.thisisjoes.sitecynic 🏴‍☠️
In reply to@funar:mgamers.com
IRC servers are sort of decentralized, but they have a hub+spoke network topology.
make of every server a room, bam, you got p2p irc
@funar:mgamers.comFunarIn theory, I suppose. lol21:28:19
@cynic:matrix.thisisjoes.sitecynic 🏴‍☠️pgp-based login21:28:40
@cynic:matrix.thisisjoes.sitecynic 🏴‍☠️or som21:28:49
@scnd:matrix.orgscndi have spare 200gb ram unused on my machine, what are some good uses for it?22:19:55
@cynic:matrix.thisisjoes.sitecynic 🏴‍☠️
In reply to@scnd:matrix.org
i have spare 200gb ram unused on my machine, what are some good uses for it?
@ifiguero:matrix.orgifigueroARC cache23:03:02
@mib:kanp.aimib 🥐but yes, vms. if you have some spare compute too, then maybe host some stuff? tor, i2p, anything public-servicey23:03:09
@mib:kanp.aimib 🥐* but yes, vms. if you have some spare compute too, then maybe host some stuff? tor relays, i2p nodes, anything public-servicey23:03:40
@ifiguero:matrix.orgifigueromaybe you can mount it as volatile storage23:07:37
@cynic:matrix.thisisjoes.sitecynic 🏴‍☠️rent it23:13:20
@cynic:matrix.thisisjoes.sitecynic 🏴‍☠️for vm's23:13:24
27 Jul 2024
@funar:mgamers.comFunarBig RAM Disk. Toss your most valuable files on it and then worry.01:01:38
@ifiguero:matrix.orgifiguero Or a temporary VM. Bet would be gold for fast testing with those disk speeds. 02:04:38
@scnd:matrix.orgscndthanks for the suggestions05:42:25

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