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25 Mar 2023
@7x70d:matrix.org@7x70d:matrix.org joined the room.13:48:47
@7x70d:matrix.org@7x70d:matrix.org left the room.13:48:52
26 Mar 2023
@knot_here:matrix.orgknot_hereThis is the best Gary Wayne interview I have come across. It would seem to me that at this time we are in is does not surprise me. May it serve you well to increase your understanding of the theater that we see. https://www.bitchute.com/video/VQZJWKpaPF1X/13:50:57
@knot_here:matrix.orgknot_here * This is the best Gary Wayne interview I have come across. It would seem to me that at this time we are in it does not surprise me. May it serve you well to increase your understanding of the theater that we see. https://www.bitchute.com/video/VQZJWKpaPF1X/14:11:26
1 Apr 2023
23 Apr 2023
@pjhoover:matrix.orgpjhooverI did not know this, did you?19:52:46
29 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.13:58:26
8 May 2023
@g-tenko-r:matrix.freyachat.eu@g-tenko-r:matrix.freyachat.eu joined the room.01:26:39
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.06:16:19
17 May 2023
@g-tenko-r:matrix.freyachat.eu@g-tenko-r:matrix.freyachat.eu left the room.21:20:52
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.21:18:29
21 May 2023
@luffy:chat.mistli.netluffy joined the room.06:16:20
24 May 2023
@marytru:matrix.orgmarytruI have missed watching the last few episodes of Good dog. But I'm wondering if he has said anything about the Feast of Tabernacles coming up. Does anyone have any information on that or suggested videos?18:03:04
30 May 2023
7 Jun 2023
@mama_j:matrix.orgmama_jAt 31:55 there is a partial view of a face that looks very familiar. Just as I was about to rewind to look again, his face comes into full view. It's quite shocking and I would like to know if anyone else can see the face I see.08:31:58
10 Jun 2023
@marytru:matrix.orgmarytru set a profile picture.22:19:56
17 Jun 2023
@puppynoodle1:matrix.orgpuppynoodle1 set a profile picture.18:16:05
4 Jul 2023
@dr.akalesh:matrix.orgdr.akalesh joined the room.18:48:08
8 Jul 2023
@dr.akalesh:matrix.orgdr.akalesh set a profile picture.15:27:33
10 Jul 2023
@dr.akalesh:matrix.orgdr.akalesh If you're wondering about decreeing and declaring here's a perspective that might help with understanding: https://youtu.be/QUcDekidnww02:33:51
13 Jul 2023
@dr.akalesh:matrix.orgdr.akaleshRather than decree and declare, there is 'a way' if one is so inclined to study the spiritual way. This Truth was hidden from us for so long, but some knew. With the internet now, writings from 100-200 years ago are accessable and books are even narrated. This is for the One with a greater spiritual understanding and a desire to do our Father's work while on this earth. The most important thing is to not use this for our own lusts and desires, and to give our Father all the glory: A lot of information for the serious student... Brown Landon's narrated books: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzkJWHdd0IN-HZeX1-sG2eoH48GUwl3L112:34:02
14 Jul 2023
15 Jul 2023
@dr.akalesh:matrix.orgdr.akalesh hs-reloaded: Bravo! I, like others, questioned why another creation story in John 1? What a wonder to understand the reason. John 1 is the beginning of the establishment of The Spiritual Kingdom, the New Testament, The New Priesthood after The Order of Melchizedek, The New Covenant with a new law...Love your neighbor(even your enemy) as yourself. The other commandment is from the beginning, love God with all your heart, soul, and might. If we follow these two, which we can only do if we are born from above, all the rest will be accomplished. Messiah's prayer in John 17 is so important. When we are born of Water and Spirit we are ONE(Yachad/Echad), we are a new creation, a new creature. The old heaven has passed away, rolled up like a scroll. We must understand the symbolism in scripture. Understanding only comes from above(the Spirit Realm) when we are born into the Spirit Kingdom. All of scripture may be opened to us by The Spirit, and when it is, how marvelous! First in the natural, then in the spiritual. While we all bore the natural(carnal) man, we will bear the heavenly(Spirit) man. Our Father is Spirit, Messiah returned to the Spirit Realm, and now dwells within The Children of Light, and they dwell within HIM. The "second coming" of Christ has been so misunderstood! He's been "coming" to dwell within those Born of The Spirit since He breathed into The Apostles and said, receive The Holy Spirit. Most religions and orthodoxy fail to even mention receiving The Breath of Eternal Life, and it does come to us as a breath. It doesn't come from water baptism or by someone screaming in your face, no, it comes when we go behind the veil of our mind, take no thought for the world in The Secret Place of The Most High, and ask for The Spirit to indwell us. But, we cannot ask with any puffed up-ness, or desires to squander it upon our lusts and desires. The Spirit searches men's hearts. "Seek ye FIRST The Kingdom of Elohiym and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you." How wonderful!!!! 21:18:54
1 Aug 2023
@texastoss757:matrix.orgTexastoss, joined the room.20:34:29
2 Aug 2023
