
Pirate Ninjas

115 Members
Clash of Clans - pirateninjas.xyz21 Servers

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3 Apr 2019
@Dana:matrix.orgDanaHold that thought. Gonna start it tomorrow when I have more input. Arindale has already gone green so we need 6 more people to have a full active war line up!02:47:58
@ronniec:matrix.orgronniecDoes cavs clan have enough for cwl?11:45:19
@jb555:matrix.orgJersey JayThey started their cwl already11:45:49
@ronniec:matrix.orgronniecSo they have 30?11:45:58
@jb555:matrix.orgJersey JayA couple days ago11:45:59
@ronniec:matrix.orgronniecOr can you chose to have 1511:46:08
@Dana:matrix.orgDana Correct ronniec. But we really want to try the 30 person one cause 15 person matchups stink. At least more people will have fun with a 30 person one. 12:36:10
4 Apr 2019
@Luca12:matrix.orgLuca30 is a lot more balanced01:28:59
@Luca12:matrix.orgLucaWe run th 9+ and only get outmatches in the th 10 range, by 4 this time01:29:24
@jb555:matrix.orgJersey Jay👍01:33:54
@Luca12:matrix.orgLucaAny th 12s try qw miners02:29:59
@Luca12:matrix.orgLucaI’ve taken out 2 th 12s with it so far all having max xbows, eagle and infernos02:30:28
@Luca12:matrix.orgLucaThat’s in war02:30:43
5 Apr 2019
@dudey11:matrix.orgdudey11Did I lose all my magical items after the upgrade?12:33:47
@dudey11:matrix.orgdudey11I can’t seem to find the list of items that I have...🤔12:34:31
@Alomir:matrix.orgAlomir ArindaleThey moved them to your town hall12:34:58
@Alomir:matrix.orgAlomir ArindaleSneaky SOBs12:35:18
@dudey11:matrix.orgdudey11Good catch... looked everywhere but there. Thanks!!12:35:47
@Alomir:matrix.orgAlomir Arindale👍12:36:20
6 Apr 2019
@jb555:matrix.orgJersey JayIMG_20190405_210039725.jpg
Download IMG_20190405_210039725.jpg
@jb555:matrix.orgJersey JayJust finished cutting this batch and they are killer!!!01:01:29
@ErkNinja:matrix.orgErkNinjaThose look awesome!01:01:56
11 Apr 2019
@jb555:matrix.orgJersey JayDo i let in this guy requesting?00:45:18
@jb555:matrix.orgJersey JayHe looks worthy and we are at war ........00:45:33
@jb555:matrix.orgJersey JayIm not sure i care bout the, we are at war thing00:45:50
@ErkNinja:matrix.orgErkNinjaGo for it00:49:55
12 Apr 2019
@jb555:matrix.orgJersey JayYay i got matrix back03:17:49
@jb555:matrix.orgJersey JayCrazy crash03:17:57

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