
Vegan on a Desert Island

702 Members
Cheeky adventure game about activism and animal liberation (WIP). https://gitlab.com/voadi/voadi39 Servers

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11 Feb 2019
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications
  • Move custom tiles from Zoria to VOADI tileset (67e5342b)
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason opened issue Touch controls (#136) 23:56:26
@gitlab:t2bot.ioGitlab Notifications [VOADI/Vegan on a Desert Island] Alex Gleason opened issue Create in-game overworld map with POIs (#137) 23:59:04
12 Feb 2019
@marykatefain:matrix.orgMary KateUpon request, here is my storyline idea. It gets a little shaky in the end and I haven't figured out 100% of the details, esp around the swamp, but you get the gist. Hope this helps! Feel free to take what is useful and leave the rest:02:28:23
@marykatefain:matrix.orgMary KateDownload VOADI Story Idea.odt02:28:34
@marykatefain:matrix.orgMary Kate(very cold draft, did not even proofread)02:28:45
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlexthank you!!02:28:54
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlexcontext: earlier I suggested some new story ideas to MK and she had even more ideas so I asked if she'd be willing to write them down02:29:27
@marykatefain:matrix.orgMary KateYou're welcome, I charge $.30/word 😛02:29:42
@_discord_212148861852975104:t2bot.iomkQasim#4403 Ahhh! 0.30 dollar a word. 😮 06:59:29

I feel like I was just able to sum up the new story pretty well:

Greybeard is like Magneto, except there is no professor X. It's like Magneto vs competing mutant groups.

Boom, VOADI's storyline

@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlexMy friend Ian says my story is like StarCraft16:29:13
Download Claudia.jpg
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex silentart's awesome Claudia illustration! 17:19:37
@marykatefain:matrix.orgMary KateAww I love her!17:55:30
@_discord_489805134667448330:t2bot.ioDiarandorRedacted or Malformed Event21:09:30
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Diarandor: Are you saying you want to eat a seagull?! 21:10:49
@_discord_489805134667448330:t2bot.ioDiarandor it looks yummy 21:10:42
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlexAre we going to have another one of those debates? 😆 How about you answer my question in #random21:12:00
13 Feb 2019
@_discord_212148861852975104:t2bot.iomkQasim#4403 I love the seagull 😮 06:30:45
@_discord_212148861852975104:t2bot.iomkQasim#4403 Are you still going to make the kick/paddle board haha. 06:30:56
@_discord_489805134667448330:t2bot.ioDiarandor we need a seagull restaurant in your vegan game :) 12:47:02
@_discord_489805134667448330:t2bot.ioDiarandor just joking. your game looks really nice 12:47:32
@_discord_489805134667448330:t2bot.ioDiarandor but what about artificial meat in your game? 12:48:30
@_discord_489805134667448330:t2bot.ioDiarandor you could put it in a mission, to save carnivors and avoid them from eating other animals 12:49:33
@marykatefain:matrix.orgMary Kate Diarandor: This is actually the general plan for the swamp area! 14:19:57
@_discord_489805134667448330:t2bot.ioDiarandor cool! as a carnivor, I aprove the idea 👍😀 17:11:01
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex I think you'll enjoy the game. It has a bias towards veganism obviously. But it also raises questions that are difficult for vegans to answer. 17:14:34
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlex Qasim: Maybe. :) I'm using flippers for now, but it's a fun idea. My only concern is that you can't easily recognize a paddle board in a 16x16 pixel 3-color sprite 17:16:01
@alexgleason:matrix.orgAlexWhereas the flippers are iconic17:16:23

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