@sarayah1919:matrix.org@sarayah1919:matrix.orgOn the 8th of May, I lost my sweet big sister in spirit. I have grieved her loss ever since. And life has not been the same. I was not able to write to you all about it before...until now. Our Adonai works all thongs for good...but I miss the meaning in this taking. HE giveth and HE taketh away. I miss her so very much...and don't understand so many things. We shared everything...or ...so I believed. She understood so many things...things I could only talk about with her. She was my amplifier to Yahua. When we payed in unison..I always felt Yah could hear our prayers very well. Now I just am left with a feeling of bleeding out...loss... My sweet big sister...gone....like a dust in the wind. I never had any expectations...only hopes. And with Yah's blessing...ALL would be good ...according to HIS will. I feel like I lost my tether... A piece of myself has been destroyed with this loss. The part in my heart where she lived...has been demolished. Sometimes destruction is necessary for new things to come into existence...but I do not understand the destruction in this. Maybe ...all this is above my understanding. Maybe...I should just be grateful...even though...I lack understanding this loss. May our Adonai bless all of you. And may he bless the sweet big sister I lost. Maybe she was never mine to keep. Thank you Yahuah! I do not always understand your ways...I do notunderstandthis time around... But you work all things for good...so I trust in that. Thank you all for reading. Signing out. SaraYah...for your Glory. Amein And Amein 23:49:28
@sarayah1919:matrix.org@sarayah1919:matrix.org* On the 8th of May, I lost my sweet big sister in spirit. I have grieved her loss ever since. And life has not been the same. I was not able to write to you all about it before...until now. Our Adonai works all things for good...but I miss the meaning in this taking. HE giveth and HE taketh away. I miss her so very much...and don't understand so many things. We shared everything...or ...so I believed. She understood so many things...things I could only talk about with her. She was my amplifier to Yahuah. When we prayed in unison..I always felt Yah could hear our prayers very well. Now I just am left with a feeling of bleeding out...loss... My sweet big sister...gone....like a dust in the wind. I never had any expectations...only hopes. And with Yah's blessing...ALL would be good ...according to HIS will. I feel like I lost my tether... A piece of myself has been destroyed with this loss. The part in my heart where she lived...has been demolished. Sometimes destruction is necessary for new things to come into existence...but I do not understand the destruction in this. Maybe ...all this is above my understanding. Maybe...I should just be grateful...even though...I lack understanding this loss. May our Adonai bless all of you. And may he bless the sweet big sister I lost. Maybe she was never mine to keep. Thank you Yahuah! I do not always understand your ways...I do notunderstandthis time around... But you work all things for good...so I trust in that. Thank you all for reading. Signing out. SaraYah...for your Glory. Amein And Amein 23:50:49
@sarayah1919:matrix.org@sarayah1919:matrix.org* On the 8th of May, I lost my sweet big sister in spirit. I have grieved her loss ever since. And life has not been the same. I was not able to write to you all about it before...until now. Our Adonai works all things for good...but I miss the meaning in this taking. HE giveth and HE taketh away. I miss her so very much...and don't understand so many things. We shared everything...or ...so I believed. She understood so many things...things I could only talk about with her. She was my amplifier to Yahuah. When we prayed in unison..I always felt Yah could hear our prayers very well. Now I just am left with a feeling of bleeding out...loss... My sweet big sister...gone....like a dust in the wind. I never had any expectations...only hopes. And with Yah's blessing...ALL would be good ...according to HIS will. I feel like I lost my thether... A piece of myself has been destroyed with this loss. The part in my heart where she lived...has been demolished. Sometimes destruction is necessary for new things to come into existence...but I do not understand the destruction in this. Maybe ...all this is above my understanding. Maybe...I should just be grateful...even though...I lack understanding this loss. May our Adonai bless all of you. And may he bless the sweet big sister I lost. Maybe she was never mine to keep. Thank you Yahuah! I do not always understand your ways...I do notunderstandthis time around... But you work all things for good...so I trust in that. Thank you all for reading. Signing out. SaraYah...for your Glory. Amein And Amein 23:51:52
@sarayah1919:matrix.org@sarayah1919:matrix.org* On the 8th of May, I lost my sweet big sister in spirit. I have grieved her loss ever since. And life has not been the same. I was not able to write to you all about it before...until now. Our Adonai works all things for good...but I miss the meaning in this taking. HE giveth and HE taketh away. I miss her so very much...and don't understand so many things. We shared everything...or ...so I believed. She understood so many things...things I could only talk about with her. She was my amplifier to Yahuah. When we prayed in unison..I always felt Yah could hear our prayers very well. Now I just am left with a feeling of bleeding out...loss... My sweet big sister...gone....like a dust in the wind. I never had any expectations...only hopes. And with Yah's blessing...ALL would be good ...according to HIS will. I feel like I lost my tether... A piece of myself has been destroyed with this loss. The part in my heart where she lived...has been demolished. Sometimes destruction is necessary for new things to come into existence...but I do not understand the destruction in this. Maybe ...all this is above my understanding. Maybe...I should just be grateful...even though...I lack understanding this loss. May our Adonai bless all of you. And may he bless the sweet big sister I lost. Maybe she was never mine to keep. Thank you Yahuah! I do not always understand your ways...I do notunderstandthis time around... But you work all things for good...so I trust in that. Thank you all for reading. Signing out. SaraYah...for your Glory. Amein And Amein 23:52:36

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